1 research outputs found

    Hitting spheres on hyperbolic spaces

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    For a hyperbolic Brownian motion on the Poincar\'e half-plane H2\mathbb{H}^2, starting from a point of hyperbolic coordinates z=(η,α)z=(\eta, \alpha) inside a hyperbolic disc UU of radius ηˉ\bar{\eta}, we obtain the probability of hitting the boundary ∂U\partial U at the point (ηˉ,αˉ)(\bar \eta,\bar \alpha). For ηˉ→∞\bar{\eta} \to \infty we derive the asymptotic Cauchy hitting distribution on ∂H2\partial \mathbb{H}^2 and for small values of η\eta and ηˉ\bar \eta we obtain the classical Euclidean Poisson kernel. The exit probabilities Pz{Tη1<Tη2}\mathbb{P}_z\{T_{\eta_1}<T_{\eta_2}\} from a hyperbolic annulus in H2\mathbb{H}^2 of radii η1\eta_1 and η2\eta_2 are derived and the transient behaviour of hyperbolic Brownian motion is considered. Similar probabilities are calculated also for a Brownian motion on the surface of the three dimensional sphere. For the hyperbolic half-space Hn\mathbb{H}^n we obtain the Poisson kernel of a ball in terms of a series involving Gegenbauer polynomials and hypergeometric functions. For small domains in Hn\mathbb{H}^n we obtain the nn-dimensional Euclidean Poisson kernel. The exit probabilities from an annulus are derived also in the nn-dimensional case