3 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Figure S2. of FRAX597, a PAK1 inhibitor, synergistically reduces pancreatic cancer growth when combined with gemcitabine

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    FRAX597 and gemcitabine decreased Ki67 staining on orthotopic pancreatic tail tumours. Pan02 murine pancreatic tumours from the orthotopic pancreatic tail tumour model treated with saline (control; CT), FRAX597 (FRAX), gemcitabine (Gem), or FRAX597 and gemcitabine (Gem + FRAX) at the doses given in the Materials and Methods section, were fixed and stained for the proliferative marker, Ki67. Three representative images were taken from each treatment group. (PPTX 2275 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of FRAX597, a PAK1 inhibitor, synergistically reduces pancreatic cancer growth when combined with gemcitabine

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    PAK1 Knock-down (KD) effects on survival and ERK expression. PAK1 KD cells were measured in the presence (darker bars) and absence (lighter bars) of FBS to measure survival, using thymidine-withdrawal. Survival in PANC-1 PAK1 KD clones (A) was significantly lower but no difference was observed in MiaPaCa-2 PAK1 KD clones (B). No reduction in the expression of either phospho-ERK (pERK1/2) or total ERK (ERK1/2) was detected in either PANC-1 (C) or MiaPaCa-2 (D) PAK1 KD cells, as assessed by western blot. The data represent mean ± SEM, summarised from three independent experiments. *** p < 0.001, compared to the corresponding clone with FBS. (PPTX 433 kb

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Depletion of p21-activated kinase 1 up-regulates the immune system of APC∆14/+ mice and inhibits intestinal tumorigenesis

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    PF-3758309 increased the numbers of white blood cells, and splenic weight and white pulp area, in SCID mice. HCT116 human CRC cells were grown as xenografted tumours in SCID mice for 2 weeks. The mice (n = 6) were then treated with PF-3758309 by peritoneal injection (25 mg/Kg) for a further 2 weeks. The mice were then culled, the blood taken for blood cell count and the spleens weighed, fixed in formalin, sectioned and stained with H&E. Control mice (n = 4) were treated with 5% DMSO in saline. Cont: control; WCC: white blood cell; neut: neutrophil; lym: lymphocyte; mono: monocytes. *, p < 0.05, **, p < 0.01, compared to control (PPTX 566 kb