752 research outputs found

    Mapping the broad habitats of the Burren using satellite imagery

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    Teagasc acknowledges the support of the Research Stimulus Fund of the Department of Agriculture and Food, funded by the Irish Government under the National Development Plan 2000 – 2006.End of project reportThis project has successfully used satellite imagery to survey and map the extent and spatial distribution of broad habitat types within the Burren, and we have represented this information on a digitised habitat map. this information on a digitised habitat map. This map is the first to show the distribution of the broad habitats of the Burren and will be an important tool in aiding future decisions as to how the habitats of the Burren should be managed to the benefit of both the farmer and the environment. The map provides the first estimate of the area of the Burren affected by scrub encroachment – this being one of the most significant threats to the EU priority habitats in the region. On a particularly challenging area with a high diversity and complexity of habitats, remote sensing appears to offer a very effective and cost-efficient alternative to broad-scale habitat mapping on a field-by-field basis. The use of high-resolution imagery and ground-truthing should be adopted to complete a detailed national survey of habitats and land use in Ireland. This would support more effective implementation of both the Agriculture sector’s obligations under the Habitats Directive, and agri-environmental schemes with wildlife objectives. The outputs provided by such mapping approaches could inform the targeting of agri-environmental objectives, and increase the efficiency of detecting areas of high conservation value for monitoring by more conventional methods. The detailed land use descriptions offered by such imagery are also of high relevance to modelling approaches and risk assessment for implementation of land use policies such as the Water Framework Directive and Nitrates Directive.Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marin

    A study of the point-factor job evaluation process used in the Des Moines, Iowa Public School District

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    This research examines the point-factor job evaluation model used for the Des Moines Public School District\u27s (DMPSD) administrative job evaluation An independent consulting firm (i.e., job evaluation consultant) was hired to provide technical expertise and assistance for the administrative job evaluation. The DMPSD selected six administrators (five certificated and one noncertificated) to form the job evaluation committee (JEC) to perform the evaluations for certificated and noncertificated administrative jobs. This committee was trained in the job evaluation method by the consultant;A point-factor survey (PFC survey) and follow-up interviews with the JEC members were used to examine the five major components of the job evaluation model, which were: the position questionnaire; the training and practice sessions; the interviews; the role of the consultant; and the group work evaluation scoring. The PFC survey consisted of 37 questions, subcategorized into five sections (representing the five components) and a section for comments. The follow-up interviews of the JEC members were conducted individually to elicit further information from the PFC survey. The interviews were tape recorded and transcribed;The results from the survey and interviews were analyzed and suggestions were submitted for improving the model. (1) The selection of two administrative job evaluation committees (five certificated and five noncertificated administrators); and (2) In-depth interview training for the JEC members by the consultant. Implications of these changes are: (1) Separating one job evaluation committee (with both certificated and noncertificated administrators) into two separate committees to give each group equality and autonomy. (2) In-depth interview training for the JEC members to provide them skills needed to elicit significant information from the interviewees for the job evaluation scoring. Other changes suggested were: (1) A large meeting for all DMPSD administrators with a sponsor presiding to discuss the job evaluation process and end results. (2) Group interviews (all the JEC members with each administrator). (3) Locations moved for interviews and evaluation scoring. (4) Use of audio-visuals to streamline the job evaluation process

    Kepastian Hukum Bank Garansi Bagi Kreditur Terhadap Wanprestasi Debitur Pada Pelaksanaan Perjanjian Kerja Konstruksi

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    Dalam perjanjian kerja konstruksi, supaya pelaksanaan pembangunan dapat berjalan dengan lancar tentunya tidak terlepas dari sebuah jaminan yang diterbitkan oleh bank. salah satunya adalah bank garansi jaminan pelaksanaan, bank garansi merupakan jaminan berbentuk warkat yang diterbitkan oleh bank atas permintaan nasabah debitur. Dalam hal ini bank sebagai penanggung, setuju mengikatkan dirinya pada perjanjian kerja konstruksi untuk membayarkan sejumlah klaim yang diajukan oleh Kreditur sesuai dengan nominal yang tertera pada bank garansi. Meskipun perjanjian kerja konstruksi telah menyertakan bank garansi sebagai jaminan, namun pada praktiknya sering ditemukan wanprestasi. Yang menjadi permasalahan apakah bank garansi memberikan kepastian hukum bagi Kreditur terhadap segala risiko yang timbul dikemudian hari manakala debitur melakukan perbuatan wanprestasi. Sebagaimana Pasal 1820 Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Perdata, menjelaskan, “Penanggungan adalah suatu perjanjian dengan mana seorang pihak ketiga, guna kepentingan berpiutang, mengikatkan diri untuk memenuhi perikatan yang berutang manakala orang itu sendiri tidak memenuhinya.

    Whistleblowing in the Irish Military: the Cost of Exposing Bullying and Sexual Harassment

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    Whistleblowing has gained increasing media attention over the past 40 years, as incidents of abuse and wrongdoing associated with businesses, religious institutions, the media and politics have come to light. In this article, we investigate the consequences of a military whistleblower’s actions for both himself and the military institution that he was a part of. The case concerns former army officer Dr. Tom Clonan and his findings concerning the bullying and sexual harassment of female personnel in the Irish Defence Forces at the turn of the century. As these revelations came to light over 17 years ago we are able to examine their consequences for the military since that time

    Ganti Rugi Dalam Metode Promosi yang Menyesatkan Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 8 Tahun 1999 Tentang Perlindungan Konsumen

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    Pada awal sejarah pemasaran dilakukan dengan cara pertukaran barang (barter) dan terus berkembang menjadi perekonomian dengan menggunakan uang sampai dengan pemasaran yang modern. Pemasaran haruslah merupakan sarana dari organisasi untuk mengetahui kebutuhan manusia yang tak terpenuhi, baru menjadi peluang usaha menciptakan pemenuhan kebutuhan itu sendiri. Dalam ilmu ekonomi, ruang lingkup pemasaran disederhanakan menjadi empat kegiatan utama yang dikenal dengan 4P yakni: product (produk), price (harga), place (tempat), promotion (promosi). Promosi itu sendiri adalah proses komunikasi atau penyampaian berita tentang produk barang dan/atau jasa dari pelaku usaha kepada konsumen yang sifatnya memberitahukan, membujuk, dan/atau mempengaruhi konsumen untuk menggunakan produk tersebut. Namun, seringkali pelaksanaan dari kegiatan promosi tersebut tidak dilakukan sebagaimana mestinya. Seperti halnya dalam metode promosi menyesatkan, yang menjerat konsumen dalam keadaan lemah dan tak berdaya dengan tekanan psikis dari pelaku usaha, atau penggunaan klausula baku yang mengandung klausula eksonerasi, dan hal-hal tersebut sungguh merugikan konsumen. Keywords: perlindungan konsumen, kontrak baku, metode promosi menyesatkan

    Kedudukan Perjanjian Nominee Sebagai Alas Hak Kepemilikan Atas Tanah Bagi Warga Negara Asing di Indonesia

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    Perjanjian nominee merupakan sebuah perjanjian yang termasuk ke dalam bentuk perjanjian innominaat sebagaimana yang diatur dalam Pasal 1319 KUH Perdata sebagai perjanjian tidak bernama. Kenyataannya Perjanjian nominee tersebut seringkali disalahgunakan oleh Warga Negara Asing untuk meminjam nama dari Warga Negara Indonesia agar dapat mempunyai hak milik atas tanah di Indonesia. Sehingga permasalahan yang Penulis teliti lebih lanjut dalam penelitian ini adalah mengenai kedudukan dari perjanjian nominee dalam hukum positif di Indonesia serta dampak yang ditimbulkan dari perjanjian nominee terhadap sistem hukum pertanahan di Indonesia. Penelitian dilakukan dengan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif yang dihubungkan dengan bahan hukum primer, sekunder, dan tersier yang didasarkan pada studi kasus Penetapan Nomor 135/Pdt.G/2018/PN.Gin. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan terhadap perjanjian nominee yang memiliki maksud untuk memperoleh hak kepemilikan atas tanah di Indonesia oleh Warga Negara Asing dengan meminjam nama Warga Negara Indonesia merupakan perbuatan yang dilarang dan tidak memenuhi ketentuan-ketentuan hukum yang berlaku. Sistem pertanahan di Indonesia secara jelas telah mengatur mengenai subjek atau pihak yang dapat memperoleh hak kepemilikan atas tanah di Indonesia hanya Warga Negara Indonesia saja, sedangkan bagi Warga Negara Asing hak yang dapat diperoleh hanya sebatas pada hak pakai dan juga hak sewa. Kata Kunci: perjanjian nominee, kepemilikan warga negara asing atas tanah

    VCU-UNITE: Identifying Recognition Mechanisms for University-Community Engagement

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    The aims of the project were to determine what process would be appropriate to recognize significant contributions of university and community partners to joint community engagement projects. Our view was that several different award ceremonies exist in VCU, none of which are well attended and suggesting that this form of recognition may not be a high priority for participants. Thus, we sought to determine the awareness and extent of involvement of VCU faculty, staff and students in community engagement projects, and to find out what format of recognition process would be appealing to both university and community participants. We gathered this information through surveys and focus groups, analyzed the data and determined that university and community partners had differing views on what types of recognition would be desirous. Next, we designed a web portal through which nominations could be made by members of the university and by the community. We propose a streamlined nomination and online review process, leading to a quarterly award consisting of a letter of thanks from the Division of Community Engagement, and a photograph and narrative placed on the VCU website. Recipients of quarterly awards would automatically compete for an annual award, such as P&T credit or additional community leave time (university), or a scholarship, a plaque, or recognition at a VCU event (community)

    Effectiveness of Multifactorial Intervention Package (MIP) on knowledge, risk perception and readiness to Change lifestyle behaviour regarding prevention of cardiovascular disease among teachers, at selected schools, Chennai

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    Aim and objective: To assess the effectiveness of Multifactorial intervention package on knowledge, risk perception and readiness to change lifestyle behaviour regarding prevention of cardiovascular disease among teachers. Methodology: A quasi-experimental pre and post test control group design was used to conduct the study at selected schools, Chennai. 120 teachers who satisfied the inclusion criteria were selected using purposive sampling technique. Result: The comparison of post test level of knowledge between experimental and control group
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