67 research outputs found


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    Elemental status of the population of Saudi Arabia was studied in comparison with those of inhabitants of the Central Asian republics of the CIS and the south of Russia. It was found that the elemental profile of the Saudi Arabia inhabitants has characteristic features, primarily the low level of heavy metals and arsenic, and a high level of boron.Изучен элементный статус населения Саудовской Аравии в сравнении с жителями центральноазиатских республик СНГ и юга России. Установлено, что элементный профиль жителей Саудовской Аравии имеет характерные особенности, прежде всего низкий уровень тяжелых металлов и мышьяка, а также высокий уровень бора


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    The results of a comparative assay of trace element and mineral content in hair of Russian and foreign first-year students at RUDN University are presented. Peculiarities of trace element and mineral profiles typical of different geographical regions were established.Приведены результаты сравнительного анализа элементного состава волос российских и иностранных студентов РУДН первого года обучения. Установлены характерные особенности элементных профилей выходцев из различных климатогеографических регионов


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    Elemental status of the population of Saudi Arabia was studied in comparison with those of inhabitants of the Central Asian republics of the CIS and the south of Russia. It was found that the elemental profile of the Saudi Arabia inhabitants has characteristic features, primarily the low level of heavy metals and arsenic, and a high level of boron.Изучен элементный статус населения Саудовской Аравии в сравнении с жителями центральноазиатских республик СНГ и юга России. Установлено, что элементный профиль жителей Саудовской Аравии имеет характерные особенности, прежде всего низкий уровень тяжелых металлов и мышьяка, а также высокий уровень бора

    Examination of macro- and trace element content in hair of workers of a mining and processing enterprise in Mongolia

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    Element status of 40 male workers (43.9 +/- 8.9 years old) of the "Erdenet" copper-molybdenum ore mining and processing enterprise (Mongolia) was estimated using hair inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry analysis and comparison with outer control group. Differences between workers of the production (PS) and non-production (NPS) spheres were also studied. It was found that Mongolian workers do not differ from the control group by levels of macroelements though have significantly lower hair content of Cr (2.1-fold). 1 (4.4-fold), Se (1.2-fold), Cd (1.6-fold), Hg (4.2-fold), Si (1.5-fold), V (3.3-fold). and much higher hair content of Mo (9.5-fold). PS workers were found to have higher hair Mo (1.6-fold. p < 0.001) than NPS. Significantly higher hair content of essential Co (3.3-fold). Cr (1.9-fold). Fe (2-fold), I (3-fold), Se (1.2-fold), and Ca (1.7-fold) was also observed in PS workers. The data indicate distinct effect of occupational exposure to Mo. Lowered levels of essential elements, especially pronounced in the NPS subgroup. probably reflect peculiarities of Mongolian diets lacking vegetables and sea food

    Examination of macro- and trace element content in hair of workers of a mining and processing enterprise in Mongolia

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    Element status of 40 male workers (43.9 +/- 8.9 years old) of the "Erdenet" copper-molybdenum ore mining and processing enterprise (Mongolia) was estimated using hair inductively-coupled plasma mass-spectrometry analysis and comparison with outer control group. Differences between workers of the production (PS) and non-production (NPS) spheres were also studied. It was found that Mongolian workers do not differ from the control group by levels of macroelements though have significantly lower hair content of Cr (2.1-fold). 1 (4.4-fold), Se (1.2-fold), Cd (1.6-fold), Hg (4.2-fold), Si (1.5-fold), V (3.3-fold). and much higher hair content of Mo (9.5-fold). PS workers were found to have higher hair Mo (1.6-fold. p < 0.001) than NPS. Significantly higher hair content of essential Co (3.3-fold). Cr (1.9-fold). Fe (2-fold), I (3-fold), Se (1.2-fold), and Ca (1.7-fold) was also observed in PS workers. The data indicate distinct effect of occupational exposure to Mo. Lowered levels of essential elements, especially pronounced in the NPS subgroup. probably reflect peculiarities of Mongolian diets lacking vegetables and sea food

    The content of minerals and trace elements in the hair of children with Down syndrome

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    The technology (methodology) of non-invasive screening of human elemental status was tested under real conditions of Tajikistan child population in scope of assessment of dietary provision of schoolchildren with chemical elements - micronutrients, and of load with heavy metals. The project was implemented within the framework of regional activity of the World Food Programme (WFP). There were totally examined 588 schoolchildren of 14 classes of average educational institutions aged 710 years (301 girls, 287 boys), residing in the territory of the Republic of Tajikistan in Sughd and Khatlon regions, including those involved and not involved in WFP programme of organized school nutrition with hot meals provision fortified with vitamins and trace elements. The study included collection of hair samples and de-termination of 25 main physiologically significant macro and trace elements in them by the ICP-MS method. The obtained results confirmed known patterns of gender difference in hair mineral content with lower levels of most elements in girls, hair except magnesium. Also, the results revealed extremely low levels of copper and iodine in hair of Tajik schoolchil-dren: Cu 7.94 and 8.14 µg/g, I 0.094 and 0.071 µg/g respectively in boys and girls in average. Occurrence of copper defi-ciency as estimated by hair level of the element was 73.2% cases in schools involved in WFP programme and more than 90% cases in schools not involved in WFP programme. Iodine deficiency was registered in 84.4% and 84.2% children, re-spectively. Comparison of trace element patterns with corresponding data obtained earlier from children of the same age and sex living in other countries (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, Bangladesh, Macedonia, Croatia, and two re-gions of Russia) also showed a very decreased Cu, I levels in Tajik schoolchildren, suggesting that a lack of supply with these elements can be a cause of anemia and goiter widespread in this territory.Испытана технология (методология) неинвазивного скрининга элементного статуса человека в реальных условиях на примере детского населения Таджикистана в контексте оценки алиментарной обеспеченности школьников химическими элементами - микронутриентами и нагрузки тяжелыми металлами. Проект был реализован в рамках региональной деятельности Всемирной продовольственной программы (ВПП) ООН. Всего обследовано 588 школьников 14 классов средних школ в возрасте 710 лет (301 девочка, 287 мальчиков), проживающих на территории Республики Таджикистан в Согдийской и Хатлонской областях, в том числе включенных и не включенных в программу ВПП по внедрению организованного школьного питания с использованием горячих блюд, обогащенных витаминами и микроэлементами. Исследование включало сбор образцов волос и определение 25 основных физиологически значимых макро- и микроэлементов в них методом ИСП-МС. Полученные результаты подтвердили известные закономерности половых различий в минеральном составе волос с более низкими уровнями большинства элементов у девочек, за исключением магния. Кроме того, результаты показали чрезвычайно низкие уровни меди и йода в волосах таджикских школьников: Cu 7,94 и 8,14 мкг/г, I 0,094 и 0,071 мкг/г соответственно у мальчиков и девочек в среднем по республике. Встречаемость дефицита меди, оцененного по уровню элемента в волосах, составила 73,2% случаев в школах, участвующих в программе ВПП, и более 90% случаев в школах, не участвующих в программе ВПП. Дефицит йода зарегистрирован у 84,4% и 84,2% детей соответственно. Сравнение элементных профилей с аналогичными данными, полученными ранее у детей того же возраста и пола, проживающих в других странах (Азербайджан, Казахстан, Туркменистан, Бангладеш, Македония, Хорватия и два региона России) также подтвердило очень низкий уровень Cu и I у таджикских школьников, что дает основание полагать, что в нехватке этих элементов кроется причина широкой распространенности анемии и зоба на этой территории

    Сравнительный анализ содержания макро- и микроэлементов в волосах детей с синдромом Дауна и ожирением

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    The purpose of this report was to determine the general and specific disorders of elemental status in children with Down syndrome and obesity. Detection of chemical elements in children's hair (5-17 years old) with Down syndrome (45), obesity (45) and healthy subjects (45) was carried out by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). Children with Down syndrome and obesity were found to have significant decreases in Ca (30% and 21%), Co (40% and 18%), Fe (42% and 36%), I (29% and 40%), Mg (26% and 39%) and Zn (17% and 25%) in their hair compared to control group, respectively. At the same time, children with Down syndrome were characterized by a significant decrease in copper and manganese levels in their hair by 16% and 29% compared to control group, while the phosphorus content in their hair was higher than control group values by 23%. Multiple regression analysis showed that the zinc level in the hair was characterized by a reliable inverse relationship with body weight ( β = -0.163) and BMI ( β = -0.232). At the same time, the growth of children was negatively related to the level of magnesium ( β = -0.170) and phosphorus ( β = -0.173) in the hair, while the calcium content was characterized by a direct relationship ( β = 0.213). Thus, it is suggested that zinc metabolic disorder in children with Down syndrome may at least partially mediate the risk of obesity. At the same time, calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium metabolic disturbances may be associated with impaired physical development and linear growth. Presumably, the correction of mineral metabolism in patients with Down syndrome may be a tool for preventive correction of metabolic disorders.Целью настоящего исследования явилось выявление общих и специфических нарушений элементного статуса у детей с синдромом Дауна и ожирением. Определение содержания химических элементов в волосах детей (5-17 лет) с синдромом Дауна (45), ожирением (45) и здоровых обследуемых (45) выполнялось методом масс-спектрометрии с индуктивно-связанной плазмой (ИСП-МС). Установлено, что дети с синдромом Дауна и ожирением характеризуются достоверным снижением уровней Ca (30 и 21%), Co (40 и 18%), Fe (42 и 36%), I (29 и 40%), Mg (26 и 39%) и Zn (17 и 25%) в волосах соответственно по сравнению с контролем. В то же время у таких детей отмечено достоверное снижение уровня меди и марганца в волосах на 16 и 29% по сравнению с контролем, тогда как содержание фосфора в волосах превышало контрольные значения на 23%. Множественный регрессионный анализ показал, что уровень цинка в волосах характеризуется достоверной обратной взаимосвязью с величиной массы тела (β = -0,163) и ИМТ (β = -0,232). Рост детей был отрицательно связан с уровнем магния (β = -0,170) и фосфора (β = -0,173) в волосах, тогда как содержание кальция характеризовалось прямой взаимосвязью (β = 0,213). Таким образом, предполагается, что нарушение обмена цинка у детей с синдромом Дауна может, по крайней мере, частично опосредовать риск развития ожирения. В то же время нарушения обмена кальция, фосфора и магния могут быть связаны с нарушением физического развития и линейного роста. Предположительно, коррекция минерального обмена у пациентов с синдромом Дауна может являться инструментом превентивной коррекции метаболических нарушений

    Zinc deficiency as a mediator of toxic effects of alcohol abuse

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    Objective: To review data on the role of ethanol-induced alteration of Zn homeostasis in mediation of adverse effects of alcohol abuse. Methods: The scholarly published articles on the association between Zn metabolism and alcohol-associated disorders (liver, brain, lung, gut dysfunction, and fetal alcohol syndrome) have been reviewed. Results: It is demonstrated that alcohol-induced modulation of zinc transporters results in decreased Zn levels in lungs, liver, gut, and brain. Zn deficiency in the gut results in increased gut permeability, ultimately leading to endotoxemia and systemic inflammation. Similarly, Zn deficiency in lung epithelia and alveolar macrophages decreases lung barrier function resulting in respiratory distress syndrome. In turn, increased endotoxemia significantly contributes to proinflammatory state in alcoholic liver disease. Finally, impaired gut and liver functions may play a significant role in alcoholic brain damage, being associated with both increased proinflammatory signaling and accumulation of neurotoxic metabolites. It is also hypothesized that ethanol-induced Zn deficiency may interfere with neurotransmission. Similar changes may take place in the fetus as a result of impaired placental zinc transfer, maternal zinc deficiency, or maternal Zn sequestration, resulting in fetal alcoholic syndrome. Therefore, alcoholic Zn deficiency not only mediates the adverse effects of ethanol exposure, but also provides an additional link between different alcohol-induced disorders. Conclusions: Generally, current findings suggest that assessment of Zn status could be used as a diagnostic marker of metabolic disturbances in alcohol abuse, whereas modulation of Zn metabolism may be a potential tool in the treatment of alcohol-associated disorders. © 2017, Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature