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    Marketinško komuniciranje predstavljajo vse aktivnosti, ki jih podjetje izvaja z namenom vzpostavitve komunikacije z obstoječimi in potecialnimi strankami in pomeni informiranje, vplivanje in prepričevanje ciljne javnosti. Z marketinškim komuniciranjem podjetje sporoča lastnosti in prednosti posameznih storitev, s čimer želi odjemalce prepričati za nakup. Odjemalci se v današnjem času želijo pozanimati o kvaliteti izdelka. Do te informacije lahko pridejo prek različnih medijev, vendar jih zaradi prenasičenosti z oglaševalskimi akcijami dosti rajši zaupa mnenju, izkušnjam ali pripombam prijateljev in sorodnikov. Tako so v današnjem času pridobile na pomenu govorice od ust do ust, katere pomenijo proizvajanje informacij od odjemalca k odjemalcu. Govorice od ust do ust se lahko prenašajo prek različnih medijev. Eden izmed njih je internet, ki nudi časovno neomejen dostop, spreminja način poslovanja, način komuniciranja med ljudmi in način pridobivanja informacij. Zaradi vseh možnosti, ki jih nudi internet kot komunikacijski kanal, se je razvil internetni marketing. Internetni marketing gradi pozitiven odnos z odjemalci, zmanjšuje stroške, omogoča razvoj novih poslov in povečuje fleksibilnost - s tem je mišljena vsakodnevna menjava. Ena izmed najpreprostejših oblik internetnega marketinga je virusni marketing. Virusni marketing spodbuja odjemalce k posredovanju marketinškega sporočila podjetja prijateljem, družini in kolegom v spletnem okolju. Glavna prednost virusnega marketinga je, da ne stane veliko, poleg tega pa podjetja lahko pridejo do podatkov o odjemalcih.Marketing communication presents all activities that company accomplishes with intention to establish communication with existent and potential clients and denotes informing, influencing and persuading of a target public. With marketing communication company conveys characteristics and advantages of individual services with a purpose to convince clients to buy something. Nowadays clients want to know as much as they can about quality of a product. They can get this information through different media, but a lot of them believe in opinion and experiences of their friends and relatives, because there are too many advertising campaigns. These are the reasons why word-of-mouth has such extensive importance. It means production of information from user to user. Word-of-mouth can transmit through different media. One of them is internet, which offers unlimited time access, changes mode of communication between people and the mode of information production. Internet marketing developed because of all possibilities that internet as communication channel offers. Internet marketing builds positive relationship with users, reduces costs, enables developement of new labors and increases flexibility – every day exchange is meant by this. One of the simplest forms of internet marketing is viral marketing. Viral marketing inspires users to intervent company\u27s marketing messages to friends, family and colleagues within web environment. Main advantage of viral marketing is that it does not cost a lot and companies can also get information about users