30 research outputs found

    Material Welfare of the Population as a Factor of Economic Security (on Materials of the Republic of Mordovia)

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    In the article on the basis of the analysis of the main indicators of a standard of living material conditions of activity of the population of Russia are characterized, interregional distinctions come to light

    The Evolution of Capitalist Ownership and Forms of Distribution of the Social Product

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    In the article, the main tendency of evolution of capitalist property is analyzed. It is revealed that the modern stage of this evolution is characterized by emergence of the social and economic relations and mechanisms contradicting the fundamental principles of functioning of capitalist property. Main types of such relations are considered

    Main Trends and Problems of Human Development in Russia in the Post-Soviet Period

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    Target. The purpose of this study is to trace the change in Russia’s position in world rankings in terms of humanitarian development, identify the main driving forces, as well as identify problems and suggest ways to solve them.Methods: Methods of demographic and economic and statistical analysis.Results and discussion: Characterized by the dynamics of the human potential of Russia — in 2018, the country first entered the group of countries with a very high level of human development.Выводы: The main problems in human development in the Russian Federation are revealed: low standard of living, long-term permanent decline in real money incomes of Russians (2014–2018), a high degree of material inequality, low life expectancy of the population, high excess mortality of certain categories of the population, a sharp drop in the number of students enrolled in higher education programs, per 1000 people population

    Ownership of Public Goods and the Development of Labor Potential Employee

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    The article analyzes the relationship between the need for development of labor potential employee and property relations for public goods. The conclusion is that public ownership dominates in public goods movement. It is this form of ownership determines the possibility of development of labor potential of every person, and thus the labor potential of the whole society

    Population Migration in the Context of Economic Security and Social Stability

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    Target: analysis of migration flows in modern Russia and identification of possible threats to economic security and social stability associated with population migration.Methods: a systematic approach, population analysis, comparative analysis, generalization and interpretation of the results. Results and discussion: On the basis of official statistics and expert estimates, an analysis of the situation in the field of population migration in Russia was carried out, the main directions of population redistribution were identified, the need for adjusting the socio-economic policy in regions experiencing significant migration was substantiated. Conclusions. Conclusions are drawn about the possible increase in the negative impact of migration processes on the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation as a whole and individual regions, in particular, which requires their detailed study in order to take measures to optimize migration flows and adjust social and economic policies

    Capacity of the Region in Enhance Economic Security in the Provision of Food

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    Goal: to identify and analyze threats to economic security in the food sector of the Republic of Mordovia and their sources.Methods: a systematic approach, economic and statistical analysis, comparative analysis, generalization and interpretation of the results.Results and discussion: the materials of the Republic of Mordovia analyzed the development of agricultural production over the past ten years, identified the main threats to economic security in the field of food supply and their sources, formulated proposals for the prevention and neutralization of threatsConclusions. Conclusions are made about the existence of factors threatening the sustainable development of agriculture of the Republic of Mordovia, which requires the adoption of urgent measures to prevent and neutralize the identified threats

    Regional Differentiation of Social and Economic Development as Threat of Economic Security

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    In the article the situation in the sphere of economic security in the Russian regions is characterized. For comparison on group of social and economic indicators, the largest cities and the most problem regions of Russia are chosen

    The regional component in the preschool children literary education

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    В статье освящаются вопросы литературного образования дошкольников с включением в круг детского чтения фольклора и произведений писателей, чье творчество связано с регионом.The article is devoted to the preschool children literary education, including the children's reading folklore and works of authors who are associated with the region