3 research outputs found

    Comprehensive intervention in stroke

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    Introduction: debate is currently underway about what types of stroke recovery interventions are more beneficial for patients. Objective: evaluate the effect of a six-month comprehensive intervention on the functional recovery of stroke patients. Methods: the study sample was 42 stroke patients: an experimental group (N = 22), mean age 52.68 years (SD = 14.39), who received a comprehensive intensive multidisciplinary intervention, and a control group (N = 20), mean age 56.20 years (SD = 14.82), who did not receive this type of intervention. The following stroke severity indices were applied: Glasgow Coma Scale, Canadian Scale, intensive care unit stay, uncal latching signs, endocranial hypertension signs, hematoma volume / ischemic area, midline displacement, need for surgery and total hospital stay time. These severity indices were similar in the two groups. Degree of functionality was gauged with the scales Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure. This test was applied at the start of the intervention and 6 months later. Results: both groups had a positive evolution in all the areas of the scale. The comprehensive intervention and a shorter total hospital stay were associated to better functional recovery from stroke. Conclusions: the need is suggested to implement comprehensive rehabilitation strategies in stroke patients.Introducci贸n: se mantiene el debate sobre qu茅 tipos de intervenciones para la recuperaci贸n del ictus ofrecen mejores resultados para el paciente. Objetivo: evaluar el efecto de una intervenci贸n integral durante seis meses sobre la recuperaci贸n funcional en pacientes con ictus. M茅todos: la muestra estuvo compuesta por 42 participantes con ictus: un grupo experimental (N = 22) con una media de edad de 52,68 a帽os (DE = 14,39) que recibi贸 una intervenci贸n integral, intensiva y multidisciplinar, y un grupo control (N = 20) con una media de edad de 56,20 a帽os (DE = 14,82) que no recibi贸 este tipo de intervenci贸n. Se valoraron los siguiente 铆ndices de severidad del ictus: Escala de Coma de Glasgow, Escala Canadiense, estancia en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos, signos de enclavamiento uncal, signos de hipertensi贸n endocraneal, volumen del hematoma/谩rea isqu茅mica, desplazamiento de l铆nea media, necesidad de cirug铆a y tiempo total de hospitalizaci贸n. Ambos grupos eran equivalentes en estos 铆ndices de gravedad. El grado de funcionalidad fue medido con la aplicaci贸n de la escala Functional Independence Measure and Functional Assessment Measure. Esta prueba se aplic贸 al inicio de la intervenci贸n y 6 meses despu茅s. Resultados: se observ贸 una evoluci贸n positiva en ambos grupos en todas las 谩reas de la escala. La intervenci贸n integral y un menor tiempo total de hospitalizaci贸n se relacionaron con una mejor recuperaci贸n funcional en el ictus. Conclusiones: se sugiere la necesidad de realizar estrategias de rehabilitaci贸n integral en los pacientes con ictus

    Memory of visual paired associates in healthy aging. A transcultural study

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    The present study contrasts performance in an immediate and delayed recall test across two aging populations without known neurological disorders from different cultural contexts. A total of 191 individuals, 97 Cubans and 94 Spaniards, participated. The age range was between 60 and 90 years (M= 70.6; SD= 6.8). The participants were evaluated with an immediate and a 30-minute delayed visual paired associates (VPA) test. Results showed no significant differences in the correct answers of the immediate and delayed recall depending on the nationality and gender of the participants. Age and educational level affected performance in immediate and delayed memory. A lower age and a higher level of education produced a better performance. In conclusion, the VPA test can be useful to assess memory across populations of different cultural contexts. Age negatively affected performance in immediate and delayed memory tasks in healthy aging. Educational level could be a protective factor, associated with the formation of the cognitive reserve. 漏 2021 Sociedad Universitaria de Investigaci贸n en Psicolog铆a y Salud. Publicado por Consejo General de Colegios Oficiales de Psic贸logos, Espa帽a. Este es un art铆culo Open Access bajo la CC BY-NC-ND licencia (http://creativecommons.org/licencias/by-nc-nd/4.0/)