3 research outputs found

    Prawo strony do przeniesienia do rejestru stanu cywilnego małżeństwa jednopłciowego – uwagi na tle orzecznictwa Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu

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    According to the Polish regulations, a person, who entered into marriage abroad, may request that it be transcribed – i.e. revealed in the Polish civil status records. Nevertheless such a transcription may not be demanded by all those, who entered into marriage abroad, even if all of the foreign legal requirements of marriage were realized. Among others, it is impossible to transcribe to the Polish civil status records a gay marriage, concluded abroad. In the present article, the author will attempt to answer, whether current Polish legal regulations, according to which a marriage successfully concluded abroad, does not enjoy any legal recognition, and by extension – protection, complies with the minimal standards of human right protection, as envisaged by the European Convention on Human Rights and jurisprudence of European Court of Human Rights in Strasburg.Zgodnie z polskim prawem, osoba, która za granicą zawarła związek małżeński, może domagać się jego transkrypcji - tj. przeniesienia do rejestru stanu cywilnego. To uprawnienie nie przysługuje jednak wszystkim osobom, które zawarły związek małżeński zgodnie z prawem obowiązującym za granicą. Niemożliwym w Polsce jest, między innymi, przeniesienie do polskiego rejestru aktów stanu cywilnego, małżeństwa homoseksualnego zawartego w innym kraju. W niniejszym artykule autor postara się odpowiedzieć na pytanie, czy stan prawny, gdzie małżeństwo skutecznie zawarte poza granicami Polski, w Polsce nie podlega prawnemu uznaniu, a w konsekwencji nie podlega żadnej ochronie prawnej, jest zgodny z minimalnymi standardami ochrony praw człowieka wytyczanymi Europejską Konwencją o Ochronie Praw Człowieka oraz orzecznictwem Europejskiego Trybunału Praw Człowieka w Strasburgu

    Optimization of a retroviral vector for transduction of human CD34 positive cells

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    Human stem and progenitor cells have recently become objects of intensive studies as an important target for gene therapy and regenerative medicine. Retroviral vectors are among the most effective tools for genetic modification of these cells. However, their transduction efficiency strongly depends on the choice of the ex vivo transduction system. The aim of this study was to elaborate a system for retroviral vector transduction of human CD34 positive cells isolated from cord blood. The retroviral vector pMINV EGFP was chosen for transduction of two human erythroblastoid cell lines: KG-1a (CD34 positive) and K562 (CD34 negative). For vector construction, three promoters and two retroviral vector packaging cell lines were used. To optimize the physicochemical conditions of the transduction process, different temperatures of supernatant harvesting, the influence of centrifugation and the presence of transduction enhancing agents were tested. The conditions elaborated with KG-1a cells were further applied for transduction of CD34 positive cells isolated from cord blood. The optimal efficiency of transduction of CD34 positive cells with pMINV EGFP retroviral vector (26% of EGFP positive cells), was obtained using infective vector with LTR retroviral promoter, produced by TE FLY GA MINV EGFP packaging cell line. The transduction was performed in the presence of serum, at 37°C, with co-centrifugation of cells with viral supernatants and the use of transduction enhancing agents. This study confirmed that for gene transfer into CD34 positive cells, the detailed optimization of each element of the transduction process is of great importance