49 research outputs found

    Energiepflanzenanbau für die Biogaserzeugung im Ökologischen Landbau

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    The interest in the cultivation of energy plants for the biogas production is increasing in organic agriculture. But this cropping has to be designed according to the principles of organic farming and sustainable agriculture. Therefore in the research project ÖKOVERS different energy crops as a part of a standard crop rotation are compared in two different cropping systems. Cropping system 1 is a double cropping system with a mixture of grass/clover harvested in spring as first crop and a following second crop like sunflowers, maize, sorghum, amaranth, buckwheat and others. The second system is a mixture of grass/clover with several cuts during one year. The highest yield was obtained with the mixture of grass/clover in the second system with 18,5 t ha-1. Also the highest methane yield with 5100 Nm3 ha -1 was achieved with the grass/clover mixture. The different summer crops after grass/clover mixture were affected by drought during the summer and early frost in autumn. Hence the mixture of grass/clover was a good alternative to maize. These results will be checked in further researches

    Energiepflanzenanbau zur Biogaserzeugung im Ökologischen Landbau – Ergebnisse aus dem Versuch ÖKOVERS

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    In the research project ÖKOVERS different crops for fermentation were cultivated in a double cropping system at five locations in Germany. The crop yields after half a year and after one and half a year mixture of clover/grass were compared. The second crops were maize, sorghum, sunflowers, buckwheat and others, which have been fertilised with solid and liquid digestate. In one and half a year a yield over 20 t DM ha-1 of clover/grass was realised. The yields of the second crops after a one and half a year clover/grass were clearly higher than after half a year clover/grass. The highest yield of the second crops in the mean of all locations was realised by maize with 11,5 t DM ha-1. The yield of sorghum and sunflowers and a mixture with maize and sunflowers with 10 t DM ha-1 were comparable to the yield of maize. The yield of buckwheat was 6,5 t DM ha-1 only, however this could be an alternative as there was no need for weed control. After digestate application the increases of yields were very low at all crops. The reason for this could be the large C and N ratio and the low fraction of plant available nitrogen

    Ermittlung der Futterqualität verschiedener Wintererbsengenotypen in Rein- und Gemengesaat zur Nutzung als nachwachsender Rohstoff, als Grünfutter und als Druschfrucht

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    Normalblättrige Wintererbsen sind in Reinsaat eine rohproteinreiche Winterzwischenfrucht für die Nutzung als Grünfutter oder als nachwachsender Rohstoff zur Energiegewinnung im Rahmen von Zweikulturnutzungssystemen. Zum Korndrusch im Gemengeanbau stellen sie bei mindestens vergleichbaren Kornerträgen und Qualitäten eine Alternative zu Sommererbsen dar. Dabei können Anbauprobleme von Sommererbsen besonders hinsichtlich der Unkrautregulierung reduziert werden

    Bias-voltage dependence of the magneto-resistance in ballistic vacuum tunneling: Theory and application to planar Co(0001) junctions

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    Motivated by first-principles results for jellium and by surface-barrier shapes that are typically used in electron spectroscopies, the bias voltage in ballistic vacuum tunneling is treated in a heuristic manner. The presented approach leads in particular to a parameterization of the tunnel-barrier shape, while retaining a first-principles description of the electrodes. The proposed tunnel barriers are applied to Co(0001) planar tunnel junctions. Besides discussing main aspects of the present scheme, we focus in particular on the absence of the zero-bias anomaly in vacuum tunneling.Comment: 19 pages with 8 figure

    Motion style acupuncture treatment (MSAT) for acute low back pain with severe disability: a multicenter, randomized, controlled trial protocol

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Acupuncture is widely-used to treat patients with low back pain, despite insufficient evidence of the technique's efficacy for acute back pain. Motion style acupuncture treatment (MSAT) is a non-traditional acupuncture treatment requiring a patient to exercise while receiving acupuncture. In Korea, MSAT is used to reduce musculoskeletal pain and improve functional status. The study aims to evaluate the effect of MSAT on acute low back pain with severe disability.</p> <p>Methods/Design</p> <p>This study is a multicenter, randomized, active-controlled trial with two parallel arms. Participants with acute low back pain and severe functional disability, defined as an Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) value > 60%, will be randomly allocated to the acupuncture group and the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) injection group. The acupuncture group will receive MSAT and the NSAID injection group will receive an intramuscular injection of diclofenac. All procedures will be limited to one session and the symptoms before and after treatment will be measured by assessors blinded to treatment allocation. The primary outcome will be measured at 30 minutes after treatment using the numerical rating scale (NRS) of low back pain while the patient is moving. Secondary outcomes will be measured at 30 minutes after treatment using the NRS of leg pain, ODI, patient global impression of change, range of motion (ROM) of the lumbar spine, and degrees of straight leg raising (SLR). Post-treatment follow-up will be performed to measure primary and secondary outcomes with the exception of ROM and SLR at 2, 4, and 24 weeks after treatment.</p> <p>Discussion</p> <p>The results of this trial will be discussed.</p> <p>Trial Registration</p> <p>ClinicalTrial.gov <a href="http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT01315561">NCT01315561</a></p

    Determinants of Functional Coupling between Astrocytes and Respiratory Neurons in the Pre-Bötzinger Complex

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    Respiratory neuronal network activity is thought to require efficient functioning of astrocytes. Here, we analyzed neuron-astrocyte communication in the pre-Bötzinger Complex (preBötC) of rhythmic slice preparations from neonatal mice. In astrocytes that exhibited rhythmic potassium fluxes and glutamate transporter currents, we did not find a translation of respiratory neuronal activity into phase-locked astroglial calcium signals. In up to 20% of astrocytes, 2-photon calcium imaging revealed spontaneous calcium fluctuations, although with no correlation to neuronal activity. Calcium signals could be elicited in preBötC astrocytes by metabotropic glutamate receptor activation or after inhibition of glial glutamate uptake. In the latter case, astrocyte calcium elevation preceded a surge of respiratory neuron discharge activity followed by network failure. We conclude that astrocytes do not exhibit respiratory-rhythmic calcium fluctuations when they are able to prevent synaptic glutamate accumulation. Calcium signaling is, however, observed when glutamate transport processes in astrocytes are suppressed or neuronal discharge activity is excessive

    Metastase eines papillären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms in den Nasennebenhöhlen - eine seltene Entität

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    Einleitung: Schilddrüsenkarzinome gehören zu den häufigsten malignen endokrinen Tumoren, machen jedoch in der Gesamtheit der bösartigen Tumore nur 0,15-1% aus und sind damit eher selten. In absteigender Häufigkeit überwiegen die papillären Karzinome, gefolgt von den follikulären, den medullären und den undifferenzierten Karzinomen. Ein seltenes Erstsymptom einer Metastasierung in die Keilbeinhöhle kann eine behinderte Nasenluftpassage sein. Die häufigsten Metastasierungswege sind je nach Histologie lymphogen, lokoreginär oder hämatogen in die Lunge, Leber und Knochen. Fall: Wir berichten über eine Patientin, die sich mit progredienter Nasenatmungsbehinderung, rezidivierender Rhinorrhoe, Rhonchopathie, Mundatmung und nasalem Sprechen vorstellte. Im Nasopharynx zeigte sich eine beerenartig livide, die Choanen fast vollständig verlegende und bis auf Höhe der Weichgaumenhinterkante reichende RF. Die CT-NNH zeigte eine polypöse RF der Keilbeinhöhle und des Nasenseptums, welche in Intubationsnarkose transnasal von der Vomerhinterkante und dem Nasenrachendach gelöst und en bloc geborgen wurde. Ergebnisse: Das histologische Bild entsprach einer Metastase eines papillären Schilddrüsenkarzinoms. Zeitnah erfolgte eine Thyreoidektomie mit Nachweis eines papillären Mikrokarzinoms sowie die transnasale Tumorresektion im Bereich des Septums, der Keilbeinhöhle und Epiharynxdach. Im Anschluss folgte die Radiojodtherapie. Schlussfolgerungen: Schilddrüsenkarzinome treten oft durch lokoregionäre Pathologien auf und metastasieren lymphogen oder hämatogen. Die Metastasierung in die Nasennebenhöhlen ist eine Rarität. Im Umkehrschluss sind primäre Tumore der NNH ebenfalls selten, so dass differenzialdiagnostisch an eine Metastasenabsiedlung zu denken ist.Der Erstautor gibt keinen Interessenkonflikt an

    Einfluss von Cetuximab auf die Apoptoseregulation in HNSCC

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    Chirurgische Therapie der Dysphagie bei volumenbedingter Glottisinsuffizienz

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