2,082 research outputs found

    The Industry and the Unions: An Overview

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    [Excerpt] This overview chapter provides a framework for the chapters that follow by broadly describing the arts, entertainment, and electronic media (AEEM) industry and the problems confronting it. The overview is presented in four sections focused on: first, the economic structure of the industry; second, unions and bargaining structure; third, the impact of technological changes; and fourth, historical responses on the part of unions and the labor relations system to technological change

    Looking Ahead

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    [Excerpt] The American entertainment industry and its system of labor-management relations is now at a crossroads. Its future will be determined to a great extent by emerging developments that could either hinder or facilitate expansion, depending on the course of affairs approaching the year 2000. The key trends will converge to influence the course of collective bargaining in the industry and the choices made by unions and employers

    Optimal Pollution Abatement - Whose Benefits Matter, and How Much?

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    We examine measures of environmental regulatory activity (inspections and enforcement actions) and levels of air and water pollution at approximately 300 U.S. pulp and paper mills, using data for 1985-1997. We find that levels of air and water pollution emissions are affected both by the benefits from pollution abatement and by the characteristics of the people exposed to the pollution. The results suggest substantial differences in the weights assigned to different types of people: the benefits received by out-of-state people seem to count only half as much as benefits received in-state, although their weight increases if the bordering state's Congressional delegation is strongly pro-environment. Some variables are also associated with greater regulatory activity being directed towards the plant, but those results are less consistent with our hypotheses than the pollution emissions results. One set of results was consistently contrary to expectations: plants with more nonwhites nearby emit less pollution. Some of our results might be due to endogenous sorting of people based on pollution levels, but an attempt to examine this using the local population turnover rate found evidence of sorting for only one of four pollutants.

    Book Review

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    Law and Responsibility in Warfar

    A Cross-Canada Study of High School Art Teachers

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    In A Place Called School (1984) Goodlad suggested that art teaching in American schools was characterized by make-work projects, lack of concern for individuality, and general fuzziness of goals. To determine whether the same could be said of art teaching in Canada, we studied 59 high schools across the country. We conclude that Canadian art teachers enjoy considerable autonomy in what they teach and how they teach it. Teachers' goals for the students, while often developed from personal experience rather than from identifiable prescriptive sources, nevertheless have sufficient commonality that their subject can be characterized as ``art.' Our study's profile of the Canadian high school art teacher is more complex than that in Goodlad's American research. Dans A Place Called School (1984), Goodlad avance que les cours d'arts plastiques dans les écoles américaines sont au fond des cours de remplissage dont les objectifs sont en général assez flous. Pour déterminer s'il en est de même au Canada, nous avons étudié 59 écoles secondaires d'un océan à l'autre. Nous sommes maintenant en mesure de conclure que les enseignants en arts plastiques jouissent d'une très grande autonomie quant à la matière enseignée et aux méthodes pédagogiques. Si les buts que fixent les enseignants à leurs élèves sont souvent dérivés de l'expérience personnelle plutôt que de sources normatives identifiables, ils sont suffisamment semblables pour que la matière à laquelle ils se rattachent soit identifiée sous la dénomination ``arts plastiques.' Le profil que trace notre étude de l'enseignant en arts plastiques au secondaire est plus complexe que celui qui ressort de la recherche menée par Goodlad aux États-Unis.

    Genetic, environmental and gender influences on attachment disorder behaviours

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    Background Despite current interest in attachment disorder, there is concern about its discrimination from other disorders and an unproven assumption of an environmental aetiology. Aims To test whether behaviours suggestive of attachment disorder are distinct from other childhood behavioural and emotional problems and are solely environmentally determined. Method In a community sample of 13 472 twins, we carried out factor analysis of questionnaire items encompassing behaviours indicative of attachment disorder, conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional difficulties. We used behavioural genetic model-fitting analysis to explore the contribution of genes and environment. Results Factor analysis showed clear discrimination between behaviours suggestive of attachment disorder, conduct problems, hyperactivity and emotional problems. Behavioural genetics analysis suggested a strong genetic influence to attachment disorder behaviour, with males showing higher heritability. Conclusions Behaviours suggestive of attachment disorder can be differentiated from common childhood emotional and behavioural problems and appear to be strongly genetically influenced, particularly in boys. INTRODUCTION TOP ABSTRACT INTRODUCTION METHOD RESULTS DISCUSSION REFERENCES There have been recent attempts to codify behaviours associated with early neglect and institutionalisation (Chisolm et al, 1995; Zeanah et al, 2004) into a psychiatric category. Both DSM–IV and ICD–10 describe reactive attachment disorder, with two subtypes encompassing inhibited and disinhibited behaviour (World Health Organization, 1992; American Psychiatric Association, 1994). Questions remain about the nosology of the syndrome beyond age 5 years (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, 2005), therefore we simply refer to ‘attachment disorder behaviours’. We seek to extend the extant literature by testing two hypotheses: first, that the two subtypes are distinct from one another and from other common behavioural and emotional problems in young children, and second that these behavioural patterns are environmentally mediated. We capitalise on a twin study, a design that provides particular leverage in testing environmental hypotheses

    1826 contract for construction of facilities at the Pensacola Naval Station and its implications for historical research using agency theory

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    This contract dispute enhances our understanding of agency relationships and fosters greater recognition of the limitations and hazards of historical research using an agency literature framework. The accounting records, related memoranda, and reports submitted also provide insight into the nature and character of early defense contract accounting and relationships between these contractors and the government. Difficulties confronted by the Navy in securing a contractor; contract terms; civilian contractor\u27s project accounting records, related memoranda, and correspondence with naval authorities are reviewed. The post-contract correspondence provides insight into how early 19th century government contractors attempted to resolve disputes with the government


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    [Excerpt] There is perhaps no more visible segment of the American economy than the arts and entertainment sector. When the Writers guild engaged its members in a strike against the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers in 1988, the popular culture of the vast majority of the American public was deeply affected. New television shows were delayed and the networks scrambled to find replacement programming. Virtually everyone was aware of the labor-management conflict, though probably not of its cause, and conscious of its impact on their lives. It could be argued that strikes in any of a half-dozen industries over the course of that year had less impact on the average American life, even though many times the number of workers were effected

    Foundations of Reasoning with Uncertainty via Real-valued Logics

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    Real-valued logics underlie an increasing number of neuro-symbolic approaches, though typically their logical inference capabilities are characterized only qualitatively. We provide foundations for establishing the correctness and power of such systems. For the first time, we give a sound and complete axiomatization for a broad class containing all the common real-valued logics. This axiomatization allows us to derive exactly what information can be inferred about the combinations of real values of a collection of formulas given information about the combinations of real values of several other collections of formulas. We then extend the axiomatization to deal with weighted subformulas. Finally, we give a decision procedure based on linear programming for deciding, under certain natural assumptions, whether a set of our sentences logically implies another of our sentences.Comment: 9 pages (incl. references), 9 pages supplementary. In submission to NeurIPS 202