11,267 research outputs found

    Curved Beta-Gamma Systems and Quantum Koszul Resolution

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    We consider the partition function of beta-gamma systems in curved space of the type discussed by Nekrasov and Witten. We show how the Koszul resolution theorem can be applied to the computation of the partition functions and to characters of these systems and find a prescription to enforce the hypotheses of the theorem at the path integral level. We illustrate the technique in a few examples: a simple 2-dimensional target space, the N-dimensional conifold, and a superconifold. Our method can also be applied to the Pure Spinor constraints of superstrings.Comment: harvmac, 17 page

    Super-Chern-Simons Theory as Superstring Theory

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    Superstrings and topological strings with supermanifolds as target space play a central role in the recent developments in string theory. Nevertheless the rules for higher-genus computations are still unclear or guessed in analogy with bosonic and fermionic strings. Here we present a common geometrical setting to develop systematically the prescription for amplitude computations. The geometrical origin of these difficulties is the theory of integration of superforms. We provide a translation between the theory of supermanifolds and topological strings with supertarget space. We show how in this formulation one can naturally construct picture changing operators to be inserted in the correlation functions to soak up the zero modes of commuting ghost and we derive the amplitude prescriptions from the coupling with an extended topological gravity on the worldsheet. As an application we consider a simple model on R^(3|2) leading to super-Chern-Simons theory.Comment: hravmac, 50p

    The Covariant Quantum Superstring and Superparticle from their Classical Actions

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    We develop an approach based on the Noether method to construct nilpotent BRST charges and BRST-invariant actions. We apply this approach first to the holomorphic part of the flat-space covariant superstring, and we find that the ghosts b, c_z which we introduced by hand in our earlier work, are needed to fix gauge symmetries of the ghost action. Then we apply this technique to the superparticle and determine its cohomology. Finally, we extend our results to the combined left- and right-moving sectors of the superstring.Comment: 14 pages, harmva

    Fluctuating Initial Conditions and Anisotropic Flows

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    In this work we study the connection between anisotropic flows and lumpy initial conditions for Au+Au collisions at 200GeV. We present comparisons between anisotropic flow coefficients and eccentricities up to sixth order, and between initial condition reference angles and azimuthal particle distribution angles. We also present a toy model to justify the lack of connection between flow coefficients and eccentricities for individual events.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Equations of the reaction-diffusion type with a loop algebra structure

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    A system of equations of the reaction-diffusion type is studied in the framework of both the direct and the inverse prolongation structure. We find that this system allows an incomplete prolongation Lie algebra, which is used to find the spectral problem and a whole class of nonlinear field equations containing the original ones as a special case.Comment: 16 pages, LaTex. submitted to Inverse Problem

    Equilibrium molecular energies used to obtain molecular dissociation energies and heats of formation within the bond-order correlation approach

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    Ab initio calculations including electron correlation are still extremely costly except for the smallest atoms and molecules. Therefore, our purpose in the present study is to employ a bond-order correlation approach to obtain, via equilibrium molecular energies, molecular dissociation energies and heats of formation for some 20 molecules containing C, H, and O atoms, with a maximum number of electrons around 40. Finally, basis set choice is shown to be important in the proposed procedure to include electron correlation effects in determining thermodynamic properties. With the optimum choice of basis set, the average percentage error for some 20 molecules is approximately 20% for heats of formation. For molecular dissociation energies the average error is much smaller: ~0.4.Comment: Mol. Phys., to be publishe

    Primordial star formation: relative impact of H2 three-body rates and initial conditions

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    Population III stars are the first stars in the Universe to form at z=20-30 out of a pure hydrogen and helium gas in minihalos of 10^5-10^6 M⊙_\odot . Cooling and fragmentation is thus regulated via molecular hydrogen. At densities above 10^8 cm−3^{-3}, the three-body H2 formation rates are particularly important for making the gas fully molecular. These rates were considered to be uncertain by at least a few orders of magnitude. We explore the impact of new accurate three-body H2 formation rates derived by Forrey (2013) for three different minihalos, and compare to the results obtained with three-body rates employed in previous studies. The calculations are performed with the cosmological hydrodynamics code ENZO (release 2.2) coupled with the chemistry package KROME (including a network for primordial chemistry), which was previously shown to be accurate in high resolution simulations. While the new rates can shift the point where the gas becomes fully molecular, leading to a different thermal evolution, there is no trivial trend in how this occurs. While one might naively expect the results to be inbetween the calculations based on Palla et al. (1983) and Abel et al. (2002), the behavior can be close to the former or the latter depending on the dark matter halo that is explored. We conclude that employing the correct three-body rates is about as equally important as the use of appropriate initial conditions, and that the resulting thermal evolution needs to be calculated for every halo individually.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, A&A, 561, A13 (2014

    Superstrings and WZNW Models

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    We give a brief review of our approach to the quantization of superstrings. New is a covariant derivation of the measure at tree level and a path integral formula for this measure.Comment: 12 pp, LaTeX, Contribution to the QTS3 Conference Proceeding
