6 research outputs found

    Oral Health-Related Quality of Life and Associated Factors in Brazilian Adolescents

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    Abstract This study aimed to assess the impact of oral health on the quality of life of adolescents. A cross-sectional study was performed with students from public and private schools from Passo Fundo, Brazil. All students were aged between 15 and 19 years old. The proportional random sample consisted of 736 adolescents from 20 schools. A structured questionnaire was applied, and an oral examination was performed, counting the number of teeth. Oral health-related quality of life was assessed by OHIP-14. Associations between quality of life and associated factors were analyzed. The mean OHIP-14 score was 7.25. Age, ethnicity and studying in a public school were associated to the OHIP-14 score. Tooth loss (p=0.79) was not associated with quality of life. Additionally, questions related to appearance, such as whether teeth appearance bothers the adolescent (p=0.68) were not associated with quality of life. Attending a public school (OR=1.63; CI95%: 0.98-2.70) and self-reported halitosis (OR=1.48; CI95%: 1.01-2.16) were strongly associated to higher impact on quality of life. It was concluded that socioeconomic conditions and halitosis were associated to higher impact on quality of life of adolescent

    Geodiversity and biodiversity of karst landscapes: the example of Sardinia.

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    Landscapes are usually considered as complex systems of superficial natural landforms covered by a more ore less developed and diversified land-cover (vegetation, agricultural and human elements). These territories are usually sorted in more or less homogeneous landscape units reflecting different intrinsic (natural and geological) characters and distinct ways of utilisation of the soils. Among all landscapes, the karstic ones are probably the most interesting and fascinating, also because the "landscape" continues underneath the topographic surface. In fact, where in other lithologies human exploration stops at the surface - except in mining regions where artificial voids have been made by Man - in karst areas extremely complex cave systems have sometimes developed, forming a unique subterranean landscape with its own characteristics and peculiarities. Furthermore, this type of landscape is among the most conservative ones, and inside the caves many evidences (sediments, archaeology, palaeontology, cave dwelling fauna, etc.) that enable palaeogeographic, palaeoenvironmental and palaeoclimatic reconstruction can be found. The example of the Island Sardinia (Italy) is illustrated: here almost 8 % of the territory is constituted of karstic areas where carbonatic rocks with ages ranging from Cambrian to Miocene crop out. More than 2500 natural karstic caves have been surveyed for a total length of over 320 km; 40 % of these are located in the Mesozoic limestones of Centraleast Sardinia and 30 % in the Cambrian Iglesiente Sulcis area in Southwest Sardinia. Other interesting karst landscapes are situated in the Northwest of the Island (Capo Caccia-Punta Giglio) and in the centraleastern part (Tacchi area). Geodiversity and biodiversity of these karst complexes give interesting information on local and regional palaeogeography, palaeoenvironment and palaeoclimate, and enables to define some of these areas extremely important geo-ecosystems of international interest


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    Sardulus sacerensis Casale & Marcia, nuova specie di Histeridae ipogei della Grotta di Lu Gardu (Sassari, Sardegna nord-occidentale) è descritta e comparata con le due specie note in precedenza della Sardegna centro-orientale, S. spelaeus Patrizi, 1955, e S. incrassatus Magrini & Fancello, 2005. Le caratteristiche morfologiche esternee i genitali maschili delle tre specie sono raffigurati. Inoltre, è fornita per la prima volta la descrizione della morfologia larvale di una specie di questo genere. S. spelaeus, specie nota fino ad ora di due grotte in territorio di Dorgali, è segnalata di una terza località: la Grotta di Istirzili o Stirzili, nel territorio di Baunei

    La bibliografia speleologica della Sardegna (1580-2006)

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    Scopo del presente lavoro, primo del genere per la Sardegna, \ue8 quello di mettere a disposizione non solo degli speleologi, ma anche di tutti coloro che intendono o intenderanno occuparsi delle grotte naturali e artificiali della nostra Isola, quanto \ue8 stato scritto sull\u2019argomento. Si \ue8 trattato di una lunga ricerca, durata oltre sei anni, nel corso dei quali abbiamo selezionato e catalogato opere monografiche, articoli e saggi, consultando libri, bollettini, riviste e quotidiani alla ricerca non solo di lavori d\u2019interesse prettamente speleologico, ma anche archeologico, biologico, naturalistico, geografico, geologico, paleontologico etc. Tutte le pubblicazioni reperite, in cui si descrivono o si citano grotte sarde, sono state catalogate in una banca dati Access, nella quale sono state raccolte informazioni sui tipi d\u2019argomenti trattati (archeologia, geologia, biospeleologia etc.). Questo ha consentito di fare complesse interrogazioni al database con combinazioni d\u2019informazioni geografiche di ciascuna grotta (numero catastale, comune, nome), con gli argomenti trattati negli articoli catalogati. Chiaramente il libro, di prossima pubblicazione, non \ue8 certo destinato a un grosso pubblico, ma ad una stretta cerchia di persone che, per passione (speleologi, escursionisti) o per lavoro (archeologi, geologi, biologi, etc.), sono e saranno interessate ad avere un\u2019ampia guida bibliografica a supporto delle loro attivit\ue0 e ricerche

    Gairo Taquisara: 10 anni per un pozzo

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    Descrizione morfologica ed esplorativa di una importante grotte nei Tacchi di Gairo (Ogliastra), con cenni sulla fauna di grotta