5 research outputs found

    Clinical-epidemiological evaluation in overweight and obese patients after “DCD method” application

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    The article describes an experimental observation performed for 2 years on 200 patients: 150 female and 50 male between 25 and 65 years old, overweight with class I, II and III obesity (WHO classification). Patients with overt diabetic pathology and with “borderline” hyperglycemia, hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia are subjected to “DCD method” (appropriate dietary education associated to New-Electrosculpture) in Bari (DCD office). The aim of the study is weight loss, with patients’ life quality improvement. What we have obtained is an ideal body weight recover without anti-obesity drug use, with maintenance of the results obtained for 18 months

    Cryopreservation of adipose tissue with and without cryoprotective agent addition for breast lipofilling: A cytological and histological study.

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    Abstract In the second reconstructive phase of the breast after mastectomy, lipofilling is often necessary. Currently, lipofilling occurs immediately after autologous adipose tissue harvesting procedure, but most of the patients, usually, require multiple sessions to obtain a satisfactory result. Therefore, the need of repeated surgical harvesting outputs implies high risk of patients' morbidity and discomfort as well as increasing medical time and costs. The aim of our pilot study was to find out a feasible method to cryopreserve adipose tissue, in order to avoid reiterated liposuctions. Lipoaspirates samples have been harvested from 10 women and preserved by three methods: (1) the first one, using 10% Me2SO and 20% human albumin from human plasma as cryoprotective agents; (2) the second one, adding 5% Me2SO as cryoprotective agent; 3) the last one, without any cryoprotective agent. Fresh and cryopreserved fat samples, obtained through the aforementioned processes, have been analyzed ex vivo. The efficiency of the cryopreservation methods used was determined by adipocyte viability and the expression of adipocytes surface markers. Lipoaspirates stored at −196 °C for 3 months, after thawing, retained comparable adipocyte viability and histology to fresh tissue and no significant differences were found between the three methods used. Although the current results, differences between the methodologies in terms of viability may not become evident until breast lipofilling using frozen-thawed cryopreserved tissue

    Gender differences in patients with COVID-19: a narrative review

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    In December 2019 a novel coronavirus emerged in Wuhan, China causing many cases of severe pneumonia. World Health Organization (WHO) named this disease Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19). The infection has rapidly spread across China to many other countries, and on March 12, 2020 the WHO declared pandemic outbreak of COVID-19. As of May 16, 2020, COVID-19 has been diagnosed in more than 4,490,000 patients, associated to 305,976 deaths worldwide; in Italy 224,760 COVID-19 cases have been reported with 31,763 deaths. The main routes of transmission are respiratory droplets and direct contact with infected people, so numerous prevention strategies are employed to mitigate the spread of disease, including social distancing and isolation. The aim of this narrative review is to underline gender differences in epidemiology, etiopathogenesis, risk factors, clinical presentation, diagnosis, prognosis and mortality of patients infected with SARS-CoV-2. Currently data on the sex indicators for admitted or deceased patients are only available, but there is no analysis about other gender indicators. The data considered in our study are the only currently available in the literature, but it is appropriate to implement a specific analysis with all gender indicators to identify appropriate strategies. Moreover, the evaluation of a health service efficiency is a key element to define gender outcomes. Knowing the gender differences in COVID-19 outbreak would be a fundamental tool to understand the effects of a health emergency on individuals and communities as well as to carry out effective and equitable policies, public health measures and targeted solutions

    The management of the patient with osteoporosis: from evidence to clinical practice

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    Osteoporosis is the most common bone disease and is an important problem of public health. In fact, it represents the main cause of age-related fractures and disabilities with a consequent increasing sanitary, social and economic impact. Unfortunately, often osteoporosis is not as thoroughly investigated as it would be desirable and it is underestimated in diagnosis and therapy. The aim of this monograph is to sensitize medical internists to a careful evaluation and an efficacious treatment of osteoporosis in order to reduce the risks of this disease, in particular the fractures, with a view to improving the quality of patients' life