27 research outputs found

    CAMEP - Complex business activity monitoring system with event processing

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    U današnjem svijetu, složeno globalno poslovno okruženje je u stanju kontinuiranih promjena. Stoga su poslovne organizacije u potrazi za inovativnim načinom optimaliziranja i davanja podrške obavljanju njihovih poslovnih procesa kako bi sačuvale svoj udio na tržištu i održale konkurentnu prednost. Obično se poslovni procesi prate gotovo u realnom vremenu pomoću ključnih pokazatelja uspješnosti (KPI). KPI se pak izračunavaju na temelju podataka iz poslovnih procesa. U slučaju poslovnog outsourcing, dobivanje KPI iz poslovnih podataka mora se provoditi prelazeći granice među organizacijama i obuhvaćajući mnoga područja. Ovaj proces postavlja nekoliko izazova proračunu ključnih pokazatelja uspješnosti. Neki od tih izazova su nesigurnost u metričke vrijednosti, just-in-time računanje KPI i skalabilnost. Za rješavanje navedenih izazova poslovnih organizacija, predlaže se sustav nadzora složenih poslovnih aktivnosti u četiri nivoa s obradom pojedinog postupka (CAMEP). Ocjenjivanje uspješnosti predloženog sustava provodi se kako bi se pokazala učinkovitost predložene CAMEP metode usporedbom s postojećim BAM pristupima. Predložena se metoda CAMEP također analizira pomoću ANOVA i T testa.In today’s world, complex global business environment is in a state of continuous change. Therefore, business organizations are looking for an innovative way to optimize and to support the performance of their business processes to meet out their market share in order to maintain a competitive edge. Usually, business processes are monitored in near real-time using Key Performance Indicators (KPI). KPI is in turn calculated from metrics from business processes. In the case of business outsourcing, the KPI calculation from the metrics of business process is to be carried out cutting across the inter-organizations boundaries and spanning multiple domains. This process poses several challenges in the computation of the KPIs. Some of these challenges include uncertainty in metric values, just-in-time KPI computation and scalability. To address the above challenges of business organizations, a four-tier Complex business Activity Monitoring system with Event Processing (CAMEP) is proposed. The performance evaluation of the proposed system is performed to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed CAMEP method by comparing with the existing BAM approaches. The proposed CAMEP is also analysed using the ANOVA and T test


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    Objective: It was proposed to determine the chromosomal abnormalities in a 49-year-old male patient with multiple myeloma (MM) employing both conventional and advanced molecular cytogenetic techniques.Methods: GTG-banding and spectral karyotyping (SKY) on fixed metaphases obtained from LPS-stimulated bone marrow cells and interphase fluorescence in situ hybridization (iFISH) on unsorted marrow cells were carried out to identify genetic markers of prognostic significance.Results: The abnormal chromosomes observed through conventional cytogenetics could be resolved with SKY technique. The translocation t(4;14) (p16;q32) indicating FGFR3/IGH fusion and deletion of 13q14.3 was noticed using iFISH. The genetic abnormalities confirmed a poor prognostic outcome in the patient who died within 6 months of diagnosis.Conclusion: This report emphasizes the need for multicolor FISH techniques besides iFISH to resolve complex abnormalities and to identify cryptic aberrations of importance in risk stratification of MM patients

    Djelovanje različitih razrjeđivača na svojstva spermija i plodnost križanih svinja u sjevernoistočnoj Indiji.

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    The study was conducted to deduce the efficacy and suitability of three extenders: Beltsville thawing solution (BTS), Kiev and Modena extenders, on the preservation and fertility of boar semen. Semen ejaculates with more than 70% sperm motility from six Hampshire boars were used and preserved at 17 °C. The extended semen was evaluated for motility, viability, acrosomal and plasma membrane integrity from day 0 to 5 of preservation. There was a significant (P<0.01) reduction in sperm motility and viability between days 0 to 4, but no significant difference between day 0 and 2. BTS and Modena maintained significantly (P<0.05) higher sperm motility and viability as compared to Kiev. Plasma membrane integrity did not differ significantly up to day 2, but was significantly reduced on days 3 (P<0.05) and 4 (P<0.01). BTS and Modena extenders had significantly (P<0.05) higher plasma membrane integrity. By day 5, the percentage of mean sperm with intact acrosome was 80.4 ± 2.5, 81.2 ± 2.3 and 75.7 ± 2.7, in BTS, Modena and Kiev, respectively, with significant (P<0.05) increases in acrosomal damage after two days of storage, irrespective of all extenders. Farrowing rate and litter size did not differ significantly during the initial period of storage, but there was a significant difference after day 3 (P<0.05) in all extenders used. BTS and Modena maintained a farrowing rate of more than 60% on day 5, in contrast to 50% with the Kiev extender. The study concluded that both BTS and Modena are better extenders for short term storage of boar liquid semen as compared to the Kiev extender, and could be used efficiently in crossbreeding of pigs of north-eastern India.Istraživanje je provedeno kako bi se utvrdila učinkovitost i prikladnost beltsvilskog (BTS), kijevskog i modenskog razrjeđivača za očuvanje i plodnost nerastova sjemena. Upotrijebljeni su ejakulati sjemena od 6 hempširskih nerastova s pokretljivošću spermija većom od 70%, koji su sačuvani na 17 °C. Razrijeđeno sjeme procjenjivano je od 0. do 5. dana s obzirom na pokretljivost, živost te cjelovitost akrosomalne i plazmine membrane. Tijekom razdoblja od 0. do 4. dana došlo je do signifikantnog (P<0,01) sniženja pokretljivosti i živosti spermija, no signifikantne razlike između nultog i drugog dana nisu utvrđene. U usporedbi s kijevskim razrjeđivačem, BTS i modenski razrjeđivači su održavali signifikantno (P<0,05) višu pokretljivost i životnost spermija. Cjelovitost plazmine membrane nije se signifikantno razlikovala do 2. dana, ali je signifikantno snižena tijekom 3. dana (P<0,05) i 4. dana (P<0,01). Cjelovitost plazmine membrane bila je signifikantno veća (P<0,05) pri uporabi BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača. Do 5. dana, prosječni postotak spermija s nepromijenjenim akrosomom iznosio je kod BTS razrjeđivača 80,4 ± 2,5, kod modenskog razrjeđivača 81,2 ± 2,3, a kod kijevskog razrjeđivača 75,7 ± 2,7. Pri tome je, bez obzira na razrjeđivač, od 2. dana utvrđen signifikantni porast (P<0,05) spermija s oštećenim akrosomima. U početnom razdoblju stopa prasenja i veličina legla nisu se signifikantno razlikovale, no nakon 3. dana kod svih upotrijebljenih razrjeđivača razlike su bile signifikantne (P<0,05). Peti dan stopa prasenja kod BTS i modenskog razrjeđivača održala se preko 60% za razliku od kijevskog razrjeđivača kod kojeg je stopa prasivosti iznosila 50%. Istraživanjem se zaključuje da BTS i modenski razrjeđivači mogu, u odnosu na kijevski razrjeđivač, bolje poslužiti za kratkotrajno pohranjivanje nerastovog tekućeg sjemena, te kao takvi biti i učinkovitiji u križanjima svinja sjevernoistočne Indije

    Larvicidal, Histopathological, Antibacterial Activity of Indigenous Fungus Penicillium sp. Against Aedes aegypti L and Culex quinquefasciatus (Say) (Diptera: Culicidae) and Its Acetylcholinesterase Inhibition and Toxicity Assessment of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)

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    Fungal metabolites are considered to be most efficient tools to overcome the issues related to insecticide resistance and environmental pollution. The present study focus on the evaluation of the mosquito larvicidal efficacy of metabolites of seven indigenous fungal isolates (Penicillium sp. Aspergillus niger, A. flavus, A. parasiticus, Rhizopus sp. Mucor sp. and Aspergillus sp.) on the larvae of Aedes aegypti and Culex quinquefasciatus under the laboratory condition. The preliminary screening of the isolate, Penicillium sp. showed better larvicidal effect when compared to other fungi. The fungus was grown on Potato Dextrose Broth (PDB) in the laboratory (at 25°C) and maintained in the relative humidity (at 76 ± 4% for 15 days). Larvicidal potency of mycelial ethyl acetate extract (MEAE) of Penicillium sp. was performed against 1st to 4th instars larvae of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus using four different concentrations (100, 200, 300, and 500 μg/ml) that showed better larval mortality values (μg/ml) of LC50 = 6.554, 5.487, 6.874, 6.892, and the LC90 = 11.486, 10.366, 12.879, 13.865 for Ae. aegypti and LC50 = 7.000, 13.943, 18.129, 25.212 and the LC90 = 12.541, 23.761, 30.923, 41.696 for Cx. quinquefasciatus. Exposure of metabolite to larvae resulted in behavior changes i.e., excitation, up and down with aggressive movement, anal papillae biting behavior. Further, the larvae treated with Penicillium sp. metabolite exhibited significant reduction in the levels of acetylcholinesterase. The 4th instar mosquito larvae treated with the 500 μg/ml mycelia extract showed severe histological damages. During the antibacterial analysis of Penicillium sp.- mycelium the maximum growth inhibition zone was recorded in Shigella dysenteriae (31.2 mm) and Klebsiella pneumoniae (31.1 mm) followed by others. In addition, to check the toxicity of Penicillium sp. MEAE against embryos of Zebrafish, a model system, using different concentrations of metabolites (1.0, 0.5, 0.125 mg/ml, 30, 3.0, and 0.5 μg/ml) and life-stage parameters were observed at 124 hpf. Furthermore, the Fourier Transformed Infrared and GCMS spectrum analysis of mycelium reflected several chemical compounds. The outcome of the study clearly shows that Penicillium sp. metabolites could serve as an ideal eco-friendly, single-step and inexpensive source for the control of Ae. aegypti and Cx. quinquefasciatus larvae


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    The present study focuses on in vitro antioxidant and enzyme inhibitory activity of three different solvent extracts (Methanol, Ethyl acetate and Hexane) of 3 different seaweeds viz: Sargassum wightii, Caulerpa racemosa, and Acanthophora spicifera. The preliminary phytochemical analyses of the seaweed extracts have revealed the presence of various phytochemicals. The antioxidant activities of the seaweed extracts have shown the scavenging effect. Among the extracts, SWEA, SWME and SWHE have exerted effective antioxidant activity with the IC50 values (µg/mL) of: 32.86, 130.1 and 212.8, respectively. And similar trend of α-amylase and α-glucosidase activity/inhibitory property by seaweeds have been recorded. Hence, the ethyl acetate extract of S. wightii was subjected to gas chromatography. All the seaweed extracts were characterized through HPLC and, FTIR analyses. The GC-MS analysis of ethyl acetate extract of S. wightii showed the presence of a bioactive compound, Heptadecanoic acid that might be have been the reason for the recorded inhibitory activity. Keywords: Seaweeds, Sargassum wightii, DPPH, Column chromatography, GC-MS

    Phytochemical profiling of Turbinaria ornata and its antioxidant and anti-proliferative effects

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    أهداف البحث: لتحليل المواد الكيميائية النباتية، وتقييم القدرات المضادة للأكسدة والمضادة للتكاثر لـ “تربيناريا أورناتا“ ( ترنر) أجارد ١٨٤٨. طرق البحث: أجريت التحاليل الكيميائية النباتية للمستخلص الهكساني، والمستخلص المائي لـ “تربيناريا أورناتا”. تم تحليل المستخلصات باستخدام تقنيات؛ الطيف الكتلي اللوني للغاز، وجهاز ”فورييه“ للتحويل الطيفي للأشعة تحت الحمراء، وفاصل الألوان السائل عالي الكفاءة. تم تحديد الخاصية المضادة للأكسدة للمستخلص الهكساني والمستخلص المائي لـ ”تربيناريا أورناتا“ باستخدام فحص بكرايل هايدرزايل ثنائي الفينايل للكسح الجذري وفحص قوة اختزال أيون الحديديك. بالإضافة إلى ذلك تم تقييم الخاصية المضادة للتكاثر داخل الخلية على الخلايا الظهارية الكلوية للقرد الأفريقي الأخضر (فيرو)، والخلايا الظهارية القاعدية السنخية البشرية السرطانية باستخدام فحص إم تي تي. النتائج: كشف الفحص الكيميائي النباتي لـ “تربيناريا أورناتا” وجود سابونين، وقلويدات وأحماض أمينية، وزيت ودهن ثابتين، ومركبات فينولية (العفص وفلافونيدات والفينول الكلي). وجدت الخاصية المضادة للتكاثر الأعلى في المستخلص الهكساني ويليها المستخلص المائي لـ “تربيناريا أورناتا”. كانت قيم فعالية مكافحة التكاثر (بالـ مايكروجرام/ مليلتر) بالنسبة للمستخلص الهكساني والمستخلص المائي على الخلايا الظهارية القاعدية السنخية البشرية السرطانية وخلايا فيرو: ٦٢٬٩١ و٩٣٬٠٠ و٧٢٬٦٤ و١٠٦٬٦ على التوالي. وقد أظهر التحليل باستخدام جهاز “فورييه” للتحويل الطيفي للأشعة تحت الحمراء وجود مجموعات وظيفية هي: الكحول، الأميدات والعطريات، والأمينات، وهاليدات الألكيل، والألكاينات، والألكانات، والأحماض الكربوكسيلية. كما كشف الطيف الكتلي اللوني للغاز عند تحليل المستخلص الهكساني لـ “تربيناريا أورناتا” عن وجود ١٣ مركبا نشطا. الاستنتاجات: بناء على الخاصية المضادة للتكاثر المسجلة فإن هناك حاجة للمزيد من الدراسات الدوائية في سبيل تحضير دواء مضاد للسرطان

    <i>Antigonon leptopus</i>: a potent biological source for extermination of fish bacterial pathogens <i>Providencia</i> and <i>Aeromonas</i>

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    <div><p>This study pertains to the phytochemical components and the biological properties of the weed, <i>Antigonon leptopus</i> Hook. & Arn. (AUT/PUS/064). Phytochemical screening of methanolic leaf extract of <i>A. leptopus</i> revealed the presence of saponin, phenolic compounds, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, fixed oils and amino acids. Accordingly, 12 phytochemical components were analysed and characterised by GC–MS. Antibacterial activity was evaluated against fish and clinical pathogens. Fish pathogens, <i>Providencia vermicola</i> (MTCC 5578) and <i>Aeromonas hydrophila</i> (MTCC 646) were more sensitive to the methanolic leaf extract than clinical pathogens. A useful information was obtained from the phytochemistry of <i>A. leptopus</i> leaves, which would pave way to further applications to treat fish diseases and for utility in the pharmaceutical field.</p></div