92 research outputs found

    Når forskning og politikudvikling mødes. Erfaringer fra Ledelses-kommissionens sekretariat

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    Samspillet mellem forskning og praksis kan tage mange former. I denne artikel er ambitionen at give indblik i, hvordan et meget omfattende samarbejde, en reel indlejring af forskeren i en offentlig organisation, fungerede. Der er tale om en partikulær og induktiv beretning om, hvordan forskningsprocessen tog sig ud i samarbejdet, og på den baggrund identificeres en række konkurrerende hensyn i vidensproduktion, der kom til udtryk i processen. Afslutningsvis diskuterer artiklen, hvad læringspointerne kunne være for andre forskere og praktikere, der overvejer at indgå et tilsvarende langtrækkende samarbejde

    Bange for sin egen skygge? Om at undersøge selvbevidste organisationer

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    Through the formulation of 6 lessons, the article examines the challenges which a researcher faces when studying self-conscious organizations. Private and public organizations alike have to be concerned about their image and about the potential reputational damage if a researcher is let in and ends up making a criti- cal analysis of the organization. is concern can make the researcher’s life di cult and demands planning and a certain amount of awareness once the data collection has started. e article aims at preparing and improving this process.

    Resultater ved fronten – brugen af effektstyring i dagtilbud

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    The article illustrates how management by objectives is practiced in everyday life in the Danish public sector. By analysing use of a management-by-objectives-inspired tool in everyday practices by employees in day-care in a Danish municipality, the article shows how the same managerial impulse can result in remarkably dif- ferent actions at street-level. While some employees do noting faced with the managerial initiatives others do very di erent things with the same initiative as point of reference. Variations in use can partly be explained by local managerial support, the local organization of work and the existing of competing agendas which crave employee attention. e article clearly illustrates how a coherent tool at administrative level can be transformed in to numerous di erent tools in practice.

    Moderniseringsprogrammet, 1983: resultatstyring version 1.0.

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    The article explores the role of management by objectives in the modernization programme of 1983, which started the development of New Public Management in Denmark. e article is based on an interview with the civil servant who back in 1983 served as secretary for the committee who developed the programme, as well as previous versions of the programme made available to the authors. e article concludes that man- agement by objectives entered the programme almost incidentally and that the programme is much more focused on setting the public sector free with regards to inputs than controlling it with regard to outputs.


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    Ekspertiserummet i danske kommissioner: Afgrænset af politik og forskerkolleger

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    Forskere inviteres ofte indenfor i forskellige former for kommissioner. I denne artikel sammenligner vi Ledelseskommissionen og Lærerkommissionen for at belyse, hvordan forskernes ekspertiserum afgrænses. Med udgangspunkt i vores deltagelse i de to kommissionsarbejder diskuterer vi tre dimensioner, der kan bruges til at forstå, hvordan ekspertiserummet afgrænses. Det er kommissionens politiske miljø, kommissionens interne organisering og forskerens karakteristika. Vi illustrerer, hvordan forskerkolleger og det politiske miljø rundt om kommissionen kan spille en central rolle i afgrænsningen af ekspertiserummet