44 research outputs found

    Perancangan Dan Analisis Sistem Pendeteksi Intrusi Berbasis Network Intrusion Detection System (Nids) Pada Sistem Keamanan Jaringan Komputer

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    Network intrusion detection system is a system that can detect illegal accesses or intrusions happened in a computer network. Actually, there are many types of intrusion detection systems and the differences are based on how network administrators implement the system to secure the network. In this study, the system called Network Intrusion Detection System or NIDS in brief, is used to design and implement the intrusion detection system in the network model design. Intrusion detection system will utilize the snort application that serves as a sensor and detection server and be implemented in a network model that has been designed previously. The performance of the system is investigated through the monitoring of the use of disk space, memory USAge and cpu USAge of the system during intrusion detection identification process. Three different intrusion scenarios such as Portscanning, ICMP flooding and SYN flooding is performed to see the effect in the system's performance. During the test, the use of disk space still has not shown any significant use, due to the detection time limit used in this study was too short. However, the difference in memor

    Sistem Koreksi Postur Duduk dengan Betaspc Berbasis Arduino Duemilanove

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    BetaSPC is a technology that uses a microcontroller (Arduino Duemillanove) as processors and sensors (infrared) which is based on the amount of light reflected on a clothes stretched (when the bent body position). With the technology used in BetaSPC allows one to determine the proper posture when sitting at a computer or laptop and improve posture during sitting. When someone is in front of the laptop or computer by sitting in an upright posture, the posture shoulder (shoulder) on the back will change clothes behind, just below the shoulder blade position becomes meragang. If someone sitting at a computer or laptop to a sitting position in a bent posture then clothes (clothes) behind, just below the shoulder blade will be stretched (tight). Then, stretch clothes that will activate the buzzer (sound and vibrate) to provide feedback to the user about the current posture stretch shirt (hunchback) so as to commemorate and improve the position of his body correctly (perpendicular) when using a computer or laptop

    Analisa Pengaruh Faktor Kualitas Makanan, Kualitas Layanan, Dan Mood Terhadap Pemberian Tip Di Duck King Restoran Galaxy Mall Surabaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh Kualitas Makanan, Kualitas Layanan, dan Mood terhadap Pemberian Tip di Duck King Restoran Galaxy Mall Surabaya. Duck King Restoran Galaxy Mall Surabaya merupakan restoran yang terletak di Surabaya timur yang menerapkan metode table service. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kuantitatif. Teknik Analisa yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah statistical product and service solutions (SPSS). Hasil menunjukkan bahwa Kualitas Makanan, Kualitas Layanan, dan Mood berpengaruh secara signifikan terhadap Pemberian Tip dan faktor yang dominan berpengaruh terhadap Pemberian Tip adalah Kualitas Layanan

    The Important Role of System Dynamics Investigation on Business Model, Industry and Performance Management

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    Purpose: This research studies the development of the evolving dynamic system model and explores the important elements or factors and what detailed attributes are the main influences model in achieving the success of a business, industry and management. It also identifies the real and major differences between static and dynamic business management models and the detailed factors that influence them. Later, this research investigates the benefits/advantages and limitations/disadvantages of some research studies. The studies conducted in this research put more emphasis on the capabilities of system dynamics in modeling and the ability to measure, analyze and capture problems in business, industry, manufacturing etc. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research presented in this work is qualitative research based on a literature review. Publicly available research publications and reports have been used to create a research foundation, identify the research gaps, and develop new analyses from the comparative studies. As the literature review progressed, the scope of the literature search was further narrowed down to the development of system dynamics models. Often, references to certain selected literature have been examined to find other relevant literature. To do so, a supporting tool (that connects related articles) provided by Google Scholar, Scopus, and particular journals has been used. Findings: The dynamic business and management model is very different from the static business model in complexity, formality, flexibility, capturing, relationships, advantages, innovation model, new goals, updated information, perspective, and problem-solving abilities. The initial approach of a static system was applied in the canvas business model, but further developments can be continued with a dynamic system approach. Originality/value: The significant differences between static and dynamics can be used for business research and strategic performance management. This comparative study analyses some system dynamics models from many authors worldwide. Their goals are behind their strategic business models and encounters for their respective progress. This approach may serve as a checklist for new researchers in the field

    Pengujian Black Box pada Sistem Informasi Penjualan HI Shoe Store Menggunakan Teknik Equivalence Partitions

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    Testing software that is incomplete and ineffective can cause various problems that cause losses, especially for users, this test is carried out to ensure that if it does not match what is expected then the system fails. The sales information system at the Hi Shoe Store is then carried out using the Black Box test based on Equivalence Partitions, so it will be known weaknesses in the information system after testing. The system test results show that testing can improve quality and guarantee error free.Pengujian perangkat lunak yang tidak lengkap dan tidak efektif dapat mengakibatkan berbagai masalah yang menyebabkan kerugian terutama bagi pengguna, pengujian ini dilakukan untuk memastikan bahwa jika tidak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan maka sistem gagal. Sistem informasi penjualan pada Hi Shoe Store kemudian dilakukan menggunakan pengujian Black Box berbasis Equivalence Partitions, maka akan diketahui kelemahan pada sistem informasi setelah dilakukan pengujian. Hasil pengujian sistem menunjukkan bahwa dengan pengujian dapat meningkatkan kualitas dan menjamin software yang dikembangkan bebas dari kesalahan

    Multimeter Portabel Pengukur Nutrisi Tanah Pertanian untuk Kelompok Tani Maju Mandiri di Pulau Setokok

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    Today, the current development of Batam City is not only in the development of industrial and tourism areas but also leads to the development of agriculture and plantations. This was done as a form of effort in maintaining food security for areas in Batam City, where initially a lot of food needs were supplied from areas on the island of Sumatra. The city of Batam, whose territory consists of islands, creates obstacles in the development of agricultural land and plantations. Among them are types of soil that are difficult for seasonal crops to grow; water resources that depend on rainwater; as well as access to agricultural and plantation locations that are spread across several islands, making it difficult to deliver logistics and agricultural products. Soil conditions greatly affect the quality of the plants produced, and the type of soil will affect the types of plants suitable for planting. Based on these obstacles, the Batam State Polytechnic formed a Community Service team to support the agricultural land development program, one of which was the development team for portable soil condition measuring devices in collaboration with a partner from “Kelompok Tani Maju Mandiri” on Setokok Island. Community service activities are carried out in stages, apart from field surveys in order to identify the needs of farmer groups, the current community service period has reached the development of portable soil condition measuring devices with test results still in laboratory testing and not yet testing on actual agricultural land. The field survey results describe the condition of the partner's agricultural soil, which is brownish-red in color, mostly clay. Plants that are quite successful in the form of green curly chili plants. The water source comes from small rain-fed reservoirs prepared around agricultural land. The results of the measuring instrument design have reached the laboratory testing stage, which has shown the value of soil nutrition. Testing measurements on agricultural land directly and assisting partners in operating measuring instruments will be carried out at the next community service stage.Dewasa ini, perkembangan Kota Batam saat ini tidak hanya pada pengembangan kawasan industri serta pariwisata, tetapi juga mengarah pada perkembangan pertanian dan perkebunan. Hal tersebut dilakukan sebagai salah satu bentuk usaha dalam menjaga ketahanan pangan untuk wilayah di Kota Batam yang awalnya kebutuhan pangan banyak disuplai dari daerah di Pulau Sumatera. Kota Batam yang wilayahnya terdiri dari kepulauan menimbulkan kendala dalam pengembangan lahan pertanian dan perkebunan. Di antaranya jenis tanah yang sulit ditumbuhi tanaman musiman; sumberdaya air yang bergantung pada air hujan; serta akses menuju lokasi pertanian dan perkebunan yang tersebar di beberapa pulau sehingga  menyulitkan dalam pengiriman logistik dan hasil pertanian. Kondisi tanah sangat mempengaruhi kualitas tanaman yang dihasilkan, serta jenis tanah akan mempengaruhi jenis tanaman yang cocok di tanam. Berdasarkan kendala tersebut Politeknik Negeri Batam membentuk tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat dalam mendukung program pengembangan lahan pertanian, salah satunya adalah tim pengembangan alat pengukur nutrisi tanah portable yang bekerjasama dengan mitra “Kelompok Tani Maju Mandiri” di Pulau Setokok. Kegiatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat dilakukan secara bertahap, selain survei lapangan dalam rangka identifikasi kebutuhan kelompok tani, periode pengabdian kepada masyarakat sekarang telah sampai pada pengembangan alat ukur kondisi tanah portable dengan hasil pengujian masih pada pengujian laboratorium dan belum sampai pengujian pada lahan pertanian sebenarnya. Hasil survei lapangan menggambarkan kondisi tanah pertanian dari mitra yang berwarna merah kecoklatan yang sebagian besar merupakan tanah liat. Tanaman yang cukup berhasil dipanen berupa tanaman cabai keriting hijau. Sumber air berasal dari waduk kecil tadah hujan yang dipersiapkan disekitar lahan pertanian. Hasil disain alat ukur, telah sampai pada tahap pengujian laboratorium yang telah mampu menunjukan nilai dari nutrisi tanah. Pengujian pengukuran dilahan pertanian secara langsung, serta pendampingan kepada mitra dalam pengoperasian alat ukur akan dilaksanakan pada tahapan pengabdian kepada masyarakat berikutnya