241 research outputs found

    Modeling the dynamics of a tracer particle in an elastic active gel

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    The internal dynamics of active gels, both in artificial (in-vitro) model systems and inside the cytoskeleton of living cells, has been extensively studied by experiments of recent years. These dynamics are probed using tracer particles embedded in the network of biopolymers together with molecular motors, and distinct non-thermal behavior is observed. We present a theoretical model of the dynamics of a trapped active particle, which allows us to quantify the deviations from equilibrium behavior, using both analytic and numerical calculations. We map the different regimes of dynamics in this system, and highlight the different manifestations of activity: breakdown of the virial theorem and equipartition, different elasticity-dependent "effective temperatures" and distinct non-Gaussian distributions. Our results shed light on puzzling observations in active gel experiments, and provide physical interpretation of existing observations, as well as predictions for future studies.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figure

    Activity driven fluctuations in living cells

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    We propose a model for the dynamics of a probe embedded in a living cell, where both thermal fluctuations and nonequilibrium activity coexist. The model is based on a confining harmonic potential describing the elastic cytoskeletal matrix, which undergoes random active hops as a result of the nonequilibrium rearrangements within the cell. We describe the probe's statistics and we bring forth quantities affected by the nonequilibrium activity. We find an excellent agreement between the predictions of our model and experimental results for tracers inside living cells. Finally, we exploit our model to arrive at quantitative predictions for the parameters characterizing nonequilibrium activity, such as the typical time scale of the activity and the amplitude of the active fluctuations.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figure

    Spatial fluctuations at vertices of epithelial layers: quantification of regulation by Rho pathway

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    In living matter, shape fluctuations induced by acto-myosin are usually studied in vitro via reconstituted gels, whose properties are controlled by changing the concentrations of actin, myosin and cross-linkers. Such an approach deliberately avoids to consider the complexity of biochemical signaling inherent to living systems. Acto-myosin activity inside living cells is mainly regulated by the Rho signaling pathway which is composed of multiple layers of coupled activators and inhibitors. We investigate how such a pathway controls the dynamics of confluent epithelial tissues by tracking the displacements of the junction points between cells. Using a phenomenological model to analyze the vertex fluctuations, we rationalize the effects of different Rho signaling targets on the emergent tissue activity by quantifying the effective diffusion coefficient, the persistence time and persistence length of the fluctuations. Our results reveal an unanticipated correlation between layers of activation/inhibition and spatial fluctuations within tissues. Overall, this work connects the regulation via biochemical signaling with mesoscopic spatial fluctuations, with potential application to the study of structural rearrangements in epithelial tissues.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Bcc 4^4He as a Coherent Quantum Solid

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    In this work we investigate implications of the quantum nature of bcc 4^{4}% He. We show that it is a unique solid phase with both a lattice structure and an Off-Diagonal Long Range Order of coherently oscillating local electric dipole moments. These dipoles arise from the local motion of the atoms in the crystal potential well, and oscillate in synchrony to reduce the dipolar interaction energy. The dipolar ground-state is therefore found to be a coherent state with a well defined global phase and a three-component complex order parameter. The condensation energy of the dipoles in the bcc phase stabilizes it over the hcp phase at finite temperatures. We further show that there can be fermionic excitations of this ground-state and predict that they form an optical-like branch in the (110) direction. A comparison with 'super-solid' models is also discussed.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figure

    Force balance and membrane shedding at the Red Blood Cell surface

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    During the aging of the red-blood cell, or under conditions of extreme echinocytosis, membrane is shed from the cell plasma membrane in the form of nano-vesicles. We propose that this process is the result of the self-adaptation of the membrane surface area to the elastic stress imposed by the spectrin cytoskeleton, via the local buckling of membrane under increasing cytoskeleton stiffness. This model introduces the concept of force balance as a regulatory process at the cell membrane, and quantitatively reproduces the rate of area loss in aging red-blood cells.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Similarities between Insect Swarms and Isothermal Globular Clusters

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    Previous work has suggested that disordered swarms of flying insects can be well modeled as selfgravitating systems, as long as the “gravitational” interaction is adaptive. Motivated by this work we compare the predictions of the classic, mean-field King model for isothermal globular clusters to observations of insect swarms. Detailed numerical simulations of regular and adaptive gravity allow us to expose the features of the swarms’ density and velocity profiles that are due to longrange interactions, and are captured by the King model phenomenology, and those that are due to adaptivity and short-range repulsion. Our results provide further support for adaptive gravity as a model for swarms

    Local modes, phonons, and mass transport in solid 4^4He

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    We propose a model to treat the local motion of atoms in solid 4^{4}He as a local mode. In this model, the solid is assumed to be described by the Self Consistent Harmonic approximation, combined with an array of local modes. We show that in the bcc phase the atomic local motion is highly directional and correlated, while in the hcp phase there is no such correlation. The correlated motion in the bcc phase leads to a strong hybridization of the local modes with the T1(110)_{1}(110) phonon branch, which becomes much softer than that obtained through a Self Consistent Harmonic calculation, in agreement with experiment. In addition we predict a high energy excitation branch which is important for self-diffusion. Both the hybridization and the presence of a high energy branch are a consequence of the correlation, and appear only in the bcc phase. We suggest that the local modes can play the role in mass transport usually attributed to point defects (vacancies). Our approach offers a more overall consistent picture than obtained using vacancies as the predominant point defect. In particular, we show that our approach resolves the long standing controversy regarding the contribution of point defects to the specific heat of solid 4^{4}He.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figure

    Ferromagnetism of 3^3He Films in the Low Field Limit

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    We provide evidence for a finite temperature ferromagnetic transition in 2-dimensions as H0H \to 0 in thin films of 3^3He on graphite, a model system for the study of two-dimensional magnetism. We perform pulsed and CW NMR experiments at fields of 0.03 - 0.48 mT on 3^3He at areal densities of 20.5 - 24.2 atoms/nm2^2. At these densities, the second layer of 3^3He has a strongly ferromagnetic tendency. With decreasing temperature, we find a rapid onset of magnetization that becomes independent of the applied field at temperatures in the vicinity of 1 mK. Both the dipolar field and the NMR linewidth grow rapidly as well, which is consistent with a large (order unity) polarization of the 3^3He spins.Comment: 4 figure