454 research outputs found

    Course-Based Versus Field Undergraduate Research Experiences

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    This paper compares undergraduate course-based research experiences to field-based research experiences to understand the relationship between these different forms of experiential learning. I study undergraduate research experiences across an economics department at a large Canadian research university. Statistical analysis indicates there are not large differences between field- and course-based experiences. The main differences favour course-based instruction, with course-based experiences associated with more independent thinking and relevant task engagement. Overall, I conclude curriculum designers should focus attention on proper course-based curriculum design rather than simply trying to adapt “research-like” experiences into the classroom

    Business growth ambitions amongst SMEs – changes over time and links to growth

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    This study is a follow up to a report published in 2012 which examined the level and determinants of growth ambition amongst UK SMEs . The purpose of this research is to resurvey the respondents to the 2012 study in order to generate new data which, in combination with secondary data on business performance, will provide answers to the following key research questions: ‱ How does ambition change over time and what influences this? ‱ What is the relationship between ambition and business performance? In addition to these major research aims, other study objectives were set which include examining the effect of growth ambition on productivity, employment growth and turnover growth and to examine and identify the policy relevance of the findings

    Hybrid guiding-centre/full-orbit simulations in non-axisymmetric magnetic geometry exploiting general criterion for guiding-centre accuracy

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    To identify under what conditions guiding-centre or full-orbit tracing should be used, an estimation of the spatial variation of the magnetic field is proposed, not only taking into account gradient and curvature terms but also parallel currents and the local shearing of field-lines. The criterion is derived for general three-dimensional magnetic equilibria including stellarator plasmas. Details are provided on how to implement it in cylindrical coordinates, and in flux coordinates that rely on the geometric toroidal angle. A means of switching between guiding-centre and full-orbit equations at first order in Larmor radius with minimal discrepancy is shown. Techniques are applied to a MAST (Mega Amp Spherical Tokamak) helical core equilibrium in which the inner kinked flux-surfaces are tightly compressed against the outer axisymmetric mantle and where the parallel current peaks at the nearly rational surface. This is put in relation with the simpler situation B⃗(x,y,z)=B0[sin⁡(kx)ey⃗+cos⁡(kx)ez⃗]\vec{B}(x,y,z) = B_0 [\sin(kx) \vec{e_y} + \cos(kx)\vec{e_z}], for which full orbits and lowest order drifts are obtained analytically. In the kinked equilibrium, the full orbits of NBI fast ions are solved numerically and shown to follow helical drift surfaces. This result partially explains the off-axis redistribution of NBI fast particles in the presence of MAST Long-Lived Modes (LLM).Comment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Measuring Returns to Hospital Care: Evidence from Ambulance Referral Patterns

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    We consider whether hospitals that receive higher payments from Medicare improve patient outcomes, using exogenous variation in ambulance company assignment among patients who live near one another. Using Medicare data from 2002–10 on assignment across ambulance companies and New York State data from 2000–6 on assignment across area boundaries, we find that patients who are brought to higher-cost hospitals achieve better outcomes. Our estimates imply that a one standard deviation increase in Medicare reimbursement leads to a 4 percentage point (or 10 percent) reduction in mortality; the implied cost per at least 1 year of life saved is approximately $80,000.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (R01 AG41794-01
