232 research outputs found

    On the cutting edge: Post-translational modifications in cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis represents the final stage in the cell cycle, in which two daughter cells, each with their complement of the duplicated genome, physically separate. At the core of this process sits highly conserved machinery responsible for specifying the plane of division, building a contractile apparatus and ultimately cleaving cells in two. Although the \u27parts list\u27 of contributing proteins has been well described, mechanisms by which these parts are spatially and temporally regulated are only beginning to be understood. With advancements in biochemical and proteomic analyses, recent work has uncovered multiple new roles for post-translational modifications in the regulation of cytokinesis. Here, we review these latest findings and interpret our current understanding of cytokinesis in light of relevant modifications. Ā© 2011 Elsevier Ltd

    CK1 is required for a mitotic checkpoint that delays cytokinesis

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    Failure to accurately partition genetic material during cell division causes aneuploidy and drives tumorigenesis [1]. Cell-cycle checkpoints safeguard cells from such catastrophes by impeding cell-cycle progression when mistakes arise. FHA-RING E3 ligases, including human RNF8 [2] and CHFR [3] and fission yeast Dma1 [4], relay checkpoint signals by binding phosphorylated proteins via their FHA domains and promoting ubiquitination of downstream targets [5]. Upon mitotic checkpoint activation, S. pombe Dma1 concentrates at spindle pole bodies (SPBs) in an FHA-dependent manner and ubiquitinates Sid4, a scaffold of Polo kinase, to suspend cytokinesis [6]. However, the kinase or kinases that phosphoprime Sid4 for Dma1-mediated ubiquitination are unknown. Here, we report that the highly conserved protein kinase CK1 transmits the signal necessary to stall cytokinesis by phosphopriming Sid4 for Dma1-mediated ubiquitination. Like Dma1, CK1 accumulates at SPBs during a mitotic arrest and associates stably with SPB components, including Sid4. Our results establish CK1 as an integral component of a mitotic, ubiquitin-mediated checkpoint pathway. Ā© 2013 Elsevier Ltd

    An anillin homologue, Mid2p, acts during fission yeast cytokinesis to organize the septin ring and promote cell separation

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    Anillin is a conserved protein required for cell division (Field, C.M., and B.M. Alberts. 1995. J. Cell Biol. 131:165ā€“178; Oegema, K., M.S. Savoian, T.J. Mitchison, and C.M. Field. 2000. J. Cell Biol. 150:539ā€“552). One fission yeast homologue of anillin, Mid1p, is necessary for the proper placement of the division site within the cell (Chang, F., A. Woollard, and P. Nurse. 1996. J. Cell Sci. 109(Pt 1):131ā€“142; Sohrmann, M., C. Fankhauser, C. Brodbeck, and V. Simanis. 1996. Genes Dev. 10:2707ā€“2719). Here, we identify and characterize a second fission yeast anillin homologue, Mid2p, which is not orthologous with Mid1p. Mid2p localizes as a single ring in the middle of the cell after anaphase in a septin- and actin-dependent manner and splits into two rings during septation. Mid2p colocalizes with septins, and mid2Ī” cells display disorganized, diffuse septin rings and a cell separation defect similar to septin deletion strains. mid2 gene expression and protein levels fluctuate during the cell cycle in a sep1- and Skp1/Cdc53/F-box (SCF)ā€“dependent manner, respectively, implying that Mid2p activity must be carefully regulated. Overproduction of Mid2p depolarizes cell growth and affects the organization of both the septin and actin cytoskeletons. In the presence of a nondegradable Mid2p fragment, the septin ring is stabilized and cell cycle progression is delayed. These results suggest that Mid2p influences septin ring organization at the site of cell division and its turnover might normally be required to permit septin ring disassembly

    Cdk1-dependent phosphoinhibition of a formin-F-BAR interaction opposes cytokinetic contractile ring formation

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    Ā© 2018 Willet et al. In Schizosaccharomyces pombe, cytokinesis requires the assembly and constriction of an actomyosin-based contractile ring (CR). A single essential formin, Cdc12, localizes to the cell middle upon mitotic onset and nucleates the F-actin of the CR. Cdc12 medial recruitment is mediated in part by its direct binding to the F-BAR scaffold Cdc15. Given that Cdc12 is hyperphosphorylated in M phase, we explored whether Cdc12 phosphoregulation impacts its association with Cdc15 during mitosis. We found that Cdk1, a major mitotic kinase, phosphorylates Cdc12 on six N-terminal residues near the Cdc15-binding site, and phosphorylation on these sites inhibits its interaction with the Cdc15 F-BAR domain. Consistent with this finding, a cdc12 mutant with all six Cdk1 sites changed to phosphomimetic residues (cdc12-6D) displays phenotypes similar to cdc12-P31A, in which the Cdc15-binding motif is disrupted; both show reduced Cdc12 at the CR and delayed CR formation. Together, these results indicate that Cdk1 phosphorylation of formin Cdc12 antagonizes its interaction with Cdc15 and thereby opposes Cdc12\u27s CR localization. These results are consistent with a general role of Cdk1 in inhibiting cytokinesis until chromosome segregation is complete

    Formin-based control of the actin cytoskeleton during cytokinesis

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    Cytokinesis, the terminal event in the canonical cell cycle, physically separates daughter cells following mitosis. For cleavage to occur in many eukaryotes, a cytokinetic ring must assemble and constrict between divided genomes. Although dozens of different molecules localize to and participate within the cytokinetic ring, the core machinery comprises linear actin filaments. Accordingly, formins, which nucleate and elongate F-actin (filamentous actin) for the cytokinetic ring, are required for cytokinesis in diverse species. In the present article, we discuss specific modes of formin-based actin regulation during cell division and highlight emerging mechanisms and questions on this topic. Ā© 2013 Biochemical Society

    Fission yeast Dma1 requires RING domain dimerization for its ubiquitin ligase activity and mitotic checkpoint function

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    In fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe), the E3 ubiquitin ligase Dma1 delays cytokinesis if chromosomes are not properly attached to the mitotic spindle.Dma1contains a C-terminal RING domain, and we have found that the Dma1 RING domain forms a stable homodimer. Although the RING domain is required for dimerization, residues in the C-terminal tail are also required to help form or stabilize the dimeric structure because mutation of specific residues in this region disrupts Dma1 dimerization. Further analyses showed that Dma1 dimerization is required for proper localization at spindle pole bodies and the cell division site, E3 ligase activity, and mitotic checkpoint function. Thus, Dma1 forms an obligate dimer via its RING domain, which is essential for efficient transfer of ubiquitin to its substrate(s). This study further supports the mechanistic paradigm that many RING E3 ligases function as RING dimers. Ā© 2012 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc
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