7 research outputs found

    Flexible available employment, types, motifs and effects 1988-1990

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    Motifs of employers to use flexible constuctions for employment in their business. Type of business / number of working hours in full-time working week / number of employees with full-time contract and part-time contract / employees working at home / use of temporary workers, callable employees, outworkers, free-lancers, employees with a temporary employment contract / fluctuations in production or service, predictability of fluctuations / indexed production of month with lowest production and best month / maximum and minimum number of employees at work / use of part-time employees, employees with a temporary employment contract, temporary workers, callable employees in the period of 1985-1988: percentage of lower skilled work/ pro and contra, expectations of change in use / parts of production process are put out: frequency, pro and contra, expectations of change in put outs / overtime hours / availability of personnel for other tasks by changes in job descriptions, schooling / characteristics of business: establishment is part of concern, changes in number of annual working hours, expenses on salaries, annual turnover. Background variables: residenc

    Gezondheid en arbeidsgerelateerde baten

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    Het ministerie van Volksgezondheid, Welzijn en Sport heeft samen met het ministerie van Sociale Zaken en Werkgelegenheid SEOR (hoofdaannemer) en SEO Economisch Onderzoek opdracht gegeven voor een onderzoek naar de invloed van gezondheid op arbeidsgerelateerde aspecten. Het doel van dit onderzoek is om de invloed van gezondheid op arbeidsgerelateerde aspecten als participatie en productiviteit te kwantificeren. Op deze manier is het mogelijk om een indicatie te geven van de arbeidsgerelateerde financiële baten die gepaard gaan met een betere gezondheid

    Flexibele arbeid 1988-1990 : Vormen, motieven en effecten

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    Motifs of employers to use flexible constuctions for employment in their business. Type of business / number of working hours in full-time working week / number of employees with full-time contract and part-time contract / employees working at home / use of temporary workers, callable employees, outworkers, free-lancers, employees with a temporary employment contract / fluctuations in production or service, predictability of fluctuations / indexed production of month with lowest production and best month / maximum and minimum number of employees at work / use of part-time employees, employees with a temporary employment contract, temporary workers, callable employees in the period of 1985-1988: percentage of lower skilled work/ pro and contra, expectations of change in use / parts of production process are put out: frequency, pro and contra, expectations of change in put outs / overtime hours / availability of personnel for other tasks by changes in job descriptions, schooling / characteristics of business: establishment is part of concern, changes in number of annual working hours, expenses on salaries, annual turnover. Background variables: residenc