178 research outputs found

    Kinks in the Presence of Rapidly Varying Perturbations

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    Dynamics of sine-Gordon kinks in the presence of rapidly varying periodic perturbations of different physical origins is described analytically and numerically. The analytical approach is based on asymptotic expansions, and it allows to derive, in a rigorous way, an effective nonlinear equation for the slowly varying field component in any order of the asymptotic procedure as expansions in the small parameter ω−1\omega^{-1}, ω\omega being the frequency of the rapidly varying ac driving force. Three physically important examples of such a dynamics, {\em i.e.}, kinks driven by a direct or parametric ac force, and kinks on rotating and oscillating background, are analysed in detail. It is shown that in the main order of the asymptotic procedure the effective equation for the slowly varying field component is {\em a renormalized sine-Gordon equation} in the case of the direct driving force or rotating (but phase-locked to an external ac force) background, and it is {\em the double sine-Gordon equation} for the parametric driving force. The properties of the kinks described by the renormalized nonlinear equations are analysed, and it is demonstrated analytically and numerically which kinds of physical phenomena may be expected in dealing with the renormalized, rather than the unrenormalized, nonlinear dynamics. In particular, we predict several qualitatively new effects which include, {\em e.g.}, the perturbation-inducedComment: New copy of the paper of the above title to replace the previous one, lost in the midst of the bulletin board. RevTeX 3.

    A classical statistical model for distributions of escape events in swept-bias Josephson junctions

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    We have developed a model for experiments in which the bias current applied to a Josephson junction is slowly increased from zero until the junction switches from its superconducting zero-voltage state, and the bias value at which this occurs is recorded. Repetition of such measurements yields experimentally determined probability distributions for the bias current at the moment of escape. Our model provides an explanation for available data on the temperature dependence of these escape peaks. When applied microwaves are included we observe an additional peak in the escape distributions and demonstrate that this peak matches experimental observations. The results suggest that experimentally observed switching distributions, with and without applied microwaves, can be understood within classical mechanics and may not exhibit phenomena that demand an exclusively quantum mechanical interpretation.Comment: Eight pages, eight figure

    Investigation of resonant and transient phenomena in Josephson junction flux qubits

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    We present an analytical and computational study of resonances and transient responses in a classical Josephson junction system. A theoretical basis for resonances in a superconducting loop with three junctions is presented, outlining both the direct relationship between the dynamics of single- and multi-junction systems, and the direct relationships between observations of the classical counterparts to Rabi oscillations, Ramsey fringes, and spin echo oscillations in this class of systems. We show simulations data along with analytical analyses of the classical model, and the results are related to previously reported experiments conducted on three junction loops. We further investigate the effect of off-resonant microwave perturbations to, e.g., the Rabi-type response of the Josephson system, and we relate this response back to the nonlinear and multi-valued resonance behavior previously reported for a single Josephson junction. The close relationships between single and multi-junction behavior demonstrates the underlying dynamical mechanism for a whole class of classical counterparts to expected quantum mechanical observations in a variety of systems; namely the resonant and transient behavior of a particle in an anharmonic potential well with subsequent escape.Comment: 11 pages, seven figure

    Phase-Locking of Vortex Lattices Interacting with Periodic Pinning

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    We examine Shapiro steps for vortex lattices interacting with periodic pinning arrays driven by AC and DC currents. The vortex flow occurs by the motion of the interstitial vortices through the periodic potential generated by the vortices that remain pinned at the pinning sites. Shapiro steps are observed for fields B_{\phi} < B < 2.25B_{\phi} with the most pronouced steps occuring for fields where the interstitial vortex lattice has a high degree of symmetry. The widths of the phase-locked current steps as a function of the magnitude of the AC driving are found to follow a Bessel function in agreement with theory.Comment: 5 pages 5 postscript figure

    Charge Transport Transitions and Scaling in Disordered Arrays of Metallic Dots

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    We examine the charge transport through disordered arrays of metallic dots using numerical simulations. We find power law scaling in the current-voltage curves for arrays containing no voids, while for void-filled arrays charge bottlenecks form and a single scaling is absent, in agreement with recent experiments. In the void-free case we also show that the scaling exponent depends on the effective dimensionality of the system. For increasing applied drives we find a transition from 2D disordered filamentary flow near threshold to a 1D smectic flow which can be identified experimentally using characteristics in the transport curves and conduction noise.Comment: 4 pages, 4 postscript figure

    First-principles study of the energetics of charge and cation mixing in U_{1-x} Ce_x O_2

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    The formalism of electronic density-functional-theory, with Hubbard-U corrections (DFT+U), is employed in a computational study of the energetics of U_{1-x} Ce_x O_2 mixtures. The computational approach makes use of a procedure which facilitates convergence of the calculations to multiple self-consistent DFT+U solutions for a given cation arrangement, corresponding to different charge states for the U and Ce ions in several prototypical cation arrangements. Results indicate a significant dependence of the structural and energetic properties on the nature of both charge and cation ordering. With the effective Hubbard-U parameters that reproduce well the measured oxidation-reduction energies for urania and ceria, we find that charge transfer between U(IV) and Ce(IV) ions, leading to the formation of U(V) and Ce(III), gives rise to an increase in the mixing energy in the range of 4-14 kJ/mol of formula unit, depending on the nature of the cation ordering. The results suggest that although charge transfer between uranium and cerium ions is disfavored energetically, it is likely to be entropically stabilized at the high temperatures relevant to the processing and service of urania-based solid solutions.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figure

    Effective temperature in driven vortex lattices with random pinning

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    We study numerically correlation and response functions in non-equilibrium driven vortex lattices with random pinning. From a generalized fluctuation-dissipation relation we calculate an effective transverse temperature in the fluid moving phase. We find that the effective temperature decreases with increasing driving force and becomes equal to the equilibrium melting temperature when the dynamic transverse freezing occurs. We also discuss how the effective temperature can be measured experimentally from a generalized Kubo formula.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure
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