2 research outputs found

    Incidence and mortality of invasive fungal diseases in patients with new diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Invasive Mykosen stellen bei Patienten mit hämatologischer Grunderkrankung eine lebensbedrohliche Komplikation dar. Im Rahmen dieser retrospektiven monozentrischen Studie wurde die Inzidenz und Letalität invasiver Mykosen bei erwachsenen Patienten mit einer neu diagnostizierten akuten lymphatischen Leukämie erfasst, sowie die Krankheitsverläufe und der Einfluss einer antimykotischen Prophylaxe analysiert. In der untersuchten Kohorte war eine erhöhte Inzidenz invasiver Mykosen feststellbar, ebenso wie eine negative Beeinflussung des Krankheitsverlaufs durch invasive Mykosen. Es konnte kein signifikanter Nutzen einer antimykotischen Prophylaxe verzeichnet werden. Eine diagnostisch gesteuerte Therapie der invasiven Mykosen ist anzustreben. Die Frage nach dem Nutzen einer antimykotischen Prophylaxe bleibt auch in dieser Arbeit nicht abschließend geklärt. Eine großangelegte prospektive Studie hierzu wäre wünschenswert. Durch Risiken insbesondere hinsichtlich schwerwiegender Medikamenteninteraktionen scheinen aktuell jedoch retrospektive Daten mit individuell angesetzter Prophylaxe die einzige mögliche Näherung an diese Fragestellung zu sein.Invasive mycoses are a life-threatening complication for patients with underlying hematological diseases. In this retrospective monocentric study, incidence and lethality of invasive mycoses in adult patients with newly diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukemia were recorded. Furthermore, the courses of disease and the effect of antifungal prophylaxis were analyzed. An increased incidence of invasive mycoses was observed, as well as a negative influence of invasive mycoses on the course of disease. No significant benefit of antimycotic prophylaxis was evident. To improve the patients’ outcomes, a diagnostic-driven therapy should be pursued. The benefit of antimycotic prophylaxis is not conclusively clarified in this study. A large-scale prospective study on this matter would be advisable. However, especially regarding severe drug interactions, retrospective data with individually applied prophylaxis seems to be the only reasonable approach at this time

    Invasive fungal diseases in patients with new diagnosed acute lymphoblastic leukaemia

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    Background Patients with acute leukaemia have a high incidence of fungal infections. This has primarily been shown in acute myeloid leukaemia and is different for acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Until now no benefit of mould active prophylaxis has been demonstrated in the latter population. Methods In this retrospective single‐centre study, we analysed the incidence, clinical relevance, and outcome of invasive fungal diseases (IFD) as well as the impact of antifungal prophylaxis for the first 100 days following the primary diagnosis of acute lymphoblastic leukaemia. Results In 58 patients a high rate of proven, probable, and possible fungal infections could be demonstrated with a 3.4%, 8.6%, and 17.2% likelihood, respectively. The incidence might be even higher, as nearly 40% of all patients had no prolonged neutropenia for more than 10 days, excluding those from the European Organization of Research and Treatment of cancer and the Mycoses Study Group criteria for probable invasive fungal disease. The diagnosed fungal diseases had an impact on the duration of hospitalisation, which was 13 days longer for patients with proven/probable IFD compared to patients with no signs of fungal infection. Use of antifungal prophylaxis did not significantly affect the risk of fungal infection. Conclusion Patients with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia are at high risk of acquiring an invasive fungal disease. Appropriate criteria to define fungal infections, especially in this population, and strategies to reduce the risk of infection, including antifungal prophylaxis, need to be further evaluated