391 research outputs found

    The MEDIA Report: Media & Entertainment Data In America 2015 to 2020

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    The media and entertainment industry is going through a digital transformation, in the midst of COVID-driven shutdowns of live events and an economic downturn. This report provides a COVID-adjusted outlook for the industry. The MEDIA Report contains U.S. economic data from 2015 to 2020 across these sectors: internet publishing, social media, filmed entertainment (film and television), video games, sports, advertising agencies, music, newspapers, books, magazines, and periodicals. The report summarizes trends in the media and entertainment industry from both the supply and demand side, based on COVID-adjusted forecasts by IBIS World and PwC

    Call For Research: Towards the Right-Sizing of Regulations for Business Performance

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    Nobel Prize Laureate Hayek warned the U.S. was susceptible to wrong-sized regulations leading to market failure. We seek to understand where we are relative to Hayek’s portention, the effects of regulations on business performance, and how to right-size regulations to establish a healthy business environment. Previous research contains different underlying evidence and methods because they are from diverse, bias, incomplete, or propagandized angles, making productive discourse difficult and increasing epistemological polarity. Thus, this paper is a call for research to quantify the costs and benefits of regulation on business, with specific requests for action on contemporary regulatory dilemmas. The spectrum of business regulation considerations and a historical perspective of regulatory decisions are examined. A set of models and frameworks based on the literature are developed to propose research questions. The U.S. is at a pivotal moment where it is critical to understand the impacts of regulations on business performance and develop appropriate actions. The aim and underling premises of the study, implications, and desire are based on the genuine concern that we may be reaching a state of overregulation that requires correction, but our stance is not political in nature. Rather, it seeks to provide an economic foundation to investigate whether indeed the U.S. has reached a state of overregulation and if so, how to achieve an optimal level of regulation

    Popcorn or Snack? Empirical Analysis of Movie Release Windows

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    Adopting AI-Enabled Technology: Taking the Bad with the Good

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    From autonomous vehicles to smart home assistants and telemedicine, artificial intelligence (AI) enabled technologies are increasingly available in the market. Consumers are saddled between the benefits and the risks of these new technologies, yet research has seldom accounted for both facilitators and inhibitors of AI-enabled technology adoption. We introduce a theoretical model that includes both facilitators and inhibitors of AI-enabled technologies, which we test using structural equation modeling with a cross sectional survey of U.S. consumers across three AI categories: autonomous vehicles for robotic AI, smart home assistants for virtual AI, and telemedicine for embedded AI. We also include in the model the role of brand trust. We find that perceived uncertainty, loss of control, and privacy risk inhibit intention to use AI-enabled technologies by reducing perceptions of convenience, customization, and efficiency, so facilitators mediate the relationship between inhibitors and intention to use. We also find that brand trust contributes to intention to use by positively affecting facilitators and negatively affecting inhibitors. Finally, we ran the classic Technology Acceptance Model and found that our proposed model is a better fit to predict intention to use AI-enabled technologies

    A participação das transferências intergovernamentais no crescimento econômico dos municípios: um estudo no estado de Santa Catarina

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    The present study primarily aims at identifying budget (in) dependence concerning inter- governmental transfers and their effect on the economic growth of municipalities having up to 10,000 inhabitants in the State of Santa Catarina, Brazil. As secondary objectives, it aims at: studying the Brazilian State operational method from its fiscal federalism point of view through measuring the relationship between inter-governmental transfers and municipality total tax collection: and, analyzing inter-governmental transfer participations in the municipality tax collection, also considering their respective Gross Domestic Product (GDP) variations. To help understanding the subject at issue, we provide explanations of the State and Public Administration performances, Public Finances, Public Budget, economic growth and development. The study relevance lies in the fact that small municipalities have tax collection problems and inter-governmental transfers are vital for their survival. The total amount deriving from both resources greatly affects economic growth, thus we intend to show that inter-governmental transfers are essential to small municipalities. The research methodology is descriptive, bibliographic and documental focusing on the theoretical referential landmark. According to the research sample average, results show that municipalities depend on transfers, mainly from the Federal Government, that represented over 89% between 2008 and 2012, except for 2010 when they were equivalent to 76.38%. GDP during our research period was -11% showing that dependence on inter-governmental transfers does not affect the municipality economic growth.Este estudo tem por objetivo principal identificar a (in) dependência orçamentária em relação às transferências intergovernamentais dos Municípios com até 10.000 habitantes no Estado de Santa Catarina e seu reflexo para o crescimento econômico. Como objetivos secundários este trabalho tem a finalidade de estudar o funcionamento do Estado Brasileiro a partir do seu federalismo fiscal, mensurar a relação entre as transferências intergovernamentais e a arrecadação total e própria dos Municípios, analisar a evolução da participação das transferências intergovernamentais na arrecadação municipal com a variação dos respectivos Produtos Internos Brutos (PIBs). Com o intuito de subsidiar a compreensão do tema é realizada uma explicação sobre o Estado e Administração Pública. Em seguida é analisada a Política Pública como instrumento para a materialização do Estado, sendo também elaborada uma explanação sobre tópicos de Finanças Públicas, incluindo o Orçamento Público e, por fim, o crescimento e desenvolvimento econômico. A relevância do estudo reside no fato de que pequenos Municípios têm problemas na arrecadação própria e tendo como imprescindíveis à sua “sobrevivência” as transferências intergovernamentais. A razão entre esses dois tipos de recursos influi no crescimento econômico. Dessa forma, deseja-se demonstrar a essencialidade das transferências intergovernamentais para os pequenos Municípios. Como método de pesquisa tem-se a descritiva, com o uso da pesquisa bibliográfica e documental para subsidiar o marco referencial teórico. Como resultado ficou demonstrada a dependência com as transferências e que, na média da amostra, no período de 2008 a 2012, teve representatividade acima de 89%, exceto para o ano de 2010 quando esse valor corresponde a 76,38%, sendo a União a principal origem dessas transferências. Em relação à evolução do PIB, no período da pesquisa, foi de -11%. O resultado final é que a dependência dos Municípios em relação às transferências intergovernamentais não influencia o crescimento econômico

    The Role of Social and Technological Predispositions in Participation in the Sharing Economy

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    This study contributes to the growing body of research on drivers of participation in the sharing economy. We extend the well-established technology acceptance model and include layers of personality architecture related to the social nature of these markets (extraversion) and their technology intermediation (technology proclivity). Findings from a cross-sectional survey (n = 292) show that extraversion is related directly to the intention to use sharing economy applications, such as in home gig services, and related indirectly to likelihood to use these technologies and to engage as a provider of such services, through technology proclivity and the technology’s perceived usefulness

    Mensaje del señor Vicerrector Administrativo, Ing. Nelson Bernabé Granados, con motivo del CLXXVII aniversario de fundación de la Universidad de El Salvador

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    Muchas cosas han cambiado desde la fundación de la Universidad de El Salvador, en un humilde templo parroquial, en el propio centro de la Ciudad de San Salvador el 16 de febrero de 1841. Con apenas una decena de alumnos y algunos docentes, en su mayoría religiosos, aquella universidad incipiente se ha convertido al día de hoy en la única universidad pública de El Salvador, con más de dos mil profesores universitarios y una cantidad un poco mayor de administrativos además; en este año 2018 la población de estudiantes de la UES supera los 50,000 con facilidad

    El indicio penal no es un silogismo

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    Hoy, prácticamente todos los doctrinantes y la jurisprudencia (explícita o implícitamente), apelan a la categoría lógica del silogismo para definir el indicio penal. Creemos que se debe considerar la existencia de un modelo adicional de comprensión del indicio derivado de la teoría de la argumentación. Pugnan pues, en nuestra opinión, dos paradigmas por asumir la paternidad del indicio: el silogismo y la motivación. El modelo silogístico se basa en la estructura filosófica formalizada por Aristóteles para el conocimiento de la naturaleza principalmente, y por extensión y con menos fuerza, para la búsqueda de conclusiones probables