25 research outputs found

    Biorefinery: Biomaterials and Bioenergy from Photosynthesis, within Zero Emission Framework

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    Limits to CO2-Neutrality of Burning Wood. (Review)

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    Runa dla kompozyt贸w z elektroprz臋dzonych nanow艂贸kien z PVA i celulozy

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    A study of the manufacturing and characterisation of poly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) nanofibre mats reinforced with microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) is presented. Results obtained from Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectrometry and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) of the products are discussed and interpreted. PVA nano-fibre mats reinforced with MCC nano-whiskers (CNWs) were prepared from aqueous PVA solutions by NanospiderTM high-voltage electro-spinning on NS Lab 200 (Elmarco) equipment with a circular cylinder as the emitting electrode. PVA/CNWs mats of a modal nano-fibre diameter of 300 nm and average diameter within the range from 350 to 294 nm were obtained by the electro-spinning technique. Solution parameters, such as the content of CNWs in the solution and PVA concentration and viscosity were varied in an attempt to produce possibly finer cellulose nano-fibres.Przedstawiono badania dotycz膮ce wytwarzania i charakterystyki nanow艂贸kien z PVA wzmocnionych mikrokrystaliczn膮 celuloz膮. W艂贸kna otrzymywano za pomoc膮 elektroprz臋dzenia przy zastosowaniu urz膮dzenia Nanospider i formowania runa. W艂贸kna badano za pomoc膮 spektroskopii ATR-FTIR i elektromikroskopii skaningowej SEM. Uzyskano w艂贸kna o modalnej 艣rednicy 300 nm i 艣redniej w zakresie 294-350 nm. W celu uzyskania mo偶liwie najcie艅szych w艂贸kien stosowano ro偶ne warunki prz臋dzenia i st臋偶enia roztworu prz臋dzalniczego