5 research outputs found

    Genetski deverzitet u okviru fragmenta gena myo15a, odgovornog za sluh u populaciji životinja familije canidae u uslovima farmskog i slobodnog uzgoja

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    The gene MYO15A is involved in the production of a protein included in the group of motor proteins known as myosins. Myosin XVA is located in the inner ear, the pituitary gland and other tissues, and has a substantial influence on the hearing process. Mutations in this gene cause amino acid substitutions in the conserved motor domain of the myosin chain, leading to shortening of the stereocilia in the hair cells, so that the function of myosin XVA is impaired. A research hypothesis was put forth that mutations in the gene responsible for the hearing process in animals of the Canidae family can cause hypoacusis, as well as substantial behavioural changes in dogs (ranging from timidity to aggressive behaviour). The study determined SNP polymorphism in a fragment of the gene MYO15A, which can cause hearing disorders or hypoacusis, in wild and farmed individuals of the Canidae family.Gen MYO15A je uključen u stvaranje proteina iz grupe motornih proteina - miozina. Miozin XVA je lociran u unutrašnjem uhu, hipofi zi i drugim tkivima, i značajno utiče na slušni proces. Mutacije u ovom genu izazivaju supstitucije aminokiselina u konzervisanom motornom domenu lanca miozina, što dovodi do skraćenja stereocilija slušnih ćelija, a kao posledica dolazi do poremećaja funkcije XVA miozina. Postavljena je istraživačka hipoteza koja je pretpostavljala da mutacije u genu koji je odgovoran za slušni proces kod životinja familije Canidae mogu da izazovu hipoakustiku kao i značajne promene u ponašanju pasa, od povučenosti i straha do agresivnosti. Ispitivanjem je determinisan SNP polimorfi zam u fragmentu gena MYO15A koji može da dovede do poremećaja sluha kako kod divljih tako i kod farmski uzgajanih životinja familije Canidae

    Comparative molecular analysis of strains of the Aleutian Disease Virus isolated from farmed and wild mink

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    Introduction and objective Aleutian Disease is a significant biological factor causing substantial losses in mink farming. The virus inducing the disease also infects wild populations which may constitute an asymptomatic reservoir. To compare genetic variants of the AMD virus occurring in wild and farmed mink populations, an analysis was performed on a fragment of the VP2 protein sequence of the virus infecting both populations, taken from different living environments. Material and Methods Genetic material was isolated from 11 farmed animals in which anti-AMDV antibodies had been detected and from 20 wild animals. The DNA obtained was amplified using primers specific for the fragment encoding the VP2 protein. The product obtained was sequenced and bioinformatic analysis was performed. Results Viral material was detected in 11 farmed and 7 free-living animals. Similarity of sequences averaged 99% within groups and 94% between groups. The sequencing results made it possible to identify characteristic changes for each group. In the isolates from the wild animals, the following changes were observed in the epitope region with respect to the reference sequence: C3704T, G3710A, T3722C, T3746C and A3749G. In the isolates from the farmed animals a G3779A transition was noted. Phylogenetic analysis showed that the variants infecting the two groups occupy separate branches of the phylogenetic tree. Conclusions The variants of the virus infecting the two groups may have a common origin, but at present they constitute two separate groups, with characteristic differences making it possible to recognize their genotype

    Analysis of Age-Related Global DNA Methylation in Chicken

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    International audienceDNA methylation is an epigenetic modification that plays an important role in the normal development and function of organisms. The level of DNA methylation is species-, tissue-, and organelle-specific, and the methylation pattern is determined during embryogenesis. DNA methylation has also been correlated with age. The aim of this study was to determine the global DNA methylation levels and their correlation with age in the chicken, using a Polish autosexing chicken breed, Polbar. A quantitative technique based on an immunoenzymatic assay was used for global DNA methylation analysis. The results show increased global DNA methylation levels with older Polbar embryos. Global DNA methylation levels decrease with the age of hens in the postembryonic stage. This study expands the current knowledge of the Polbar epigenome and the general knowledge of the function of epigenetic mechanisms in birds

    SNP Genetic Diversity Within a Fragment of the Gene Myo15a Responsible for the Hearing Process in a Population of Farmed and Free-Living Animals of the Canidae Family/SNP Genetski Deverzitet U Okviru Fragmenta Gena Myo15a, Odgovornog Za Sluh U Populaciji Životinja Familije Canidae U Uslovima Farmskog I Slobodnog Uzgoja

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    The gene MYO15A is involved in the production of a protein included in the group of motor proteins known as myosins. Myosin XVA is located in the inner ear, the pituitary gland and other tissues, and has a substantial influence on the hearing process. Mutations in this gene cause amino acid substitutions in the conserved motor domain of the myosin chain, leading to shortening of the stereocilia in the hair cells, so that the function of myosin XVA is impaired. A research hypothesis was put forth that mutations in the gene responsible for the hearing process in animals of the Canidae family can cause hypoacusis, as well as substantial behavioural changes in dogs (ranging from timidity to aggressive behaviour). The study determined SNP polymorphism in a fragment of the gene MYO15A, which can cause hearing disorders or hypoacusis, in wild and farmed individuals of the Canidae family.Gen MYO15A je uključen u stvaranje proteina iz grupe motornih proteina - miozina. Miozin XVA je lociran u unutrašnjem uhu, hipofi zi i drugim tkivima, i značajno utiče na slušni proces. Mutacije u ovom genu izazivaju supstitucije aminokiselina u konzervisanom motornom domenu lanca miozina, što dovodi do skraćenja stereocilija slušnih ćelija, a kao posledica dolazi do poremećaja funkcije XVA miozina. Postavljena je istraživačka hipoteza koja je pretpostavljala da mutacije u genu koji je odgovoran za slušni proces kod životinja familije Canidae mogu da izazovu hipoakustiku kao i značajne promene u ponašanju pasa, od povučenosti i straha do agresivnosti. Ispitivanjem je determinisan SNP polimorfi zam u fragmentu gena MYO15A koji može da dovede do poremećaja sluha kako kod divljih tako i kod farmski uzgajanih životinja familije Canidae