14 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the gp130 cytokine complex: A model for assembly on the cellular membrane

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    Cytokines of the interleukin-6 (IL-6)-type family all bind to the glycoprotein gp130 on the cell surface and require interaction with two gp130 or one gp130 and another related signal transducing receptor subunit. In addition, some cytokines of this family, such as IL-6, interleukin-11, ciliary neurotrophic factor, neuropoietin, cardiotrophin-1, and cardiotrophin-1-like-cytokine, interact with specific ligand binding receptor proteins. High- and low-affinity binding sites have been determined for these cytokines. So far, however, the stoichiometry of the signaling receptor complexes has remained unclear, because the formation of the cytokine/cytokine-receptor complexes has been analyzed with soluble receptor components in solution, which do not necessarily reflect the situation on the cellular membrane. Consequently, the binding affinities measured in solution have been orders of magnitude below the values obtained with whole cells. We have expressed two gp130 extracellular domains in the context of a Fc-fusion protein, which fixes the receptors within one dimension and thereby restricts the flexibility of the proteins in a fashion similar to that within the plasma membrane. We measured binding of IL-6 and interleukin-b receptor (IL-6R) by means of fluorescence-correlation spectroscopy. For the first time we have succeeded in recapitulating in a cell-free condition the binding affinities and dynamics of IL-6 and IL-6R to the gp130 receptor proteins, which have been determined on whole cells. Our results demonstrate that a dimer of gp130 first binds one IL-6/IL-6R complex and only at higher ligand concentrations does it bind a second IL-6/IL-6R complex. This view contrasts with the current perception of IL-6 receptor activation and reveals an alternative receptor activation mechanism

    ADAM10 sheddase activation is controlled by cell membrane asymmetry

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    Dysregulation of the disintegrin-metalloproteinase ADAM10 may contribute to the development of diseases including tumorigenesis and Alzheimer's disease. The mechanisms underlying ADAM10 sheddase activation are incompletely understood. Here, we show that transient exposure of the negatively charged phospholipid phosphatidylserine (PS) is necessarily required. The soluble PS headgroup was found to act as competitive inhibitor of substrate cleavage. Overexpression of the Ca2+- dependent phospholipid scramblase Anoctamin-6 (ANO6) led to increased PS externalization and substrate release. Transfection with a constitutively active form of ANO6 resulted in maximum sheddase activity in the absence of any stimulus. Calcium-dependent ADAM10 activation could not be induced in lymphocytes of patients with Scott syndrome harbouring a missense mutation in ANO6. A putative PS-binding motif was identified in the conserved stalk region. Replacement of this motif resulted in strong reduction of sheddase activity. In conjunction with the recently described 3D structure of the ADAM10 extracellular domain, a model is advanced to explain how surface-exposed PS triggers ADAM10 sheddase function

    Phosphatidylserine exposure is required for ADAM17 sheddase function

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    ADAM17, a prominent member of the 'Disintegrin and Metalloproteinase' (ADAM) family, controls vital cellular functions through cleavage of transmembrane substrates. Here we present evidence that surface exposure of phosphatidylserine (PS) is pivotal for ADAM17 to exert sheddase activity. PS exposure is tightly coupled to substrate shedding provoked by diverse ADAM17 activators. PS dependency is demonstrated in the following: (a) in Raji cells undergoing apoptosis; (b) in mutant PSA-3 cells with manipulatable PS content; and (c) in Scott syndrome lymphocytes genetically defunct in their capacity to externalize PS in response to intracellular Ca2+ elevation. Soluble phosphorylserine but not phosphorylcholine inhibits substrate cleavage. The isolated membrane proximal domain (MPD) of ADAM17 binds to PS but not to phosphatidylcholine liposomes. A cationic PS-binding motif is identified in this domain, replacement of which abrogates liposome-binding and renders the protease incapable of cleaving its substrates in cells. We speculate that surface-exposed PS directs the protease to its targets where it then executes its shedding function