1,751 research outputs found

    Diffusion and localization of relative strategy scores in the Minority Game

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    We study the equilibrium distribution of relative strategy scores of agents in the asymmetric phase (α≡P/N≳1\alpha\equiv P/N\gtrsim 1) of the basic Minority Game using sign-payoff, with NN agents holding two strategies over PP histories. We formulate a statistical model that makes use of the gauge freedom with respect to the ordering of an agent's strategies to quantify the correlation between the attendance and the distribution of strategies. The relative score x∈Zx\in\mathbb{Z} of the two strategies of an agent is described in terms of a one dimensional random walk with asymmetric jump probabilities, leading either to a static and asymmetric exponential distribution centered at x=0x=0 for fickle agents or to diffusion with a positive or negative drift for frozen agents. In terms of scaled coordinates x/Nx/\sqrt{N} and t/Nt/N the distributions are uniquely given by α\alpha and in quantitative agreement with direct simulations of the game. As the model avoids the reformulation in terms of a constrained minimization problem it can be used for arbitrary payoff functions with little calculational effort and provides a transparent and simple formulation of the dynamics of the basic Minority Game in the asymmetric phase

    Modeling a striped pseudogap state

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    We study the electronic structure within a system of phase-decoupled one-dimensional superconductors coexisting with stripe spin and charge density wave order. This system has a nodal Fermi surface (Fermi arc) in the form of a hole pocket and an antinodal pseudogap. The spectral function in the antinodes is approximately particle-hole symmetric contrary to the gapped regions just outside the pocket. We find that states at the Fermi energy are extended whereas states near the pseudogap energy have localization lengths as short as the inter-stripe spacing. We consider pairing which has either local d-wave or s-wave symmetry and find similar results in both cases, consistent with the pseudogap being an effect of local pair correlations. We suggest that this state is a stripe ordered caricature of the pseudogap phase in underdoped cuprates with coexisting spin-, charge-, and pair-density wave correlations. Lastly, we also model a superconducting state which 1) evolves smoothly from the pseudogap state, 2) has a signature subgap peak in the density of states, and 3) has the coherent pair density concentrated to the nodal region.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, extended discussion, added references; v3, added figure of antinodal spectra for normal/pseudo/sc state

    Band structure of Charge Ordered Doped Antiferromagnets

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    We study the distribution of electronic spectral weight in a doped antiferromagnet with various types of charge order and compare to angle resolved photoemission experiments on lightly doped La2−x_{2-x}Srx_xCuO4_4 (LSCO) and electron doped Nd2−x_{2-x}Cex_xCuO4±δ_{4\pm\delta}. Calculations on in-phase stripe and bubble phases for the electron doped system are both in good agreement with experiment including in particular the existence of in-gap spectral weight. In addition we find that for in-phase stripes, in contrast to anti-phase stripes, the chemical potential is likely to move with doping. For the hole doped system we find that ``staircase'' stripes which are globally diagonal but locally vertical or horizontal can reproduce the photoemission data whereas pure diagonal stripes cannot. We also calculate the magnetic structure factors of such staircase stripes and find that as the stripe separation is decreased with increased doping these evolve from diagonal to vertical separated by a coexistence region. The results suggest that the transition from horizontal to diagonal stripes seen in neutron scattering on underdoped LSCO may be a crossover between a regime where the typical length of straight stripe segments is longer than the inter-stripe spacing to one where it is shorter and that locally the stripes are always aligned with the Cu-O bonds.Comment: 13 pages, 16 figure

    Addendum to ``Multichannel Kondo screening in a one-dimensional correlated electron system''

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    This is an addendum to our previous work cond-mat/9705048 (published in Europhysics Letters 41, 213 (1998)), clarifying the construction of the two-particle scattering matrices used for studying the magnetic impurity behavior in a multichannel correlated host.Comment: Addendum to cond-mat/9705048 (Europhys. Lett. 41, 213 (1998)

    Nodal-antinodal dichotomy and magic doping fractions in a stripe ordered antiferromagnet

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    We study a model of a stripe ordered doped antiferromagnet consisting of coupled Hubbard ladders which can be tuned from quasi-one-dimensional to two-dimensional. We solve for the magnetization and charge density on the ladders by Hartree-Fock theory and find a set of solutions with lightly doped ``spin-stripes'' which are antiferromagnetic and more heavily doped anti-phase ``charge-stripes''. Both the spin- and charge-stripes have electronic spectral weight near the Fermi energy but in different regions of the Brillouin zone; the spin-stripes in the ``nodal'' region, near (\pi/2,\pi/2), and the charge-stripes in the ``antinodal'' region, near (\pi,0). We find a striking dichotomy between nodal and antinodal states in which the nodal states are essentially delocalized and two-dimensional whereas the antinodal states are quasi-one-dimensional, localized on individual charge-stripes. For bond-centered stripes we also find an even-odd effect of the charge periodicity which could explain the non-monotonous variations with doping of the low-temperature resistivity in LSCOComment: 6 pages, 6 figures, Expanded and improved, with additional reference
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