6 research outputs found

    Connaissance et exploration floristiques en Languedoc—Roussillon (France): cartographie des points d'herborisations et rĂ©partition des Malvaceae pour l'HĂ©rault

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    International audienceThe study of the frequencies by “commune” and ecological region of about 1800 floral locations recorded in Flora by Loret et Barrandon (1876; 1886) and in an unpublished work by L. Granel de Solignac et L. Bertrand based on the herbarium of Montpellier (MPU), enables us to estimate the density and the lacuna of the flora census in the department of HĂ©rault.The information from both the Flora and the collections is value at the level of all the locations and also at the level of the locations indicated for the 24 species of Malvaceae inventoried in the department. The importance of the contribution of the collections is demonstrated: in 70 % and 85 % of the original locations. The maps of the distribution of the Malvaceae are also thrown.L'examen des frĂ©quences, par commune et par rĂ©gion Ă©cologique, d'environ 1800 localitĂ©s floristiques relevĂ©es dans la Flore de Loret et Barrandon (1876; 1886) et dans un travail inĂ©dit rĂ©alisĂ© par L. Granel de Solignac et L. Bertrand Ă  partir des collections de l'herbier de Montpellier (MPU), permet d'Ă©valuer la densitĂ© et les lacunes des recensements floristiques dans le dĂ©partement de l'HĂ©rault (France). Les apports respectifs de la Flore et des collections sont apprĂ©ciĂ©s au niveau de l'ensemble des localitĂ©s et au niveau des localitĂ©s indiquĂ©es pour les 24 espĂšces de Malvaceae recensĂ©es dans le dĂ©partement. L'importance de la contribution des collections est dĂ©montrĂ©e: en moyenne 70 % et 85 % de localitĂ©s originales pour les deux niveaux considĂ©rĂ©s. Les cartes de rĂ©partition des Malvaceae sont Ă©galement prĂ©sentĂ©es

    Micromorphological observation of seed coat of Eucalyptus species (Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy technique

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    WOS: 000457649400002PubMed ID: 30351518Seed shape, surface cells shape, arrangement, anticlinal wall pattern, and periclinal wall protuberances were recorded for nine species of Eucalyptus (Myrtaceae) using scanning electron microscopy to determine the importance of seed morphological characters as an additional tool for identification. Most of the seeds were found ovate and some seeds were elliptic and cuboid in shape. Almost reticulate regular seed surface patterns were observed. Four types of surface cells were examined; diamond, elliptic, oblong, and irregular. Majority of the seeds showed raised anticlinal wall level and diversity from wavy to puzzle in pattern. Periclinal wall may be glabrous or having protuberances that were rhombus and bullate in shape. Both macro-and micromorphological characters can provide basis for classification and delimitation of genus Eucalyptus