355 research outputs found

    Familien som forbruger

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    Studier af familien som forbruger er underrepræsenteret i forbruger-adfærdsforskningen. I betragtning af den betydning familiers økonomiske adfærd har for virksomheder, samfundsøkonomien og natur/miljø, kan den forholdsvis sparsomme forskningsmæssige interesse for at forbedre vores viden om betingelserne for familiers forbrugeradfærd undre. I artiklen argumenteres indledningsvis for relevansen af at beskæftige sig med familiers forbrugeradfærd. Herefter skitseres udviklingen i denne specielle gren af forbrugerforskningen, som gennem tiden har beskæftiget sig med flere forskellige aspekter af familiers økonomiske beslutninger. I forlængelse heraf bringes to aktuelle, danske eksempler på, hvad studier af familien som forbruger kan bidrage med i dag. På baggrund af oversigten konkluderes det, at studier af familiers forbrugeradfærd stadig har betydelig relevans for erhvervsøkonomisk forbrugerforskning

    Retinoic acid induces expression of PA-FABP (psoriasis-associated fatty acid-binding protein) gene in human skin in vivo but not in cultured skin cells

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    : PA-FABP (psoriasis-associated fatty acid binding protein) is a new member of a group of low-molecular-weight proteins that are highly up regulated in psoriatic skin and that share similarity to fatty acid-binding proteins. In this study we demonstrate that PA-FABP transcripts are expressed in human skin in vivo and that topical application of 0.05% retinoic acid (RA) cream results in a rapid induction of PA-FABP transcripts following treatment for 16 hours and persists at increasing levels after 48 and 96 h of RA treatment. The PA-FABP mRNA response to RA was reduced by approximately 50% when patients concurrently were treated with RA and 0.025% clobelasol propionate (CLO) for 48 and 96 h, whereas treatment with CLO alone resulted in PA-FABP transcript levels not significantly different from vehicle-treated skin. When comparing the effects of a well-known irritant, sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), to those of RA and its vehicle, 0.05% RA cream but not 2% SLS in RA vehicle caused PA-FABP mRNA induction after 16 h. SLS treatment of human skin for 96 h caused a slight increase in PA-FABP transcripts, but markedly less than that observed in response to RA treatment. Incubation of cultured human keratinocytes or skin fibroblasts with RA for up to 48 h did not significantly induce PA-FABP transcripts. Expression of PA-FABP message in keratinocytes was observed to be induced by calcium and fetal calf serum (FCS), while tetra-decanoyl phorbol acetate (TPA) caused little or no induction. Taken together, the marked inducibility of the PA-FABP gene is compatible with the possibility that this gene might be important in RA-mediated regulation of human skin growth and differentiation.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/72938/1/j.1600-0625.1994.tb00279.x.pd

    Regular Health Checks: Cross-Sectional Survey

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    Objective: To investigate whether Danish providers of general health checks present a balanced account of possible benefits and harms on their websites and whether the health checks are evidence-based. Methods and Design: Cross-sectional study. The search engines Google and Jubii (Danish) were in July and August 2009 used to identify 56 websites using Danish search terms for ‘‘health check’ ’ and ‘‘health examination’’. The content of the websites were evaluated using a checklist with 15 officially recommended information items. All tests offered through the websites were registered. The evidence for tests offered through at least 10 % of the websites was identified in structured searches using PubMed and The Cochrane Library. Results: We found 36 different tests on 56 websites offering health checks. Twenty one tests were offered on at least 10 % of the websites. Seventeen (81%) of these tests were unsupported by evidence, or there was evidence against them for screening purposes. We found evidence supporting screening using body-mass-index, blood pressure, cholesterol, and faecal occult blood testing. None of the websites mentioned possible risks or harms. The websites presented a median of 1 of the 15 information items; the highest number from any provider was 2. Conclusions: Information from Danish providers of health checks was sparse and tests were often offered against existing evidence or despite lack of evidence. None of the included websites mentioned potential risks or harms

    Association between Hashimoto's Thyroiditis and Thyroid Cancer in 64,628 Patients

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    BACKGROUND: The incidence of thyroid cancer (TC) is increasing although explanatory causes are lacking. A link between cancer and inflammation is well documented but unclear for autoimmune thyroid diseases and TC. We aimed to systematically review the association between Hashimoto’s thyroiditis (HT) and papillary, follicular, medullary, anaplastic thyroid carcinoma, and thyroid lymphoma (TL). METHODS: PubMed, OVID Medline, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Library were searched from 1955 to 2016. The inclusion criteria were age >18 years, ≥20 cases of HT or TC. We collectively examined the incidence of HT in TC and of TC in HT. RESULTS: We identified 36 studies (64,628 subjects) published between 1955 and 2016 from 13 countries. We found a relative risk (RR) of HT among papillary thyroid cancer (PTC) of 2.36 [95% confidence intervals (CIs) 1.55–3.29, p < 0.001], an RR of PTC among HT of 1.40 (95% CI 1.07–1.85, p = 0.016), and an RR of TL among HT of 9.74 (95% CI 3.93–24.13, p < 0.001). CONCLUSION: We report an association between HT and PTC and between HT and TL. No association was found between HT and follicular, medullary, or anaplastic thyroid cancer
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