14 research outputs found

    Does Trade Openess Affect Core Labor Standards ?.

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    Based on cross-country data from a wide range of developed and developing countries, this study, using an original and synthetic indicator, empirically analyses the incidence of openness to trade on the level of core labour standards. In the first part of our study, when the model is estimated through the OLS method, we find a positive and significant influence of trade on core labour standards. However, literature leads us to assume that trade openness is endogenous. In the second part, using the instrumental variables (IV) method, we show that openness to trade is no longer significant. We test different vectors of instruments that validate the robustness of our results. We conclude that, in the ongoing debate about the incidence of trade openness on the level of core labour standard, increasing openness would not lead to a levelling down, but rather labour standards would depend on national characteristics such as economic and social development.Labour standards; Trade openness; Instrumental variables method;

    Cases to Include Labour Standards in Trade Agreements.

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    Le niveau des normes de travail influence le commerce international.International trade is concerned by the level of labour standards.labour standards; WTO; Organisation mondiale du commerce; OMC;

    Trade and democracy. An empirical investigation..

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    Democracy; trade policy; trade openness;

    Les démocraties sont-elles plus ouvertes à l'échange ?.

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    Tandis que l’influence de la dĂ©mocratie sur la croissance est discutĂ©e, celle de l’ouverture commerciale est maintenant avĂ©rĂ©e. Ces conclusions conduisent Ă  s’interroger sur l’existence d’une relation entre la dĂ©mocratie et l’ouverture, d’autant plus que les arguments thĂ©oriques avancĂ©s, comme l’observation des expĂ©riences individuelles nationales, ne permet- tent pas de trancher ce dĂ©bat. Pour y rĂ©pondre, l’article propose une analyse Ă©conomĂ©trique de l’impact d’un indicateur de dĂ©mocratisation sur le degrĂ© d’ouverture commerciale et dĂ©montre l’existence d’une relation convexe entre ces deux variables. Ce rĂ©sultat permet de discuter les arguments de l’économie politique, accrĂ©dite la thĂšse du gradualisme et Ă©claire les interactions existantes entre ouverture, croissance et dĂ©mocratie.Whereas the influence of democracy on economic growth has still to be proved, trade openness’ is now recognised. Therefore, it may be wondered if there exists a relation between democracy and openness. Neither theoretical arguments nor individual national experiences permit to conclude. To answer this question, an econometrical study on the influence of democratisation on trade openness is proposed. We find a convex relation between these two variables. Thanks to this result, the arguments given by the political economy can be discussed, the gradualism theory is strengthened and the interaction between democracy, growth and openness is getting clearer.DĂ©mocratie; Democracy; Ouverture commerciale; Trade Openness;

    La clause sociale dans les traités commerciaux.

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    Mondialisation; Droit du travail; Accords commerciaux;

    Endothelin-Dependent Vasoconstriction in Human Uterine Artery: Application to Preeclampsia

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    BACKGROUND: Reduced uteroplacental perfusion, the initiating event in preeclampsia, is associated with enhanced endothelin-1 (ET-1) production which feeds the vasoconstriction of uterine artery. Whether the treatments of preeclampsia were effective on ET-1 induced contraction and could reverse placental ischemia is the question addressed in this study. We investigated the effect of antihypertensive drugs used in preeclampsia and of ET receptor antagonists on the contractile response to ET-1 on human uterine arteries. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Experiments were performed, ex vivo, on human uterine artery samples obtained after hysterectomy. We studied variations in isometric tension of arterial rings in response to the vasoconstrictor ET-1 and evaluated the effects of various vasodilators and ET-receptor antagonists on this response. Among antihypertensive drugs, only dihydropyridines were effective in blocking and reversing the ET-1 contractile response. Their efficiency, independent of the concentration of ET-1, was only partial. Hydralazine, alpha-methyldopa and labetalol had no effect on ET-1 induced contraction which is mediated by both ET(A) and ET(B) receptors in uterine artery. ET receptors antagonists, BQ-123 and BQ-788, slightly reduced the amplitude of the response to ET-1. Combination of both antagonists was more efficient, but it was not possible to reverse the maximal ET-1-induced contraction with antagonists used alone or in combination. CONCLUSION: Pharmacological drugs currently used in the context of preeclampsia, do not reverse ET-1 induced contraction. Only dihydropyridines, which partially relax uterine artery previously contracted with ET-1, might offer interesting perspectives to improve placental perfusion

    Normes de travail fondamentales et echanges sud-nord

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    L’article traite de l’influence du respect des normes de travail fondamentales sur les echanges commerciaux. L’examen des arguments theoriques ne suffit pas a determiner a priori l’ampleur et le sens de cette influence en raison de la pluralite des mecanismes jouant sur le marche du travail. L’article cherche a lever l’indetermination a l’aide d’une etude econometrique centree sur le volume des echanges Sud-Nord. Le commerce entre ces deux groupes de pays est estime a partir d’un modele de gravite, dans lequel est introduit un indicateur original du respect des normes de travail fondamentales. Les estimations montrent que le non-respect de ces normes par les pays du Sud accroit leurs echanges vers le Nord.commerce international; marche du travail; modele de gravite

    Les democraties sont-elles plus ouvertes a l'echange ?

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    Tandis que l'influence de la democratie sur la croissance est discutee, celle de l'ouverture commerciale est maintenant averee. Ces conclusions conduisent a s'interroger sur l'existence d'une relation entre la democratie et l'ouverture, d'autant plus que les arguments theoriques avances, comme l'observation des experiences individuelles nationales, ne permettent pas de trancher ce debat.Democratie; ouverture commerciale

    Commerce et préférences.. Les effets d'une clause démocratique

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    For several years, preferential trade agreements have been oriented towards initiating a deep integration process including a ?democratic? clause. We can consider the inclusion of such a clause as a political choice to promote democracy. However, it can also be viewed as a pre-condition for implementing an institutional ?deep integration? process, which might also raise new costs impeding trade. The aim of this paper is to verify that preferential trade agreements (ptas) have a higher positive effect on trade inside the area when they are bound by a democratic constraint. To achieve this, we use an Anderson and van Wincoop [2003] type of gravity model, and we differentiate between ptas according to whether they include a democratic clause or not. Empirical evidence shows that the inclusion of a democratic clause has a negative effect on bilateral trade so long as at least one northern country is concerned. Classification JEL : F13, F15, O19 ; P16