576 research outputs found

    Digital micromirror devices for laser-based manufacturing

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    Digital Micromirror Devices (DMDs), containing arrays of around one million individually-controllable ~10µm square mirrors, provide an extremely cost-effective and practical method to modulate the spatial beam profile of a pulsed laser source for both additive and subtractive laser processing and printing. When demagnified by a factor of ~100 in one dimension (hence ~10,000 in area) a ~1mJ/cm2 laser pulse reflected from the mirrors on the DMD surface that are switched to the 'on' position, attains a fluence of ~10J/cm2 at the workpiece, which is more than sufficient to ablate most materials of interest to the laser-manufacturing community. More familiar in the context of high values of magnification by the laser projection industry, reversing the role to use them for equally high values of demagnification opens up a wealth of possibilities for ablation, multiphoton polymerization, security marking and fabrication of features that perhaps surprisingly can be well below the wavelength of the laser used. Of key relevance is that very high-resolution patterning can be achieved by a single laser pulse, and step-and-repeat processes, when combined with the refresh rates of the DMD pattern that are currently at the 30kHz level, open up the possibility of processing areas of up to 1cm2 per second with micron-scale resolution where each ~100µm x 100µm area patterned per pulse can display arbitrary pixelated content. We will discuss the application of DMD-baser laser processing to the following areas of interest to the laser-manufacturing community

    Multi-shot laser ablation and digital micromirror device mask translation for sub-diffraction-limit machining resolution

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    Digital Micromirror Devices (DMDs) can offer rapidly generated, bespoke intensity modulation masks for image-projection-based laser-machining. Recent work has shown repeatable sub-micron feature patterning [1], with proposed applications in the medical sciences and photonics. While DMDs can offer rapid patterning, with ~32kHz switching speeds available [2], they are not yet efficient reflectors at <300nm, thus limiting machining resolution to the diffraction limit at the near-visible wavelengths and above

    Femtosecond laser-induced patterned transfer of intact semiconductor and polymer thin films via a digital micromirror device

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    The laser-induced forward transfer (LIFT) of thin films is an attractive technique to deposit materials on a size scale that can span nanometres to millimeters. During LIFT, the energy of a laser pulse is absorbed in a small volume of a thin film (donor) causing an explosive expansion which is used to propel a portion of the donor away from the carrier substrate and transfer it onto a receiver substrate as shown in Fig.1(a). Ultrashort laser systems can limit laser damage to remaining areas of the donor usually present using laser systems with longer (nanosecond) pulse widths

    Simultaneous patterning and deposition of thin films via femtosecond laser-induced transfer using a digital micromirror device for spatial pulse shaping

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    The forward and backward femtosecond laser-induced transfer of thin films in an intact state with good adhesion, via a digital micromirror array acting as a dynamic object mask for spatial beam shaping is presented

    Yb:YAG planar waveguide lasers grown by pulsed laser deposition: 70% slope efficiencies at 16 W of output power

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    We present our recent advances in the use of pulsed laser deposition (PLD) to fabricate active gain elements for use as amplifiers and laser oscillators. Record output powers exceeding 16 W and slope efficiencies of 70% are reported for optimized epitaxial growth of Yb(7.5%):YAG on to YAG substrates. We show for the first time that the performance of PLD material can meet or even exceed that of materials grown by more established methods such as the Czochralski technique. Details of fabrication, characterization and laser performance are presented in addition to outlining expected future improvements

    Comparative study of rare-earth doped sesquioxides grown by pulsed laser deposition and their performance as planar waveguide lasers

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    The sesquioxides yttria, scandia and lutetia have been identified as promising host materials for high power lasers due to their excellent thermal properties, their ability to incorporate RE-ions and their resulting spectroscopic properties [1]. However, the melting points of these materials exceed 2400°C and are therefore problematic to grow from the melt. Pulsed laser deposition (PLD) is an alternative method of growing thin crystalline films of these materials, avoiding the requirement for such high temperature growth

    CMAS challenges to CMC-T/EBC systems

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    Gas turbine technology is undergoing a major transition with the recent implementation of SiC based ceramic composites (CMCs) in aircraft engines. While the potential improvement in temperature capability (≥1500°C) is unprecedented, there are a number of issues that limit the full exploitation of such potential. In addition to the longstanding concern for low temperature oxidative embrittlement and the limited temperature capability of current bond coats and matrices, the susceptibility of the protective SiO2 to volatilization in the combustion environment requires the use of environmental barrier coatings (EBCs) to achieve durability targets. Most EBC concepts, however, are based on silicates and are thus susceptible to degradation by molten silicate deposits generically known as CMAS originating from mineral debris ingested into engines with the intake air. This presentation will discuss the thermodynamic and mechanistic foundation of the degradation of EBCs by CMAS, recent progress in establishing the relevant phase equilibria for these systems, and the role of the CMAS composition on the extent of degradation, as well as perspective on mitigation. (Research supported by ONR, AFOSR and the P&W Center of Excellence in Composites at UCSB.

    Nanofabrication technologies: high-throughput for tomorrow's metadevices

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    Fabrication fundamentals1. Serial versus parallel? Most are currently fabricated by serial writing….2. Additive or subtractive?3. Feature size required.4. One-off demonstration (journal paper) or volume production (in the shops by next Christmas…)5. What material?6. Cost….(+ normalise to 150mm diameter wafer)7. Time to fabricat

    Guiding center picture of magnetoresistance oscillations in rectangular superlattices

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    We calculate the magneto-resistivities of a two-dimensional electron gas subjected to a lateral superlattice (LSL) of rectangular symmetry within the guiding-center picture, which approximates the classical electron motion as a rapid cyclotron motion around a slowly drifting guiding center. We explicitly evaluate the velocity auto-correlation function along the trajectories of the guiding centers, which are equipotentials of a magnetic-field dependent effective LSL potential. The existence of closed equipotentials may lead to a suppression of the commensurability oscillations, if the mean free path and the LSL modulation potential are large enough. We present numerical and analytical results for this suppression, which allow, in contrast to previous quantum arguments, a classical explanation of similar suppression effects observed experimentally on square-symmetric LSL. Furthermore, for rectangular LSLs of lower symmetry they lead us to predict a strongly anisotropic resistance tensor, with high- and low-resistance directions which can be interchanged by tuning the externally applied magnetic field.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    Inverse flux quantum periodicity of magnetoresistance oscillations in two-dimensional short-period surface superlattices

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    Transport properties of the two-dimensional electron gas (2DEG) are considered in the presence of a perpendicular magnetic field BB and of a {\it weak} two-dimensional (2D) periodic potential modulation in the 2DEG plane. The symmetry of the latter is rectangular or hexagonal. The well-known solution of the corresponding tight-binding equation shows that each Landau level splits into several subbands when a rational number of flux quanta h/eh/e pierces the unit cell and that the corresponding gaps are exponentially small. Assuming the latter are closed due to disorder gives analytical wave functions and simplifies considerably the evaluation of the magnetoresistivity tensor ρμν\rho_{\mu\nu}. The relative phase of the oscillations in ρxx\rho_{xx} and ρyy\rho_{yy} depends on the modulation periods involved. For a 2D modulation with a {\bf short} period 100\leq 100 nm, in addition to the Weiss oscillations the collisional contribution to the conductivity and consequently the tensor ρμν\rho_{\mu\nu} show {\it prominent peaks when one flux quantum h/eh/e passes through an integral number of unit cells} in good agreement with recent experiments. For periods 300400300- 400 nm long used in early experiments, these peaks occur at fields 10-25 times smaller than those of the Weiss oscillations and are not resolved