12 research outputs found

    Virtualização de experimentos do laboratório didático de redes de computadores para a flexibilidade, redução de custos e uso remoto : Virtualization of computer network educational laboratory experiments for flexibility, cost reduction and remote use

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    As limitações impostas pelo distanciamento social durante a pandemia representaram um grande desafio para todos os educadores manterem o ensino com tais limitações. Neste artigo, primeiramente apresentamos como a disciplina Laboratório de Redes de Computadores do curso de Engenharia da Computação da Escola Politécnica da Universidade de São Paulo evoluiu de uma configuração com equipamentos físicos para a virtualização de experimentos por meio de simuladores e emuladores. Essa virtualização foi um elemento decisivo para viabilizar a mudança para atividades remotas durante a pandemia. O curso visa oferecer aos alunos a oportunidade de contato com as múltiplas tecnologias de redes de computadores por meio de experimentos, que tratam de diferentes temas relacionados a tecnologias, protocolos e estratégias utilizadas em redes de computadores. As atividades práticas permitem que os alunos compreendam os conceitos estudados nas disciplinas teóricas. A transformação para atividades realizadas totalmente online foi possível graças à prévia virtualização de ambientes com o uso de emuladores e simuladores de rede e com a ferramenta de reunião virtual Zoom. O LMS Ae (Learning Management System Ae) foi utilizado como sistema de apoio e vídeos demonstrativos dos procedimentos experimentais foram utilizados em alguns casos como material complementar. Os tópicos experimentais são: cabeamento estruturado, tecnologia Ethernet, protocolo IP, protocolos de roteamento RIP e OSPF, protocolos multicast, protocolo BGP, redes sem fio, redes definidas por software, redes de sensores sem fio, segurança de rede, programação para computação quântica. Os resultados do ensino a distância foram avaliados comparando-se a média de notas e frequência em relação aos anos anteriores

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    Abstract ⎯ This project aims at the design of a classroom environment and the development of laboratory experiments for a discipline on Computer Network Laboratory for an undergraduate course on Computer Engineering at Escola Politécnica da Universidade de Sao Paulo. Special consideration was taken concerning the cabling and the planning of the physical and logical configuration of the classroom network, due to the need to run experiments using network equipment like routers and ATM switches. An important part of the laboratories is to reinforce the concepts acquired in the theoretical lectures and, for this reason, the experiments were planned for every network layer. Most of the experiments use software tools specifically developed for the experiments, like runtime libraries and simulators. Besides, the course material profits from tools developed for web distance learning training, including multimedia, on-line evaluation tests, chats and simulators. The laboratory has been running for three years and a new revision of the classrooms and of the experiments is being implemented

    OpenCare5G: O-RAN in Private Network for Digital Health Applications

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    Digital Health is a new way for medicine to work together with computer engineering and ICT to carry out tests and obtain reliable information about the health status of citizens in the most remote places in Brazil in near-real time, applying new technologies and digital tools in the process. InovaHC is the technological innovation core of the Clinics Hospital of the Faculty of Medicine of the University of São Paulo (HCFMUSP). It is the first national medical institution to seek new opportunities offered by 5G technology and test its application in the first private network for Digital Health in the largest hospital complex in Latin America through the OpenCare5G Project. This project uses an Open RAN concept and network disaggregation with lower costs than the traditional concept used by the telecommunications industry. The technological project connected to the 5G network was divided into two phases for proof-of-concept testing: the first with an initial focus on carrying out examinations with portable ultrasound equipment in different locations at HCFMUSP, and the second focusing on carrying out remote examinations with health professionals in other states of Brazil, who will be working in remote areas in other states with little or no ICT infrastructure together with a doctor analyzing exams in real time at HCFMUSP in São Paulo. The objective of the project is to evaluate the connectivity and capacity of the 5G private network in these the proof-of-concept tests for transmitting the volume of data from remote exams with higher speed and lower latency. We are in the first phase of the proof of concept testing to achieve the expected success. This project is a catalyst for innovation in health, connecting resources and entrepreneurs to generate solutions for the innovation ecosystem of organizations. It is coordinated by Deloitte with the participation of the Escola Politécnica da USP (The School of Engineering—University of São Paulo), Airspan, Itaú Bank, Siemens Healthineers, NEC, Telecom Infra Projet, ABDI and IDB. The use of 5G Open RAN technology in public health is concluded to be of extreme social, economic, and fundamental importance for HCFMUSP, citizens, and the development of health research to promote great positive impacts ranging from attracting investment in the country to improving the quality of patient care