5 research outputs found

    Animals in Capital: A Marxist Perspective on the Use of Other Animals in Capitalist Commodity Production

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    PURPOSE: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PGL) are neuroendocrine tumors of sympathetic and parasympathetic paraganglia. This study investigated the relationships between genotype-specific differences in mitochondrial function and catecholamine content in PGL tumors. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: Respiratory chain enzyme assays and (1)H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at 500 MHz were conducted on homogenates of 35 sporadic PGLs and 59 PGLs from patients with hereditary mutations in succinate dehydrogenase subunits B and D (SDHB, SDHD), succinate dehydrogenase assembly factor 2, von Hippel-Lindau (VHL), rearranged during transfection (RET), neurofibromatosis type 1 (NF1), and myc-associated factor X. RESULTS: In SDHx-related PGLs, a significant decrease in complex II activity (P < 0.0001) and a significant increase in complex I, III, and IV enzyme activities were observed when compared to sporadic, RET, and NF1 tumors. Also, a significant increase in citrate synthase (P < 0.0001) enzyme activity was observed in SDHx-related PGLs when compared to sporadic-, VHL-, RET-, and NF1-related tumors. An increase in succinate accumulation (P < 0.001) and decrease in ATP/ADP/AMP accumulation (P < 0.001) was observed when compared to sporadic PGLs and PGLs of other genotypes. Positive correlations (P < 0.01) were observed between respiratory chain complex II activity and total catecholamine content and ATP/ADP/AMP and total catecholamine contents in tumor tissues. CONCLUSIONS: This study for the first time establishes a relationship between determinants of energy metabolism, like activity of respiratory chain enzyme complex II, ATP/ADP/AMP content, and catecholamine content in PGL tumors. Also, this study for the first time successfully uses NMR spectroscopy to detect catecholamines in PGL tumors and provides ex vivo evidence for the accumulation of succinate in PGL tumors with an SDHx mutation

    VIBEG Monitoring T1 in 2015 - Data Deelrapportage

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    Het ‘VIBEG (Visserij in Beschermde Gebieden) akkoord’ betreft twee Habitat- en Vogelrichtlijngebieden: ‘Noordzeekustzone’ en ‘Vlakte van de Raan’. Het doel van dit akkoord is om de instandhoudingsdoelen te realiseren voor habitattype H1110B en schelpdieretende vogels in het kader van Natura2000, in combinatie met een ecologisch verantwoorde en duurzame visserij in deze gebieden. Om dit doel te bereiken is voor de Noordzeekustzone in december 2011 een zonering ingesteld met verschillende toegangsregels voor de visserij. Om de mogelijke effecten van deze verschillende visserijregimes op het bodemleven te kunnen vaststellen is in 2013 een onderzoeksprogramma opgestart voor benthische organismen en vissen. Met drie verschillende en elkaar aanvullende technieken: boxcorer, bodemschaaf en garnalennet, is in 2013 een eerste bestandsopname (T0) gemaakt op twee locaties in de Noordzeekustzone: Petten en Ameland. In 2015 is een tweede bestandsopname (T1) gemaakt, wederom op de twee locaties in de Noordzeekustzone: Petten en Ameland. In dit rapport worden de resultaten van de bestandsopname in 2015 gepresenteerd. Een vergelijking tussen de data van 2015 en 2013, zoals die gerapporteerd zijn in Goudswaard et al. (2014), zal in een later stadium plaatsvinden

    Genotype-specific differences in the tumor metabolite profile of pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma using untargeted and targeted metabolomics

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    Item does not contain fulltextCONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PGLs) are neuroendocrine tumors of sympathetic or parasympathetic paraganglia. Nearly 40% of PGLs are caused by germline mutations. The present study investigated the effect of genetic alterations on metabolic networks in PGLs. DESIGN: Homogenates of 32 sporadic PGLs and 48 PGLs from patients with mutations in SDHB, SDHD, SDHAF-2, VHL, RET, and NF-1 were subjected to proton ((1)H) nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy at 500 MHz for untargeted and HPLC tandem mass spectrometry for targeted metabolite profiling. RESULTS: (1)H NMR spectroscopy identified 28 metabolites in PGLs of which 12 showed genotype-specific differences. Part of these results published earlier reported low complex II activity (P < .0001) and low ATP/ADP/AMP content (P < .001) in SDH-related PGLs compared with sporadics and PGLs of other genotypes. Extending these results, low levels of N-acetylaspartic acid (NAA; P < .05) in SDH tumors and creatine (P < .05) in VHL tumors were observed compared with sporadics and other genotypes. Positive correlation was observed between NAA and ATP/ADP/AMP content (P < .001) and NAA and complex II activity (P < .0001) of PGLs. Targeted purine analysis in PGLs showed low adenine in cluster 1 compared with cluster 2 tumors (SDH P < .0001; VHL P < .05) whereas lower levels (P < .05) of guanosine and hypoxanthine were observed in RET tumors compared with SDH tumors. Principal component analysis (PCA) of metabolites could distinguish PGLs of different genotypes. CONCLUSIONS: The present study gives a comprehensive picture of alterations in energy metabolism in SDH- and VHL-related PGLs and establishes the interrelationship of energy metabolism and amino acid and purine metabolism in PGLs

    Mutations in nucleophosmin (NPM1) in acute myeloid leukemia (AML): Association with other gene abnormalities and previously established gene expression signatures and their favorable prognostic significance

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    Mutations in nucleophosmin NPM1 are the most frequent acquired molecular abnormalities in acute myeloid leukemia (AML). We determined the NPM1 mutation status in a clinically and molecularly well-characterized patient cohort of 275 patients with newly diagnosed AML by denaturing high-performance liquid chromatography (dHPLC). We show that NPM1 mutations are significantly underrepresented in patients younger than 35 years. NPM1 mutations positively correlate with AML with high white blood cell counts, normal karyotypes, and fms-like tyrosine kinase-3 gene (FLT3) internal tandem duplication (ITD) mutations. NPM1 mutations associate inversely with the occurrence of CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein-α (CEBPA) and NRAS mutations. With respect to gene expression profiling, we show that AML cases with an NPM1 mutation cluster in specific subtypes of AML with previously established gene expression signatures, are highly associated with a homeobox gene-specific expression signature, and can be predicted with high accuracy. We demonstrate that patients with intermediate cytogenetic risk AML without FLT3 ITD mutations but with NPM1 mutations have a significantly better overall survival (OS) and eventfree survival (EFS) than those without NPM1 mutations. Finally, in multivariable analysis NPM1 mutations express independent favorable prognostic value with regard to OS, EFS, and disease-free survival (DFS)