849 research outputs found

    Revisiting the Fradkin-Vilkovisky Theorem

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    The status of the usual statement of the Fradkin-Vilkovisky theorem, claiming complete independence of the Batalin-Fradkin-Vilkovisky path integral on the gauge fixing "fermion" even within a nonperturbative context, is critically reassessed. Basic, but subtle reasons why this statement cannot apply as such in a nonperturbative quantisation of gauge invariant theories are clearly identified. A criterion for admissibility within a general class of gauge fixing conditions is provided for a large ensemble of simple gauge invariant systems. This criterion confirms the conclusions of previous counter-examples to the usual statement of the Fradkin-Vilkovisky theorem.Comment: 21 pages, no figures, to appear in Jnl. Phys.

    The Weyl-Heisenberg Group on the Noncommutative Two-Torus: A Zoo of Representations

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    In order to assess possible observable effects of noncommutativity in deformations of quantum mechanics, all irreducible representations of the noncommutative Heisenberg algebra and Weyl-Heisenberg group on the two-torus are constructed. This analysis extends the well known situation for the noncommutative torus based on the algebra of the noncommuting position operators only. When considering the dynamics of a free particle for any of the identified representations, no observable effect of noncommutativity is implied.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    Topologically Massive Gauge Theories and their Dual Factorised Gauge Invariant Formulation

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    There exists a well-known duality between the Maxwell-Chern-Simons theory and the self-dual massive model in 2+1 dimensions. This dual description has been extended to topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) in any dimension. This Letter introduces an unconventional approach to the construction of this type of duality through a reparametrisation of the master theory action. The dual action thereby obtained preserves the same gauge symmetry structure as the original theory. Furthermore, the dual action is factorised into a propagating sector of massive gauge invariant variables and a sector with gauge variant variables defining a pure topological field theory. Combining results obtained within the Lagrangian and Hamiltonian formulations, a new completed structure for a gauge invariant dual factorisation of TMGT is thus achieved.Comment: 1+7 pages, no figure

    World-line Quantisation of a Reciprocally Invariant System

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    We present the world-line quantisation of a system invariant under the symmetries of reciprocal relativity (pseudo-unitary transformations on ``phase space coordinates" (xμ(τ),pμ(τ))(x^\mu(\tau),p^\mu(\tau)) which preserve the Minkowski metric and the symplectic form, and global shifts in these coordinates, together with coordinate dependent transformations of an additional compact phase coordinate, θ(τ)\theta(\tau)). The action is that of free motion over the corresponding Weyl-Heisenberg group. Imposition of the first class constraint, the generator of local time reparametrisations, on physical states enforces identification of the world-line cosmological constant with a fixed value of the quadratic Casimir of the quaplectic symmetry group Q(D1,1)U(D1,1)H(D)Q(D-1,1)\cong U(D-1,1)\ltimes H(D), the semi-direct product of the pseudo-unitary group with the Weyl-Heisenberg group (the central extension of the global translation group, with central extension associated to the phase variable θ(τ)\theta(\tau)). The spacetime spectrum of physical states is identified. Even though for an appropriate range of values the restriction enforced by the cosmological constant projects out negative norm states from the physical spectrum, leaving over spin zero states only, the mass-squared spectrum is continuous over the entire real line and thus includes a tachyonic branch as well

    The N=1 Supersymmetric Landau Problem and its Supersymmetric Landau Level Projections: the N=1 Supersymmetric Moyal-Voros Superplane

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    The N=1 supersymmetric invariant Landau problem is constructed and solved. By considering Landau level projections remaining non trivial under N=1 supersymmetry transformations, the algebraic structures of the N=1 supersymmetric covariant non(anti)commutative superplane analogue of the ordinary N=0 noncommutative Moyal-Voros plane are identified

    The Physical Projector and Topological Quantum Field Theories: U(1) Chern-Simons Theory in 2+1 Dimensions

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    The recently proposed physical projector approach to the quantisation of gauge invariant systems is applied to the U(1) Chern-Simons theory in 2+1 dimensions as one of the simplest examples of a topological quantum field theory. The physical projector is explicitely demonstrated to be capable of effecting the required projection from the initially infinite number of degrees of freedom to the finite set of gauge invariant physical states whose properties are determined by the topology of the underlying manifold.Comment: 24 pages, no figures, plain LaTeX file; one more reference added. Final version to appear in Jour. Phys.

    Spectrum of the non-commutative spherical well

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    We give precise meaning to piecewise constant potentials in non-commutative quantum mechanics. In particular we discuss the infinite and finite non-commutative spherical well in two dimensions. Using this, bound-states and scattering can be discussed unambiguously. Here we focus on the infinite well and solve for the eigenvalues and eigenfunctions. We find that time reversal symmetry is broken by the non-commutativity. We show that in the commutative and thermodynamic limits the eigenstates and eigenfunctions of the commutative spherical well are recovered and time reversal symmetry is restored

    Gauge Invariant Factorisation and Canonical Quantisation of Topologically Massive Gauge Theories in Any Dimension

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    Abelian topologically massive gauge theories (TMGT) provide a topological mechanism to generate mass for a bosonic p-tensor field in any spacetime dimension. These theories include the 2+1 dimensional Maxwell-Chern-Simons and 3+1 dimensional Cremmer-Scherk actions as particular cases. Within the Hamiltonian formulation, the embedded topological field theory (TFT) sector related to the topological mass term is not manifest in the original phase space. However through an appropriate canonical transformation, a gauge invariant factorisation of phase space into two orthogonal sectors is feasible. The first of these sectors includes canonically conjugate gauge invariant variables with free massive excitations. The second sector, which decouples from the total Hamiltonian, is equivalent to the phase space description of the associated non dynamical pure TFT. Within canonical quantisation, a likewise factorisation of quantum states thus arises for the full spectrum of TMGT in any dimension. This new factorisation scheme also enables a definition of the usual projection from TMGT onto topological quantum field theories in a most natural and transparent way. None of these results rely on any gauge fixing procedure whatsoever.Comment: 1+25 pages, no figure

    Thermodynamics of a non-commutative fermion gas

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    Building on the recent solution for the spectrum of the non-commutative well in two dimensions, the thermodynamics that follows from it is computed. In particular the focus is put on an ideal fermion gas confined to such a well. At low densities the thermodynamics is the same as for the commutative gas. However, at high densities the thermodynamics deviate strongly from the commutative gas due to the implied excluded area resulting from the non-commutativity. In particular there are extremal macroscopic states, characterized by area, number of particles and angular momentum, that correspond to a single microscopic state and thus have vanishing entropy. When the system size and excluded area are comparable, thermodynamic quantities, such as entropy, exhibit non-extensive features.Comment: 18 pages, 11 figure