489 research outputs found

    Combining the conservation of biodiversity with the provision of ecosystem services in urban green infrastructure planning. Critical features arising from a case study in the metropolitan area of Rome

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    A large number of green infrastructure (GI) projects have recently been proposed, planned and implemented in European cities following the adoption of the GI strategy by the EU Commission in 2013. Although this policy tool is closely related to biodiversity conservation targets, some doubts have arisen as regards the ability of current urban GI to provide beneficial effects not only for human societies but also for the ecological systems that host them. The aim of this work is to review the features that should be considered critical when searching for solutions that simultaneously support biodiversity and guarantee the provision of ecosystem services (ES) in urban areas. Starting from a case study in the metropolitan area of Rome, we highlight the role of urban trees and forests as proxies for overall biodiversity and as main ecosystem service providers. We look beyond the individual functional features of plant species and vegetation communities to promote the biogeographic representativity, ecological coherence and landscape connectivity of new or restored GI elements

    Plant invasion as an emerging challenge for the conservation of heritage sites. The spread of ornamental trees on ancient monuments in Rome, Italy

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    Cultural heritage sites such as historical or sacred areas provide suitable habitats for plants and play an important role in nature conservation, particularly in human-modified contexts such as urban environments. However, such sites also provide opportunities for the spread of invasive species, whose impact on monuments has been raising growing concerns. The aim of this study was to investigate the patterns of distribution and spread of invasive plants in heritage areas, taking the city of Rome as an example. We focused on woody species as they pose the greatest threat to the conservation of monuments, owing to the detrimental effects of their root system. We analysed changes in the diversity and traits of native and non-native flora growing on the walls of 26 ancient sites that have been surveyed repeatedly since the 1940s. We found that the diversity of the native flora has steadily decreased, while there has been an increase in non-native, larger and more damaging species. The introduced species that have expanded most are ornamental wind- or bird-dispersed trees, which represent a major management problem as their propagules can reach the upper sections of the monuments, where they become more difficult to control. The most widespread and damaging of such species is Ailanthus altissima, which has recently been included among the invasive species of European Union concern (EU Regulation 2019/1262). Our findings show that plant invasion is an emerging challenge for the conservation of heritage sites and needs to be prioritized for management to prevent future expansion

    Thrombotische Mikroangiopathien nach extrakorporaler Zirkulation: Wichtige Differenzialdiagnose

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    Zusammenfassung: Thrombotische Mikroangiopathien sind durch Thrombozytenaktivierung, Endothelzellschädigung, Hämolyse und mikrovaskuläre Okklusionen gekennzeichnet. Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Gruppe von Erkrankungen, deren Hauptvertreter die thrombotische thrombozytopenische Purpura (TTP) und das hämolytisch-urämische Syndrom (HUS) sind. Klinisch bestehen bei den Patienten eine mikroangiopathische hämolytische Anämie mit Thrombozytopenie und okklusionsbedingte Organischämien in variabler Ausprägung. Die Symptomatik der einzelnen Krankheitsbilder überschneidet sich häufig, sodass eine eindeutige Zuordnung anhand klinischer Kriterien oft schwierig ist. Aufgrund einer hohen Mortalität, insbesondere der TTP, sind eine schnelle Diagnostik und Therapie erforderlich. Es wird über 2Patienten mit thrombotischen Mikroangiopathien nach kardiochirurgischen Eingriffen berichtet. Da TTP, HUS und eine medikamentöse Ätiologie weitgehend ausgeschlossen wurden, wurde ein Zusammenhang zwischen der extrakorporalen Zirkulation während dem herzchirurgischen Eingriff und der thrombotischen Mikroangiopathie vermute

    Aktuelle evidenzbasierte Situation in der Koronarrevaskularisation—: CABG vs. PCI und Diabetes?

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    Summary: A variety of randomized, controlled trials comparing percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) with coronary artery bypass grafting (CABG) found similar results in mortality but significant differences in number of reinterventions in favor of CABG. This work gives an overview about the relevance and limitations of these studies in line with newly published large scale observational studies, which reveal significantly lower mortality-rates in CABG patients. Emphasis is placed on the special situation in the diabetic patien

    The prognostic value of troponin release after adult cardiac surgery — a meta-analysis

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    To assess the accuracy of increased troponin (Tn) concentrations for the prediction of mid-term (≥12 months) mortality after coronary artery bypass graft (CABG) and valve surgery, we performed a systematic review identifying all studies reporting on the association between postoperative troponin release and mortality after cardiac surgery. Studies were identified through 30 April 2008 by electronic searches of the MEDLINE, EMBASE and BIOSIS databases. Two reviewers independently selected studies, assessed methodological quality and extracted the data. We primarily considered mid-term (≥12 months) and secondarily short-term (≤30 days) all-cause mortality. A bivariate random-effects model was used to study determinants and to pool measures of prognostic accuracy of Tn. Seventeen studies fulfilled the inclusion criteria with a total of 237 mid-term deaths in 5189 patients and 296 short-term deaths in 9703 patients. The diagnostic odds ratio of increased Tn concentrations was 5.46 (95% confidence interval (CI) 2.0-14.6) for mid-term mortality and 6.57 (95% CI 4.3-10.1) for short-term mortality after adult cardiac surgery. Alternatively expressed, for troponin elevation, the sensitivity was 0.45 (0.26-0.67) and the specificity 0.87 (0.73-0.90) to predict mid-term mortality. The sensitivity was 0.59 (0.48-0.69) and the specificity 0.82 (0.72-0.89) for short-term mortality. Between-study variability was high. In conclusion, this meta-analysis provides evidence for an association between postoperative Tn release with mid- and short-term all-cause mortality after adult cardiac surgery. However, differences in populations, timing of Tn testing, Tn subunit and Tn assays make definitive conclusions about effect size and cut-off values difficul

    Towards alien plant prioritization in Italy: methodological issues and first results

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    In recent decades, multiple actions have been taken to counteract the relentless expansion of invasive alien species as well as to gain a better understanding of their effects on ecosystems. Here, we describe the approach designed by the Italian Botanical Society that is aimed at selecting a list of candidate alien plants to be subjected to a prioritization procedure. We selected a total of 96 species on the basis of data related to their occurrence on both a national and regional scale, their invasiveness and their potential to invade plant communities and/or habitats of community concern. This list represents the first result obtained by applying this standardized workflow and is a first step towards the identification of those alien species that should be included in the national list according to Regulation (EU) n. 1143/2014
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