109 research outputs found

    Genesis of the city Å abac and origin of its name

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    Origin and meaning of the name of the city of Å abac was object of interest for many Serbian and foreign historical geographers, linguist geographers, anthropogeographers and others. Nevertheless, the meaning of this name has not been clearly researched till today. Some scientist believed that 'Zaslon, the city on the river Sava, is Å abac in Greek', some others believe that the name Å abac is in Serbian language. In this research paper authors deals with two hypotheses about the name. First hypothesis connects city name with the river Sava, and the second with name of god Sabacius (Sabazije), who was identified as Dionysus and Thracian god horse rider. However, these names are much older than material evidences about city genesis

    Genesis of the city Å abac and origin of its name

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    Origin and meaning of the name of the city of Å abac was object of interest for many Serbian and foreign historical geographers, linguist geographers, anthropogeographers and others. Nevertheless, the meaning of this name has not been clearly researched till today. Some scientist believed that 'Zaslon, the city on the river Sava, is Å abac in Greek', some others believe that the name Å abac is in Serbian language. In this research paper authors deals with two hypotheses about the name. First hypothesis connects city name with the river Sava, and the second with name of god Sabacius (Sabazije), who was identified as Dionysus and Thracian god horse rider. However, these names are much older than material evidences about city genesis

    Cartographic image of Serbia and other neighboring countries on the Balkan Peninsula on the maps of Martin WaldseemĆ¼ller from early 16th century

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    Martin WaldseemĆ¼ller has a special place in the history of European cartography and geography, due to the original cartographic works that influenced the expansion of the geographical horizons of Europeans in the 16th century. In the introductory section, the author gives an overview of his most important works, which still attract the attention of researchers in the field of historical geography, historical cartography, toponomastics and related scientific disciplines. Author then analyzes the text and context of Waldzemiler's maps. The aim of this work is to shed new light on geographical knowledge of the Balkan Peninsula and Serbian countries in the age of Humanism and the Renaissance, based on an analysis of Martin WaldseemĆ¼ller's geographic maps from the early 16th century. Special attention is paid to the contents of the map Tabula moderna Bossine, Servie, Gretiae et Sclavonie, from 1507

    Kulturna geografija - aspekt i disciplina druŔtvene geografije

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    Cultural geography was created as a reaction to geographic determinism and a static descriptive approach in researching the characteristics of cultural elements and forms distribution in classical anthropogeography. An American geographer Carl Sauer (1925) is considered to be its founder, although its aspects were present in Anthropogeography and Human geography (GĆ©ographie humaine) before. Even today, Cultural geography is defined differently: as a strict science with its methodological apparatus, or as an aspect or way of looking in geography. Sauer has defined this science in the spirit of the possibilistic concept of geography of Paul Vidal de la Blache. In the spirit of this concept, Jovan Cvijić's Serbian anthropogeography school was developed, which also has an expressive cultural-geographical aspect. The aim of this paper is to discuss issues of subject and methodological essence of Cultural geography in the light of different approaches and directions of development.Kulturna geografija je nastala kao reakcija na geografski determinizam i statični deskriptivni pristup u istraživanjima osobenosti rasprostranjenja kulturnih elemenata i formi u klasičnoj antropogeografiji. Njenim osnivačem smatra se američki geograf Karl Sauer (Sauer, 1925), iako su njeni aspekti bili zastupljeni i ranije u antropogeografiji i geografiji čoveka (GĆ©ographie humaine). I danas se kulturna geografija definiÅ”e različito - kao stroga nauka sa svojim metodoloÅ”kim aparatom, ili kao aspekt ili način posmatranja u geografiji. Sauer je definisao ovu nauku u duhu posibilističkog koncepta geografije Pol Vidal de la BlaÅ”a. U duhu tog koncepta razvijala se i srpska antropogeografska Å”kola Jovana Cvijića, koja takođe ima izrazit kulturno-geografski aspekt. Cilj ovoga rada je da razmotri pitanja predmetne i metodoloÅ”ke suÅ”tine kulturne geografije, u svetlu različitih pristupa i pravaca razvoja

    Development of Serbian cartography from the end of XVIII to the beginning of the XX century

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    This paper represents summary of development of geographical and cartographical knowledge of Serbian authors about Serbia and Balkan. Important maps in the Serbian language are presented with a brief overview of their content, context and methodology. The main directions, stages of development and the most important cartographers and cartographic works in the Serbian language from the end of the XVII century to the creation of the Yugoslav state in the first quarter of the XX century are discussed. During this period, great historical and geopolitical changes took place in the Balkan Peninsula, such as revolutions, uprisings and wars, awakening the national consciousness of the Balkan peoples and the creation of nation-states. The development of Serbian cartography and geography in this period ranged from national romanticism, through descriptive and inventorying of geographical material, to explicit and applied scientific geography and cartography, which began with the establishment of two institutions at the end of the 19th century - the Geographical Section of the Serbian Army General Staff (today the Military Geographical Institute) and the Geographic institutes at the Big School (today's Faculty of Geography, University of Belgrade). The author traces the development of cartography through the evolution of content and the interpretation of the context of maps

    Kulturna geografija - aspekt i disciplina druŔtvene geografije

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    Cultural geography was created as a reaction to geographic determinism and a static descriptive approach in researching the characteristics of cultural elements and forms distribution in classical anthropogeography. An American geographer Carl Sauer (1925) is considered to be its founder, although its aspects were present in Anthropogeography and Human geography (GĆ©ographie humaine) before. Even today, Cultural geography is defined differently: as a strict science with its methodological apparatus, or as an aspect or way of looking in geography. Sauer has defined this science in the spirit of the possibilistic concept of geography of Paul Vidal de la Blache. In the spirit of this concept, Jovan Cvijić's Serbian anthropogeography school was developed, which also has an expressive cultural-geographical aspect. The aim of this paper is to discuss issues of subject and methodological essence of Cultural geography in the light of different approaches and directions of development.Kulturna geografija je nastala kao reakcija na geografski determinizam i statični deskriptivni pristup u istraživanjima osobenosti rasprostranjenja kulturnih elemenata i formi u klasičnoj antropogeografiji. Njenim osnivačem smatra se američki geograf Karl Sauer (Sauer, 1925), iako su njeni aspekti bili zastupljeni i ranije u antropogeografiji i geografiji čoveka (GĆ©ographie humaine). I danas se kulturna geografija definiÅ”e različito - kao stroga nauka sa svojim metodoloÅ”kim aparatom, ili kao aspekt ili način posmatranja u geografiji. Sauer je definisao ovu nauku u duhu posibilističkog koncepta geografije Pol Vidal de la BlaÅ”a. U duhu tog koncepta razvijala se i srpska antropogeografska Å”kola Jovana Cvijića, koja takođe ima izrazit kulturno-geografski aspekt. Cilj ovoga rada je da razmotri pitanja predmetne i metodoloÅ”ke suÅ”tine kulturne geografije, u svetlu različitih pristupa i pravaca razvoja

    The geographical position of the town of Rasa based on Porphyrogenitus and medieval maps

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    The town of Rasa was mentioned in the tenth-century work De administrando imperio by Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. The significance of this town in the Middle Ages is indicated by the fact that this toponym appears on old maps created by the greatest European cartographers from the fifteenth to nineteenth centuries. Based on cartographic and historical geographical sources, this paper considers various perceptions and texts connecting the town of Rasa with todayā€™s town of Ražanj or with the medieval Serbian capital Ras. The subject treated is historical social geography. Five types of sources were used for the historical geography of the Balkans: old maps, chronicles, geographical nomenclature, archeological findings, and ethnographic findings. Based on written sources, geographical names, and geographical logic, the authors provide their own conclusions about the geographical position of the town of Rasa

    Transport corridors as a factor of integration in South-Eastern Europe

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    The benefits of opening the state borders with the stress on its integration function through the constitution of cross-border regions cannot be achieved without a synchronized transport development. For South Eastern European countries, the top priority project would be the formation of pan-European transport corridors defined on Crete in 1994 and amended later on in Helsinki in 1997. Six of ten corridors pass through the territory of South Eastern Europe. Due to their transport and geographical locations, the capitals of the region should represent the key nodes on the main transport directions. Corridor X with its technical, economic and functional characteristics represents the axis of the entire transport network in SE Europe. Formation of this network has as its ultimate goal the functional inter-regional integration with simplified and accelerated transport lines. This also means the open barriers but at the same time, improved and harmonized transport infrastructures and services

    Prvi naseljeni gradovi pokrŔtene Srbije X veka prema K. Porfirogenitu, na karti Gijom Delila

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    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the identification of the first inhabited cities in baptized Serbia at the beginning of the X century, mentioned by Constantine VII Porphyrogenitus. Writings from that time are important documents which provide a picture of the reality, but it is also necessary to carefully study the old maps. Of particular note is the French geographer and cartographer, Guillaume Delisle (Guillaume de L'Isle), a member of the Royal Academy of Science, from the beginning of the XVIII century, whose map 'Eastern Empire and neighboring regions of Constantine Porphyrogenitus' ('Imperio Orientalis et circumjacentium regionum sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus praedecestoribus Descriptio') made on the data basis on Porphyrogenitus, so far not been used in the elucidation of uncertainty about the position of the first inhabited cities in christened Serbia. This map could be useful in researching of the networks of the cities, and territorial organization of Serbia and other Balkan countries.Cilj ovoga rada je da doprinese identifikaciji prvih naseljenih gradova pokrÅ”tene Srbije na početku X veka, koje spominje Konstantin VII Porfirogenit. Spisi iz tog doba su značajni dokumenti, ali je potrebno pažljivo proučiti i Stare karte koje daju sliku tadaÅ”nje stvarnosti. Posebnu pažnju zaslužuje francuski geograf i kartograf Gijom de Lil (Guillaume de L'Isle), član Kraljevske akademije nauka, s početka XVIII veka, čija karta 'Istočna imperija i susedni regioni Konstantina Porfirogenita' ('Imperii Orientalis et circumjacentium regionum sub Constantino Porphyrogenito et ejus praedecestoribus Descriptio') urađena na bazi podataka Porfirogenita, do sada koliko nam je poznato, nije bila koriŔćena u rasvetljavanju nedoumica oko položaja prvih naseljenih gradova u pokrÅ”tenoj Srbiji. Ova karta može biti korisna u istraživanjima mreže gradova i teritorijalne organizacije Srbije i drugih balkanskih država u X veku

    Planina Cer - potencijali za razvoj turizma

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    In northwest of Serbia in the meridians directions an elongated mountain range of Cer with Iverak and VlaÅ”ić stretches itself. On the north it goes down to Mačva and Posavina, on the west to Podrinje, on the east to the valley of Kolubara, on the south to the basins and valleys of Jadar and upper Kolubara, which separate it from the mountains of Valjevo and Podrinje area. Cer mountain offers extremely good condition for development of eco-tourism. The variety of relief with gorgeous see-sites, natural rarities, convenient bio-climatic conditions, significant water resources, forest complexes, medieval fortresses, cultural-historic monuments, richness of flora and fauna, preserved rural environment, traditions and customs of local population, were all neglected as strategic factors in the development of tourism. This mountainā€™s potentials are quite satisfactory for the needs of eco-tourism, similar to the National Park of FruÅ”ka Gora, but it has lacked an adequate ecotourist strategy so far. This study aims to pointing to the potential and possibilities of ecotourist valorization of this mountain.Po dominantnosti položaja i estetskoj kompoziciji pejzaža i predeonog lika Cer predstavlja izuzetnu planinsku celinu u severozapadnoj Srbiji. To je predeo atraktivnih prirodnih vrednosti i značajnih kulturnih obeležja. To je planina raznovrsne geoloÅ”ke građe, dinamične morfogeneze i razuđenog reljefa. Cer se odlikuje bogatstvom i raznovrsnoŔću flore i faune, složenoŔću fitocenoza i ekosistema. Pored toga, Cer joÅ” uvek nije proglaÅ”en za nacionalni park. ZaÅ”tita Cera podstakla bi razvoj ekoturizma. Posebno vredan kvalitet Cera su veoma povoljni uslovi za razvoj viÅ”e oblika turizma
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