43 research outputs found

    Relation between planning and realization of open spaces in New Belgrade super-blocks : case studies of block 45 and 70

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    During the postwar period, from the 1960s to the 1980s, very large area of today's New Belgrade was built using the concept of the Funtional city, which a lot of professionals consider as a successful example of modern urbanism. Still, with a change of socio-political situation in the Republic of Serbia during the 1990s and 2000s, a number of New Belgrade’s super-bloks started to be replanned. Having that in mind, this paper argues that there has been a substantial difference between planning intentions and real needs of the inhabitants, considering the treatment of open spaces inside the modernistic blocks. The main aim of this research is to show this potential conflict on the case studies of super-blocks number 45 and 70. After review of the plan making process, there will be shown some real needs of the local community that manifest themselves through open spaces, and comparative analyzes will be made. This research examines the question of the direction in which the process of planning should be addressed in order to include the real needs of the local community

    Recent marriage and childbearing trends in Croatia and Slovenia: A comparative review

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    The paper discusses the marriage and childbearing trends in Croatia and Slovenia from 1985 to 2017. We made a comparative review of several indicators related to marriage and childbearing trends: mean ages of women at first marriage and first childbirth, birth rates, births within and outside marriage, total fertility rate, tempo-adjusted fertility rate, age-specific fertility rates, and marriage rate. The analysis is based on the official statistical data provided by the statistical offices of both countries and Human Fertility Database. Many of the indicators, including the birth rate, total fertility rate and age-specific fertility rate, are somewhat more favourable in Slovenia than in Croatia. One of the major differences between the two countries is that in Slovenia the connection between marriage and childbearing is not as nearly significant as in Croatia

    Towards a critical and reflective planner: a contribution to improved practice using the case study of the Avala film complex

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    Циљ рада је илустрација резултата креираног педагошког приступа за развој компетенција критичко-рефлексивног планера. Педагошки приступ је развијен за потребе реализације курса Теорија планирања на мастер нивоу Архитектонског факултета Универзитета у Београду. Специфичности педагошког приступа су произашле из потребе за разматрањем низа нових питања од значаја за унапређење планске праксе, система планирања као и домена просторног развоја у Србији, која су се појавила током периода транзиционих реформи у Србији након 2000. године. Као полигон за илустрацију је узет случај Плана детаљне регулације комплекса „Авала филма” у Кошутњаку, који је уједно био и предмет рада студената школске 2020/21. године. Примењени методолошки кораци у анализи предметног случаја су јасно указали на следеће проблеме домена просторног развоја: а) урбанистички планови служе као инструмент за отуђење земљишта у јавној својини, б) јавне политике се селективно уважавају у процесу одлучивања о просторном развоју, в) формалне процедуре планирања су недовољно јасне и имају пропусте у формулацијама што ствара простор за вишезначне интерпретације, г) позиције одлучивања о стратешким приоритетима развоја и питањима од јавног интереса нису јасно дефинисане и д) кључна питања о правцима просторног развоја се разрешавају у домену политичког, а не професионалног одлучивања. На основу спроведене анализе процеса планирања комплекса „Авала филма”, издвојене су препоруке за унапређење планске праксе, односно система управљања просторним развојем у Србији. Суштински су усмерене ка унапређењу легислативног система у домену процеса одлучивања, са нагласком на формализацији позиција надлежности, утврђивању механизaма отуђења јавне својине, унапређењу транспарентности процедура и репозиционирању улоге професије у том процесу.The aim of this paper is to illustrate the results of the pedagogical approach that was created to develop the competencies of a critical and reflective professional. The pedagogical approach was developed for the master’s level Planning Theory course at the Faculty of Architecture, University of Belgrade. The specifics of the pedagogical approach stemmed from the need to consider a number of new issues relevant to improving planning practices, planning systems and the domain of spatial development in Serbia, which have emerged during the period of transitional reforms in Serbia since 2000. The case of preparing the plan of detailed regulation for the Avala Film complex in Kosutnjak, which was also the subject of the work of students in the school year 2020/21, was taken as a testing ground to illustrate the approach. The methodological steps in the analysis of the case clearly indicated the following problems in the field of spatial development: a) urban plans serve as an instrument for the alienation of publicly owned land, b) public policies are selectively considered in the decision-making process on spatial development, c) formal planning procedures are insufficiently clear and have gaps in formulations, which creates space for ambiguous interpretations, d) decision-making positions on strategic development priorities and issues of public interest are not clearly defined and e) key issues on spatial development are resolved in the domain of political rather than professional decision-making. Based on the analysis of the planning process for the Avala Film complex, recommendations for improving planning practice, i.e. the spatial governance system in Serbia are made. They are essentially aimed at improving the legislative system in the decision-making process, with an emphasis on formalizing positions of competence, determining mechanisms for the alienation of public property, improving the transparency of procedures and re-positioning the role of the profession in that process


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    Background: Many adolescents affected by psychiatric disorders require pharmacological treatment. Knowing which medication is being used is of utmost importance. Our main objective was to gain insight into prescribing patterns at the Department of child and adolescent psychiatry, Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka. In addition, we looked for potential differences between adolescents regarding their pharmacotherapy status. Subjects and methods: The data from medical charts of 227 adolescents (55% females), age 12-18 years (16.4±1.18) were analysed. All of them were treated as outpatients during one year period (2014/15). Medical charts were obtained from the computerized archive system of Clinical Hospital Centre. Prescribed drug patterns were taken into account if patients have been taking medication for at least one month. Results: Most of the patients, 162 (71.4%), were treated with psychiatric medication. In the pharmacologically treated group, adolescents were older (t=-4.678; p<0.001), predominately male (χ2=5.175, p=0.023) and hospitalized (χ2=20.612, p<0.0001). Accordingly, male (OR=2.09, P<0.05) and hospitalized (OR=15.32, P<0.001) adolescents were more disposed to be medicated. Psychotic disorder was the most commonly diagnosed disorder (51 patients). There were 454 different prescribing patterns, mostly prescribed antipsychotics, 36.6% of all prescriptions; followed by 31.5% anxiolytics’ and 23.7% antidepressants’ prescriptions. However, number of patients receiving antipsychotics, anxiolytics and antidepressants was quite similar (103: 110: 99). The highest number of patients was treated with sertraline (58), followed by those treated with risperidone (48). Majority of the patients (104/227) were treated with polytherapy. Conclusion: Prescribing psychiatric pharmacotherapy for adolescents is a common clinical practice. Adolescents that were prescribed pharmacotherapy were significantly older; hospitalized and male adolescents were more prone to be medicated. Antipsychotics were most frequently prescribed drugs. The prescribing patterns are generally consistent with international trends and guidelines; however caution regarding high proportion of polytherapy is necessary

    The implementation of an urban plan - monitoring and evaluation in the case study of the Detailed Regulation Plan for the Reconstruction of Four Urban Blocks in Vračar

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    Regulation plans have been implemented in Serbia over the past twenty years as the main operational instrument of planning. However, a general, systemic investigation of the effects of their implementation has failed. Because the elements of regulation and the rules for development and construction applied significantly affect the character of urban space, the intention is to point out the need to establish procedures and criteria for regular evaluation of the built environment and the need to continuously re-examine planning attitudes. The input data for redefining the scope and shape of regulation can be obtained by analyzing the planning process and evaluating its results. The chosen case study encompasses the plan for four urban blocks in Vračar and includes the 15-year period since its adoption. The extent to which the Plan has met the set objectives from the point of view of urban planning and conservation will be investigated through an analysis of the results obtained in practice, while failures and possible improvements will be pointed out

    Teritorijalne strategije u funkciji zaštite i razvoja prostora

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    Teritorijalne strategije su u fokusu održivog i integralnog urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja u savremenoj praksi planiranja u Evropskoj uniji. One odražavaju trenutno shvatanje strateškog planiranja kao adaptivnog procesa koji zahteva upravljanje promenama. U okviru tehničke podrške Programa Evropske unije za lokalni razvoj (EU PRO Plus) testirana je primena dva instrumenta u lokalnom kontekstu - Integrisana teritorijalna ulaganja (eng. - ITI) i Održivi urbani razvoj (eng. - SUD). U pitanju su savremeni instrumenti, koji su efi kasno sredstvo za integraciju prioritetnih ulaganja, tematskih ciljeva i različitih izvora fi nansiranja u okviru teritorija. Teritorijalne strategije se usmeravaju na ekonomske, ekološke, klimatske, socijalne i demografske izazove teritorija. U radu su prikazana iskustva iz procesa izrade dvanaest strategija za trideset i jedan grad i opštinu u Srbiji. Ovi instrumenti urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja podstiču veće učešće lokalnih aktera u sprovođenju održivog razvoja i promovišu promenu u kulturi planiranja ka inkluzivnim, kolaborativnim praksama, i kao efekat proizvode kvalitetnija rešenja

    Territorial Strategies in the Function of Space Protection and Development

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    Teritorijalne strategije su u fokusu održivog i integralnog urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja u savremenoj praksi planiranja u Evropskoj uniji. One odražavaju trenutno shvatanje strateškog planiranja kao adaptivnog procesa koji zahteva upravljanje promenama. U okviru tehničke podrške Programa Evropske unije za lokalni razvoj (EU PRO Plus) testirana je primena dva instrumenta u lokalnom kontekstu - Integrisana teritorijalna ulaganja (eng. - ITI) i Održivi urbani razvoj (eng. - SUD). U pitanju su savremeni instrumenti, koji su efikasno sredstvo za integraciju prioritetnih ulaganja, tematskih ciljeva i različitih izvora finansiranja u okviru teritorija. Teritorijalne strategije se usmeravaju na ekonomske, ekološke, klimatske, socijalne i demografske izazove teritorija. U radu su prikazana iskustva iz procesa izrade dvanaest strategija za trideset i jedan grad i opštinu u Srbiji. Ovi instrumenti urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja podstiču veće učešće lokalnih aktera u sprovođenju održivog razvoja i promovišu promenu u kulturi planiranja ka inkluzivnim, kolaborativnim praksama, i kao efekat proizvode kvalitetnija rešenja.Territorial strategies are at the focus of sustainable and integral urban and territorial development in contemporary planning practice in the European Union. They reflect the current understanding of strategic planning as an adaptive process that requires change management. Within the framework of the technical assistance of the EU Local Development Programme (EU PRO Plus), the application of two tools in the local context was tested - Integrated Territorial Investments (eng. - ITI) and Sustainable Urban Development (eng. - SUD). These are modern tools that represent an effective instrument for integrating priority investments, thematic objectives and different funding sources within the territory. Territorial strategies are focused on the economic, environmental, climatic, social and demographic challenges of the territory. The paper presents experiences from the process of developing twelve strategies for thirty-one cities and municipalities in Serbia. These urban and territorial development tools promote greater participation of local stakeholders in the implementation of sustainable development and a shift in planning culture towards inclusive, collaborative practices, leading to better quality solutions

    Teritorijalne strategije u funkciji zaštite i razvoja prostora

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    Teritorijalne strategije su u fokusu održivog i integralnog urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja u savremenoj praksi planiranja u Evropskoj uniji. One odražavaju trenutno shvatanje strateškog planiranja kao adaptivnog procesa koji zahteva upravljanje promenama. U okviru tehničke podrške Programa Evropske unije za lokalni razvoj (EU PRO Plus) testirana je primena dva instrumenta u lokalnom kontekstu - Integrisana teritorijalna ulaganja (eng. - ITI) i Održivi urbani razvoj (eng. - SUD). U pitanju su savremeni instrumenti, koji su efi kasno sredstvo za integraciju prioritetnih ulaganja, tematskih ciljeva i različitih izvora fi nansiranja u okviru teritorija. Teritorijalne strategije se usmeravaju na ekonomske, ekološke, klimatske, socijalne i demografske izazove teritorija. U radu su prikazana iskustva iz procesa izrade dvanaest strategija za trideset i jedan grad i opštinu u Srbiji. Ovi instrumenti urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja podstiču veće učešće lokalnih aktera u sprovođenju održivog razvoja i promovišu promenu u kulturi planiranja ka inkluzivnim, kolaborativnim praksama, i kao efekat proizvode kvalitetnija rešenja

    Цијанобактерије и алге из биофилма са улазне зоне Петничке пећине

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    The importance of biofilms in caves, the diversity of microorganisms in them, their mutual relationship and relationship with the substratum are among the advancing research topics in microbial biospeleology. This research is making contribution to the knowledge about biofilms at cave entrances and phototrophic communities in them. In that manner, biofilms from the entrance zone of the Petnica Cave were examined. Light microscopy showed that cyanobacteria were exclusively dominant phototrophs (34 taxa out of 39 total taxa recorded) with coccoid forms prevailing (28 taxa); simple trichal forms were present to a lesser extent, while heterocytous ones were completely absent. Genera Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus,Gloeothece and Leptolyngbya were the most diverse. Four green algal genera characteristic for aerophytic habitats (Apatococcus, Desmococcus, Haematococcus and Trentepohlia) were also recorded, while Bacillariophyta were observed sporadically. Three groups of sampling sites were distinguished based on recorded taxa, their richness and similarity, using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Quantitative biofilm characteristics were also assessed – the content of chlorophyll a (Chl a) was determined, as well as the contents of water, organic and inorganic matter. Chl a had a significant positive correlation with the content of organic matter (r=0.904, P=0.013).Значај биофилмова у пећинама, разноврсност микроорганизама у њима, њихов међусобни однос, као и однос са супстратом, спадају у водеће теме истраживања у пољу микробијалне биоспелеологије. Ово истраживање доприноси општем познавању биофилмова на улазима пећина, као и познавању фототрофних заједница које се налазе у њиховом саставу. Имајући то у виду, испитивани су биофилмови са улазне зоне Петничке пећине. Светлосна микроскопија је показала да су цијанобактерије искључиво доминантни фототрофи (забележено је 34 од укупно 39 таксона), са изузетном доминацијом кокоидних форми (28 таксона); трихалне форме (хомоцитни представници) су у биофилму заступљене у мањој мери, док су хетероцитне потпуно одсутне. У родовима Gloeocapsa, Chroococcus, Gloeothece и Leptolyngbya документован је највећи број таксона. Четири рода зелених алги која су иначе карактеристична за аерофитска станишта (Apatococcus, Desmococcus, Haematococcus и Trentepohlia) су такође забележена, док су представници раздела Bacillariophyta нађени спорадично. Статистичка анализа NMDS је показала да су се према сличности, односно на основу таксона који су идентификовани, одвојиле три групе тачака узорковања. Kвантитативне карактеристике биофилма су такође процењене – одређен је садржај хлорофила а (Chl a), као и садржај воде, органске и неорганске материје. Значајнa позитивна корелација (r=0.904, P=0.013) уочена је између садржаја органске материје и Chl a

    Promocija EU кohezionih politiкa - 12 teritorijalnih strategija za održivi i integralni urbani i teritorijalni razvoj [I nagrada 32. Međunarodni salon urbanizma]

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    Program Evropske unije za lokalni razvoj – EU PRO Plus je podržao izradu 12 teritorijalnih strategija u Srbiji. Teritorijalne strategije su u fokusu održivog i integralnog urbanog i teritorijalnog razvoja koji promoviše EU kroz kohezione politike. One odražavaju trenutno razumevanje strateškog planiranja, koje se sagledava kao adaptivni proces koji uključuje upravljanje promenama. Teritorijalne strategije su ''kolektivne mape puta'' koje imaju za cilj pokretanje željene promene. Кljučne elemente EU pristupa održivom i integralnom urbanom i teritorijalnom razvoju čine: strateška dimenzija; prostorna dimenzija; upravljanje urbanim i teritorijalnim razvojem; međusektorski pristup; finansiranje; monitoring i evaluacija, i implementacija.The EU program for local development - EU PRO Plus supported the development of 12 territorial strategies in Serbia. Territorial strategies are the focus of sustainable and integral urban and territorial development promoted by the EU through cohesion policies. They reflect the current understanding of strategic planning, which is seen as an adaptive process involving change management. Territorial strategies are "collective road maps" that aim to initiate the desired change. The key elements of the EU's approach to sustainable and integral urban and territorial development are: the strategic dimension; spatial dimension; management of urban and territorial development; intersectoral approach; financing; monitoring and evaluation, and implementation