1,071 research outputs found

    Phosphorus Uptake Mechanisms in Missouri Streams

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    Excess nutrients affect many natural ecosystems and lead to imperilment of ecosystem integrity. Although nutrient uptake in streams has received growing attention in recent years, we still have little quantitative information on the specific characteristics of streams that affect uptake rates. My research included combining experimental (using artificial streams) and observational (measuring uptake in whole streams) approaches to understand specific controls on phosphorus uptake in streams. Phosphorus was chosen because it is one of the primary nutrients that enter water systems through agricultural runoff. This research attempted to quantify the response of nutrient uptake from the addition of limestone and to varying amounts of algal biomass. Experimental channels were set up simulating natural streams where biological and geological characteristics were manipulated. Results from the experimental channels allowed predictions of uptake rates for whole streams given their biological and geological characteristics. This project will help guide the management of streams to protect downstream systems from eutrophication

    Yesennia Esmeralda Amaya v Milton Orlando Guerrero Rivera, 135 Nev. Adv. Op. 27 (July 3, 2019)

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    The Court determined that under NRS 3.2203 (1) an order determining physical custody of a child satisfied the dependency or custody prong for Special Immigrant Juvenile predicate findings; and (2) in order to determine predicate findings, the reunification prong is satisfied where the juvenile cannot reunify with at least one parent

    A renewable energy feasibility study to power a water supply pump in Sacala las Lomas, Guatemala

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    A clean and sufficient source of drinking water can be a challenge to develop in the rural highlands of Guatemala. Installing a submersible pump in a groundwater well can provide a source of water that is free of contamination and yields sufficient water throughout the year. Submersible pumps are typically powered from grid-power; however, an alternative energy source may be considered. An evaluation of the renewable energy resources has been conducted in Sacala las Lomas de San Martin Jilotepeque, Chimaltenango, Guatemala (Sacala). The drilling of a deep groundwater well has been proposed in Sacala to supply the community with sufficient, clean drinking water. A multi-staged pumping system has been proposed to transfer water from a surface storage tank near the well to a surface storage tank above all residences in Sacala. From the storage tanks, the water would be distributed by gravity to the homes. Renewable energy pumps cannot supply sufficient power for the dynamic head and water demand needed for the submersible pump in Sacala, so the feasibility study focused on evaluating renewable energy for the transfer pumps. A weather station was erected and collected site-specific data in Sacala. Using the collected data and models for predicting the renewable energy generation rate, the potential to use a photovoltaic array or a wind turbine was evaluated. Analyzing the data revealed that the energy required to power the transfer pumps was too great to economically use a renewable energy system. The number of solar panels or wind turbines required to supply sufficient power was not only economically impractical, but it would consume excessive space that could be used for farming or development--Abstract, page iv

    When will sub-Saharan Africa adopt HIV treatment for all?

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    Background: The World Health Organization (WHO) HIV treatment guidelines have been used by various countries to revise their national guidelines. Our study discusses the national policy response to the HIV epidemic in sub-Saharan Africa and quantifies delays in adopting the WHO guidelines published in 2009, 2013 and 2015. Methods: From the Internet, health authorities and experts, and community members, we collected 59 published HIV guidelines from 33 countries in the sub-Saharan African region, and abstracted dates of publication and antiretroviral therapy (ART) eligibility criteria. For these 33 countries, representing 97% regional HIV burden in 2015, the number of months taken to adopt the WHO 2009, 2013 and/or 2015 guidelines were calculated to determine the average delay in months needed to publish revised national guidelines. Findings: Of the 33 countries, 3 (6% regional burden) are recommending ART according to the WHO 2015 guidelines (irrespective of CD4 count); 19 (65% regional burden) are recommending ART according to the WHO 2013 guidelines (CD4 count ≤ 500 cells/mm3); and 11 (26% regional burden) according to the WHO 2009 guidelines (CD4 count ≤ 350 cells/mm3). The average time lag to WHO 2009 guidelines adoption in 33 countries was 24 (range 3–56) months. The 22 that have adopted the WHO 2013 guidelines took an average of 10 (range 0–36) months, whilst the three countries that adopted the WHO 2015 guidelines took an average of 8 (range 7–9) months. Conclusion: There is an urgent need to shorten the time lag in adopting and implementing the new WHO guidelines recommending ‘treatment for all’ to achieve the 90-90-90 targets

    Confronting TB/HIV in the era of increasing anti-TB drug resistance

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    HIV associated TB is a major public health problem. In 2006, it was estimated that there were over 700,000 people who suffered from HIV associated TB, of whom about 200, 000 have died. The burden of HIV associated TB is greatest in Sub-Saharan Africa where the TB epidemic is primarily driven by HIV. There has been steady progress made in reducing the burden of HIV in TB patients with an increasing number of TB patients tested for HIV and provided with cotrimoxazole preventive therapy (CPT) and anti-retroviral treatment (ART). Less progress is being made to reduce the burden of TB in people living with HIV. The number of HIV infected persons reported to have been screened for TB was less than 1% while Isoniazid preventive therapy was reported to have been provided to less than 0.1% of eligible persons in 2006. A major push is urgently needed to accelerate the implementation of three important interventions. The three are Intensified TB Screening (ICF) among people living with HIV, the provision of Isoniazid Preventive Therapy (IPT) and TB Infection Control(IC). These interventions are best carried out by HIV control programmes which should therefore be encouraged to take greater responsibility in implementing these interventions


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    Dermatophagoides farinae (Hughes) (Pyroglyphidae) vem sendo estudado por causar alergia em seres humanos e animais domésticos. Dentre os artrópodes, os piroglifídeos são os principais alérgenos envolvidos em problemas respiratórios. Cheyletus malaccensis (Oudemans) (Cheyletidae) é um ácaro com potencial predador utilizado no controle biológico de ácaros da poeira e de produtos armazenados. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar o potencial de predação de C. malaccensis alimentando-se de D. farinae avaliando a predação, preferência alimentar e resposta a pistas olfativas de diferentes presas (D. farinae, Megninia ginglymura (Megnin) (Analgidae) e Tyrophagos putrescentiae (Schrankh) (Acaridae) bem como avaliar a dispersão de fungos pelo ácaro da poeira. Este estudo foi realizado no laboratório de Acarologia da Universidade do Vale do Taquari - Univates, Lajeado, estado do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil. Espécimes de D. farinae e C. malaccensis foram coletados em amostras de poeira ambiental. Para o teste de predação foram obtidas fêmeas de C. malaccensis datadas e alimentadas com D. farinae. Foram realizadas a contagem de presas consumida e a oviposição. Para o teste de pistas olfativas foram liberadas diferentes presas (T. putrescentiae, M. ginglymura e D. farinae) em arenas. No dia seguinte, após retirar as presas houve a liberação de C. malaccensis, avaliando em seguida a preferência às presas. No teste de preferência alimentar Cheyletus malaccensis foi liberado juntamente com as presas. No estudo da biologia foram liberados espécimes de Cheyletus malaccensis separadamente em arenas e alimentadas com D. farinae. Nos estágios imaturos de ovo, larva, protocrisálida, protoninfa, deutocrisálida, deutoninfa, teliocrisálida foram avaliados por três vezes ao dia e na fase adulta, apenas uma avaliação diária. Foi verificada a sobrevivência (machos e fêmeas), número de ovos postos e viabilidade dos ovos. Para os testes com fungos, foram utilizadas as seguintes espécies: Aspergilus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Microsporum gypseum, Penicillium citrinum, Trichophyton interdigitale. Neste estudo foi testada a viabilidade de cada isolado. A suspensão de esporos de cada isolado foi padronizada para dar seguimento ao teste de dispersão. Neste teste foi inoculado a suspensão de cada esporo separadamente em placas e liberadas espécimes de D. farinae. Após 24 horas os ácaros foram retirados e liberados em placa contendo Ágar Sabouraud Dextrose. Foi avaliado diariamente o número de colônia fúngicas crescida em cada placa. Os resultados demontram que C. malaccensis é um inimigo natural de D. farinae, sendo capaz de se desenvolver e reproduzir quando alimentado exclusivamente desse presa. D. farinae demonstrou ser uma espécie dispersora de fungos ambientais e patogênicos.Dermatophagoides farinae (Hughes) (Pyroglyphidae) has been studied for causing allergy in humans and domestic animals. Among arthropods, these mites are the main allergens involved in respiratory problems because they feed on fungal spores and disperse it into the environment. Cheyletus malaccensis (Oudemans) (Cheyletidae) is a potential predatory mite used in the biological control of dust mites and stored products. The objective of this work was to evaluate the predation potential of C. malaccensis feeding on D. farinae by assessing predation, feeding preference and response to olfactory cues of different prey (D. farinae, Megninia ginglymura (Megnin) (Analgidae) and Tyrophagos putrescentiae) (Schrank, 1781) (Acaridae) as well as evaluate fungal dispersion by dust mite. This study was carried out at the University of Taquari - Univates Acarology laboratory, Lajeado, Rio Grande do Sul. D. farinae and C. malaccensis specimens were collected from environmental dust samples. For the predation test were obtained females of C. malaccensis dated and fed with D. farinae. Prey counts consumed and oviposition were performed. For the olfactory cues test, different prey (T. putrescentiae, M. ginglymura and D. farinae) were released in arenas. The following day he preys were removed, C. malaccensis released and predator preference was evaluated without their presence. In the food preference test, Cheyletus malaccensis was released along with the prey, where their food preference was evaluated. For biology, specimens of C. malaccensis were released separately in arenas, which were fed with D. farinae. The stage of development of C. malaccensis (egg, larva, protocrisálida, protoninfa, deutocrisálida, deutoninfa, teliocrisálida) was evaluated three times a day, and in adulthood only one daily evaluation. Survival (males and females), number of eggs laid (females) and egg viability were verified. For the fungal tests, the following species were used: Aspergilus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, Microsporum gypseum, Penicillium citrinum, Trichophyton interdigitale. where the viability of each isolate was tested. The spore suspension of each isolate was standardized to follow up the dispersion test. For this test, the suspension of each spore was separately inoculated in plates and D. farinae specimens were released. The next day (24 hours after) the mites were removed from this plate and released on a plate containing only Sabouraud Dextrose Agar. The number of fungal colonies grown on each plate was evaluated daily. The results show that C. malaccensis is a natural enemy of D. farinae, being able to develop and reproduce when fed exclusively on this ectoparasite. Dermatophagoides farinae demonstrate to be a well dispersing species of environmental and pathogenic fungi

    O direito de superfície sob a égide do Estatuto da Cidade e do Novo Código Civil

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    Orientadora : Ana Maria Jara Botton FariaMonografia (especialização) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciências Agrárias, Curso de Especialização em Direito AmbientalInclui referênciasResumo : Após o surgimento da superfície no Direito Romano, o instituto se desenvolveu gradativamente, sendo recepcionado por vários países. Sua inserção no panorama jurídico brasileiro pode contribuir de forma significativa para a consecução dos fins sociais da propriedade. Sob a ótica do Estatuto da Cidade, propiciou ao Poder Público reorganizar a base estrutural das cidades, definindo uma ordem cronológica de atos que deveriam ser executados para o melhor desenvolvimento urbano. Sob a luz do Código Civil, permitiu que os proprietários de terrenos, cedessem, gratuita ou onerosamente, aos possuidores – superficiários uma parcela do referido imóvel, para que, construíssem, edificassem ou plantassem sobre o solo de outrem. Ao fim do contrato, a parte utilizada da superfície pertenceria ao nu-proprietário. Nessa perspectiva, ambas as partes foram beneficiadas. O proprietário, na medida em que lhe foi conferido o direito de dispor de parte do seu imóvel inutilizado em favor de um terceiro. O possuidor direto, quando da constituição da superfície, eis que lhe foi concedido o direito de realizar sobre o solo alheio, edificação, construção ou plantação, prescindindo da aquisição de propriedade própria para atendimento dos fins pretendidos

    Achieving Universal Access for Human Immunodeficiency Virus and Tuberculosis: Potential Prevention Impact of an Integrated Multi-Disease Prevention Campaign in Kenya

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    In 2009, Government of Kenya with key stakeholders implemented an integrated multi-disease prevention campaign for water-borne diseases, malaria and HIV in Kisii District, Nyanza Province. The three day campaign, targeting 5000 people, included testing and counseling (HTC), condoms, long-lasting insecticide-treated bednets, and water filters. People with HIV were offered on-site CD4 cell counts, condoms, co-trimoxazole, and HIV clinic referral. We analysed the CD4 distributions from a district hospital cohort, campaign participants and from the 2007 Kenya Aids Indicator Survey (KAIS). Of the 5198 individuals participating in the campaign, all received HTC, 329 (6.3%) tested positive, and 255 (5%) were newly diagnosed (median CD4 cell count 536 cells/μL). The hospital cohort and KAIS results included 1,284 initial CD4 counts (median 348/L) and 306 initial CD4 counts (median 550/μL), respectively (campaign and KAIS CD4 distributions P = 0.346; hospital cohort distribution was lower P < 0.001 and P < 0.001). A Nyanza Province campaign strategy including ART <350 CD4 cell count could avert approximately 35,000 HIV infections and 1,240 TB cases annually. Community-based integrated public health campaigns could be a potential solution to reach universal access and Millennium Development Goals

    A review of the evaluation of healthway sponsorships

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    This study reviewed the methods used by Healthway to assess sponsorship implementation/value and to explore complimentary or alternative evaluation measures... Interview questions related to sponsorship activities, procedures, requirements and evaluation. Suggestions for practical and alternative ways of assessing sponsorship implementation and conducting evaluations were also asked. In addition, the perceived value of sponsorship investments to Healthway and satisfaction with the existing evaluation framework were also sought..

    Allocating decoupling capacitors to reduce simultaneous switching noise on chips

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    Thesis (M. Eng.)--Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Dept. of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, 2004.Includes bibliographical references (leaves 108-110).L dI/dt noise due to simultaneous switching of circuits on chips is a growing problem in VLSI design. This kind of noise can lead to timing errors and significant circuit slowdowns, if not kept within reasonable bounds. The most common way of reducing this form of noise is the addition of decoupling capacitance on chip. However, adding decoupling capacitance can take significant area and can make routing very difficult. The goals of this thesis are twofold: first, to characterize the relationship between noise propagation on chip and parameters such as on-chip resistance and capacitance; and second, to develop an algorithm which will minimize the number of decoupling capacitors on chip while simultaneously reducing the noise to within acceptable boundaries.by Adam Granich Unikowsky.M.Eng