1,562 research outputs found

    Higher-loop amplitudes in the non-minimal pure spinor formalism

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    We analyze the properties of the non-minimal pure spinor formalism. We show that Siegel gauge on massless vertex operators implies the primary field constraint and the level-matching condition in closed string theory by reconstructing the integrated vertex operator representation from the unintegrated ones. The pure spinor integration in the non-minimal formalism needs a regularisation. To this end we introduce a new regulator for the pure spinor integration and an extension of the regulator to allow for the saturation of the fermionic d-zero modes to all orders in perturbation. We conclude with a preliminary analysis of the properties of the four-graviton amplitude to all genus order.Comment: v1: harvmac format. 28 pages. No figures. v2: added references and typos corrected. Expanded discussion of the zero mode counting and the vanishing condition of amplitudes. v3: minor correction

    Topological M Theory from Pure Spinor Formalism

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    We construct multiloop superparticle amplitudes in 11d using the pure spinor formalism. We explain how this construction reduces to the superparticle limit of the multiloop pure spinor superstring amplitudes prescription. We then argue that this construction points to some evidence for the existence of a topological M theory based on a relation between the ghost number of the full-fledged supersymmetric critical models and the dimension of the spacetime for topological models. In particular, we show that the extensions at higher orders of the previous results for the tree and one-loop level expansion for the superparticle in 11 dimensions is related to a topological model in 7 dimensions.Comment: harvmac, 28pp. v2: Assorted english correction

    Hodge Dualities on Supermanifolds

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    We discuss the cohomology of superforms and integral forms from a new perspective based on a recently proposed Hodge dual operator. We show how the superspace constraints (a.k.a. rheonomic parametrisation) are translated from the space of superforms Ω(p0)\Omega^{(p|0)} to the space of integral forms Ω(pm)\Omega^{(p|m)} where 0pn0 \leq p \leq n, nn is the bosonic dimension of the supermanifold and mm its fermionic dimension. We dwell on the relation between supermanifolds with non-trivial curvature and Ramond-Ramond fields, for which the Laplace-Beltrami differential, constructed with our Hodge dual, is an essential ingredient. We discuss the definition of Picture Lowering and Picture Raising Operators (acting on the space of superforms and on the space of integral forms) and their relation with the cohomology. We construct non-abelian curvatures for gauge connections in the space Ω(1m)\Omega^{(1|m)} and finally discuss Hodge dual fields within the present framework.Comment: 35 page

    Direct Algebraic Restoration of Slavnov-Taylor Identities in the Abelian Higgs-Kibble Model

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    A purely algebraic method is devised in order to recover Slavnov-Taylor identities (STI), broken by intermediate renormalization. The counterterms are evaluated order by order in terms of finite amplitudes computed at zero external momenta. The evaluation of the breaking terms of the STI is avoided and their validity is imposed directly on the vertex functional. The method is applied to the abelian Higgs-Kibble model. An explicit mass term for the gauge field is introduced, in order to check the relevance of nilpotency. We show that, since there are no anomalies, the imposition of the STI turns out to be equivalent to the solution of a linear problem. The presence of ST invariants implies that there are many possible solutions, corresponding to different normalization conditions. Moreover, we find more equations than unknowns (over-determined problem). This leads us to the consideration of consistency conditions, that must be obeyed if the restoration of STI is possible.Comment: 10 pages, Latex and packages amsfonts, amssymb and amsth

    Novel Free Differential Algebras for Supergravity

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    We develop the theory of Free Integro-Differential Algebras (FIDA) extending the powerful technique of Free Differential Algebras constructed by D. Sullivan. We extend the analysis beyond the superforms to integral- and pseudo-forms used in supergeometry. It is shown that there are novel structures that might open the road to a deeper understanding of the geometry of supergravity. We apply the technique to some models as an illustration and we provide a complete analysis for D=11 supergravity. There, it is shown how the Hodge star operator for supermanifolds can be used to analyze the set of cocycles and to build the corresponding FIDA. A new integral form emerges which plays the role of the truly dual to 4-form F(4)F^{(4)} and we propose a new variational principle on supermanifolds.Comment: 28 page

    BFT embedding of the Green-Schwarz superstring and the pure spinor formalism

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    We worked out the Batalin-Fradkin-Tyutin (BFT) conversion program of second class constraints to first class constraints in the GS superstring using light cone coordinates. By applying this systematic procedure we were able to obtain a gauge system that is equivalent to the recent model proposed by Berkovits and Marchioro to relate the GS superstring to the pure spinor formalism.Comment: 12 pages latex2e, v2 typos fixed, v3 published in JHE