93 research outputs found

    Pairing and pair superfluid density in one-dimensional Hubbard models

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    We use unbiased computational methods to elucidate the onset and properties of pair superfluidity in two-species fermionic and bosonic systems with onsite interspecies attraction loaded in one-dimensional optical lattice. We compare results from quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG), emphasizing the one-to-one correspondence between the Drude weight tensor, calculated with DMRG, and the various winding numbers extracted from the QMC. Our results show that, for any nonvanishing attractive interaction, pairs form and are the sole contributors to superfluidity, there are no individual contributions due to the separate species. For weak attraction, the pair size diverges exponentially, i.e. Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) pairing requiring huge systems to bring out the pair-only nature of the superfluid. This crucial property is largely overlooked in many studies, thereby misinterpreting the origin and nature of the superfluid. We compare and contrast this with the repulsive case and show that the behavior is very different, contradicting previous claims about drag superfluidity and the symmetry of properties for attractive and repulsive interactions. Finally, our results show that the situation is similar for soft core bosons: superfluidity is due only to pairs, even for the smallest attractive interaction strength compatible with the largest system sizes that we could attain.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Superconducting Transitions in Flat Band Systems

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    The physics of strongly correlated quantum particles within a flat band was originally explored as a route to itinerant ferromagnetism and, indeed, a celebrated theorem by Lieb rigorously establishes that the ground state of the repulsive Hubbard model on a bipartite lattice with unequal number of sites in each sublattice must have nonzero spin S at half-filling. Recently, there has been interest in Lieb geometries due to the possibility of novel topological insulator, nematic, and Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) phases. In this paper, we extend the understanding of the attractive Hubbard model on the Lieb lattice by using Determinant Quantum Monte Carlo to study real space charge and pair correlation functions not addressed by the Lieb theorems

    Two-photon Rabi-Hubbard and Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard models: photon pair superradiance, Mott insulator and normal phases

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    We study the ground state phase diagrams of two-photon Dicke, the one-dimensional Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard (JCH), and Rabi-Hubbard (RH) models using mean field, perturbation, quantum Monte Carlo (QMC), and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) methods. We first compare mean field predictions for the phase diagram of the Dicke model with exact QMC results and find excellent agreement. The phase diagram of the JCH model is then shown to exhibit a single Mott insulator lobe with two excitons per site, a superfluid (SF, superradiant) phase and a large region of instability where the Hamiltonian becomes unbounded. Unlike the one-photon model, there are no higher Mott lobes. Also unlike the one-photon case, the SF phases above and below the Mott are surprisingly different: Below the Mott, the SF is that of photon {\it pairs} as opposed to above the Mott where it is SF of simple photons. The mean field phase diagram of the RH model predicts a transition from a normal to a superradiant phase but none is found with QMC.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figure

    Anyonic statistics revealed by the Hong-Ou-Mandel dip for fractional excitations

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    The fractional quantum Hall effect (FQHE) is known to host anyons, quasiparticles whose statistics is intermediate between bosonic and fermionic. We show here that Hong-Ou-Mandel (HOM) interferences between excitations created by narrow voltage pulses on the edge states of a FQHE system at low temperature show a direct signature of anyonic statistics. The width of the HOM dip is universally fixed by the thermal time scale, independently of the intrinsic width of the excited fractional wavepackets. This universal width can be related to the anyonic braiding of the incoming excitations with thermal fluctuations created at the quantum point contact. We show that this effect could be realistically observed with periodic trains of narrow voltage pulses using current experimental techniques

    Designer Flat Bands: Topology and Enhancement of Superconductivity

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    We construct quasi one-dimensional topological and non-topological three-band lattices with tunable band gap and winding number of the flat band. Using mean field (MF) and exact density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations, we show explicitly how the band gap affects pairing and superconductivity (SC) in a Hubbard model with attractive interactions. We show excellent agreement between MF and DMRG. When a phase twist is applied on the system, a phase difference appears between pairing order parameters on different sublattices, and this plays a very important role in the SC density. The SC weight, DsD_s, on the gapped topological, W0W\neq0, flat band increases linearly with interaction strength, UU, for low values, and with a slope that depends on the details of the compact localized state at U=0U=0. As U0U\to 0 for the gapped non-topological flat band (W=0W=0), DsD_s decays with a power law faster than quadratic but slower than exponential. This indicates that isolated non-topological flat bands are less beneficial to SC. In the gapless case (flat band touching the band above it), we find at low UU (both for W=0W=0 and W0W\neq 0) that DsUφD_s\propto U^\varphi with φ<1\varphi<1 contrary to the Uln(const./U)U{\rm ln}\, ({\rm const.}/U) behavior reported in the literature. In other words, DsD_s increases faster than linearly for low UU thus favoring SC at weak interaction more than the gapped case. For systems with touching bands, we observe that the one-body correlation length, ξ\xi, diverges as a power law as U0U\rightarrow0, while for the isolated flat band ξ(U0)\xi(U\to 0) is a constant smaller than one lattice spacing. Both behaviors are distinct from the exponential divergence of ξ\xi in the dispersive case. Our results re-establish that the BCS mean field and quantum metric alone are insufficient to characterize SC at weak coupling

    Coherent Backscattering of Light with Nonlinear Atomic Scatterers

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    We study coherent backscattering of a monochromatic laser by a dilute gas of cold two-level atoms in the weakly nonlinear regime. The nonlinear response of the atoms results in a modification of both the average field propagation (nonlinear refractive index) and the scattering events. Using a perturbative approach, the nonlinear effects arise from inelastic two-photon scattering processes. We present a detailed diagrammatic derivation of the elastic and inelastic components of the backscattering signal both for scalar and vectorial photons. Especially, we show that the coherent backscattering phenomenon originates in some cases from the interference between three different scattering amplitudes. This is in marked contrast with the linear regime where it is due to the interference between two different scattering amplitudes. In particular we show that, if elastically scattered photons are filtered out from the photo-detection signal, the nonlinear backscattering enhancement factor exceeds the linear barrier two, consistently with a three-amplitude interference effect.Comment: 18 pages, 13 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Negative delta-TT noise in the Fractional Quantum Hall effect

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    We study the current correlations of fractional quantum Hall edges at the output of a quantum point contact (QPC) subjected to a temperature gradient. This out-of-equilibrium situation gives rise to a form of temperature-activated shot noise, dubbed delta-TT noise. We show that the tunneling of Laughlin quasiparticles leads to a negative delta-TT noise, in stark contrast with electron tunneling. Moreover, varying the transmission of the QPC or applying a voltage bias across the Hall bar may flip the sign of this noise contribution, yielding signatures which can be accessed experimentally.Comment: 6+8 pages, 3 figure

    Nonlinear two-photon Rabi-Hubbard model: superradiance and photon/photon-pair Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We study the ground state phase diagram of a nonlinear two-photon Rabi-Hubbard (RH) model in one dimension using quantum Monte Carlo (QMC) simulations and density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) calculations. Our model includes a nonlinear photon-photon interaction term. Absent this term, the RH model has only one phase, the normal disordered phase, and suffers from spectral collapse at larger values of the photon-qubit interaction or inter-cavity photon hopping. The photon-photon interaction, no matter how small, stabilizes the system which now exhibits {\it two} quantum phase transitions: Normal phase to {\it photon pair} superfluid (PSF) transition and PSF to single particle superfluid (SPSF). The discrete Z4Z_4 symmetry of the Hamiltonian spontaneously breaks in two stages: First it breaks partially as the system enters the PSF and then completely breaks when the system finally enters the SPSF phase. We show detailed numerical results supporting this, and map out the ground state phase diagram.Comment: 9 pages, 11 figure