1,657 research outputs found

    Phase transitions in the one-dimensional frustrated quantum XY model and Josephson-junction ladders

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    A one-dimensional quantum version of the frustrated XY (planar rotor) model is considered which can be physically realized as a ladder of Josephson-junctions at half a flux quantum per plaquette. This system undergoes a superconductor to insulator transition at zero temperature as a function of charging energy. The critical behavior is studied using a Monte Carlo transfer matrix applied to the path-integral representation of the model and a finite-size-scaling analysis of data on small system sizes. Depending on the ratio between the interchain and intrachain couplings the system can have single or double transitions which is consistent with the prediction that its critical behavior should be described by the two-dimensional classical XY-Ising model.Comment: 13 pages, Revtex, J. Appl. Phys. (to appear), Inpe-las-00

    The Effect of Foreign Direct Investment on International Migration: Does Education Matter?

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    Using migration data in 1990 and 2000, we find that inward foreign direct investment (FDI) in non-OECD countries affects the out-migration of individuals with tertiary and secondary education to OECD countries originating the investments, but has no significant effect on the out-migration of individuals with primary education. Distinguishing between linkage and home effects, our results show a dominant home effect of FDI for individuals with tertiary education, but a stronger linkage effect for those with secondary education. The existing stock of former migrants in foreign countries influences the out-migration of individuals with primary education

    International Comovement of Economic Fluctuations: A Spatial Analysis

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    We consider the comovement of economic volatility across multiple countries. Using spatial models with data from 187 countries over the period of 1960–2007, we find a strong spatial comovement of economic volatility. More interestingly, the effect of geographical proximity on economic volatility comovement is strongest during the period of international shocks (1973–86), but almost disappears over the globalization era (1987–2007). By way of contrast, the influence of trade relations in determining the comovement of economic volatility is significant over 1987–2007

    Phase-coherence threshold and vortex-glass state in diluted Josephson-junction arrays in a magnetic field

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    We study numerically the interplay of phase coherence and vortex-glass state in two-dimensional Josephson-junction arrays with average rational values of flux quantum per plaquette ff and random dilution of junctions. For f=1/2f=1/2, we find evidence of a phase coherence threshold value xsx_s, below the percolation concentration of diluted junctions xpx_p, where the superconducting transition vanishes. For xs<x<xpx_s < x < x_p the array behaves as a zero-temperature vortex glass with nonzero linear resistance at finite temperatures. The zero-temperature critical currents are insensitive to variations in ff in the vortex glass region while they are strongly ff dependent in the phase coherent region.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Two phase galaxy formation: The Evolutionary Properties of Galaxies

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    We use our model for the formation and evolution of galaxies within a two-phase galaxy formation scenario, showing that the high-redshift domain typically supports the growth of spheroidal systems, whereas at low redshifts the predominant baryonic growth mechanism is quiescent and may therefore support the growth of a disc structure. Under this framework we investigate the evolving galaxy population by comparing key observations at both low and high-redshifts, finding generally good agreement. By analysing the evolutionary properties of this model, we are able to recreate several features of the evolving galaxy population with redshift, naturally reproducing number counts of massive star-forming galaxies at high redshifts, along with the galaxy scaling relations, star formation rate density and evolution of the stellar mass function. Building upon these encouraging agreements, we make model predictions that can be tested by future observations. In particular, we present the expected evolution to z=2 of the super-massive black hole mass function, and we show that the gas fraction in galaxies should decrease with increasing redshift in a mass, with more and more evolution going to higher and higher masses. Also, the characteristic transition mass from disc to bulge dominated system should decrease with increasing redshift.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures. Version polished for publication in MNRA

    Evolution of Non-Equilibrium Profile in Adsorbate Layer under Compressive Strain

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    We investigate the time evolution of an initial step profile separating a bare substrate region from the rest of the compressively strained adsorbate layer near a commensurate to incommensurate transition. The rate of profile evolution as a function of the mismatch, coverage and the strength of the substrate potential are determined by Brownian molecular dynamics simulations. We find that the results are qualitatively similar to those observed for the Pb/Si(111) system. The anomalously fast time evolution and sharpness of the non-equilibrium profile can be understood through the domain wall creation at the boundary and its subsequent diffusion into the interior of the adsorbate layer.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, Tribology Letter

    Equilibrium Shape and Size of Supported Heteroepitaxial Nanoislands

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    We study the equilibrium shape, shape transitions and optimal size of strained heteroepitaxial nanoislands with a two-dimensional atomistic model using simply adjustable interatomic pair potentials. We map out the global phase diagram as a function of substrate-adsorbate misfit and interaction. This phase diagram reveals all the phases corresponding to different well-known growth modes. In particular, for large enough misfits and attractive substrate there is a Stranski-Krastanow regime, where nano-sized islands grow on top of wetting films. We analyze the various terms contributing to the total island energy in detail, and show how the competition between them leads to the optimal shape and size of the islands. Finally, we also develop an analytic interpolation formula for the various contributions to the total energy of strained nanoislands.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Nonlinear sliding friction of adsorbed overlayers on disordered substrates

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    We study the response of an adsorbed monolayer on a disordered substrate under a driving force using Brownian molecular-dynamics simulation. We find that the sharp longitudinal and transverse depinning transitions with hysteresis still persist in the presence of weak disorder. However, the transitions are smeared out in the strong disorder limit. The theoretical results here provide a natural explanation for the recent data for the depinning transition of Kr films on gold substrate.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figs, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Diluted Josephson-junction arrays in a magnetic field: phase coherence and vortex glass thresholds

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    The effects of random dilution of junctions on a two-dimensional Josephson-junction array in a magnetic field are considered. For rational values of the average flux quantum per plaquette ff, the superconducting transition temperature vanishes, for increasing dilution, at a critical value xS(f)x_S(f), while the vortex ordering remains stable up to xVL>xSx_{VL}>x_S, much below the value xpx_p corresponding to the geometric percolation threshold. For xVL<x<xp x_{VL}<x<x_p, the array behaves as a zero-temperature vortex-glass. Numerical results for f=1/2f=1/2 from defect energy calculations are presented which are consistent with this scenario.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev.
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