2,133 research outputs found

    Dynamical Equilibration Across a Quenched Phase Transition in a Trapped Quantum Gas

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    The formation of an equilibrium quantum state from an uncorrelated thermal one through the dynamical crossing of a phase transition is a central question of non-equilibrium many-body physics. During such crossing, the system breaks its symmetry by establishing numerous uncorrelated regions separated by spontaneously-generated defects, whose emergence obeys a universal scaling law with the quench duration. Much less is known about the ensuing re-equilibrating or "coarse-graining" stage, which is governed by the evolution and interactions of such defects under system-specific and external constraints. In this work we perform a detailed numerical characterization of the entire non-equilibrium process, addressing subtle issues in condensate growth dynamics and demonstrating the quench-induced decoupling of number and coherence growth during the re-equilibration process. Our unique visualizations not only reproduce experimental measurements in the relevant regimes, but also provide valuable information in currently experimentally-inaccessible regimes.Comment: Supplementary Movie Previes: SM-Movie-1: https://youtu.be/3q7-CvuBylg SM-Movie-2: https://youtu.be/-Gymaiv9rC0 SM-Movie-3: https://youtu.be/w-O2SPiw3nE SM-Movie-4: https://youtu.be/P4xGyr4dwK

    Thin Disk Theory with a Non-Zero Torque Boundary Condition and Comparisons with Simulations

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    We present an analytical solution for thin disk accretion onto a Kerr black hole that extends the standard Novikov-Thorne alpha-disk in three ways: (i) it incorporates nonzero stresses at the inner edge of the disk, (ii) it extends into the plunging region, and (iii) it uses a corrected vertical gravity formula. The free parameters of the model are unchanged. Nonzero boundary stresses are included by replacing the Novikov-Thorne no torque boundary condition with the less strict requirement that the fluid velocity at the innermost stable circular orbit is the sound speed, which numerical models show to be the correct behavior for luminosities below ~30% Eddington. We assume the disk is thin so we can ignore advection. Boundary stresses scale as alpha*h and advection terms scale as h^2 (where h is the disk opening angle (h=H/r)), so the model is self-consistent when h < alpha. We compare our solution with slim disk models and general relativistic magnetohydrodynamic disk simulations. The model may improve the accuracy of black hole spin measurements.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Confirmation Via the Continuum-Fitting Method that the Spin of the Black Hole in Cygnus X-1 is Extreme

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    In Gou et al. (2011), we reported that the black hole primary in the X-ray binary Cygnus X-1 is a near-extreme Kerr black hole with a spin parameter a*>0.95(3{\sigma}). We confirm this result while setting a new and more stringent limit: a*>0.983 at the 3{\sigma}(99.7%) level of confidence. The earlier work, which was based on an analysis of all three useful spectra that were then available, was possibly biased by the presence in these spectra of a relatively strong Compton power-law component: The fraction of the thermal seed photons scattered into the power law was f_s=23-31%, while the upper limit for reliable application of the continuum-fitting method is f_s<25%. We have subsequently obtained six additional spectra of Cygnus X-1 suitable for the measurement of spin. Five of these spectra are of high quality with f_s in the range 10% to 19%, a regime where the continuum-fitting method has been shown to deliver reliable results. Individually, the six spectra give lower limits on the spin parameter that range from a*>0.95 to a*>0.98, allowing us to conservatively conclude that the spin of the black hole is a*>0.983 (3{\sigma}).Comment: 14 pages in emulated ApJ format, including 6 figures and 4 tables, ApJ in press. Discussion on the pileup effect to our spin measurement is added, including a subsection and a new figure, to reflect the referee's comments; the conclusions are unchange

    Using X-ray continuum-fitting to estimate the spin of MAXI J1305-704

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    MAXI J1305-704 is a transient X-ray binary with a black hole primary. It was discovered on April 9, 2012, during its only known outburst. MAXI J1305-704 is also a high inclination low-mass X-ray binary with prominent dip features in its light curves, so we check the full catalog of 92 \emph{Swift}/XRT continuous observations of MAXI J1305-704, focusing only on the stable spectra. We select 13 ``gold" spectra for which the root mean square RMS <0.075 and the coronal scattered fraction fsc≲25%f_{\mathrm{sc}} \lesssim 25 \%. These ``gold" data are optimal thermal-state observations for continuum-fitting modeling, in which the disk extends to the innermost-stable circular orbit and is geometrically thin. The black hole spin was unknown for this object before. By utilizing the X-ray continuum fitting method with the relativistic thin disk model \texttt{kerrbb2} and supplying the known dynamical binary system parameters, we find MAXI J1305-704 has a moderate spin (a∗=0.87−0.13+0.07a_{*}=0.87_{-0.13}^{+0.07}) at a 68.3\% confidence level. This is the first determination of MAXI J1305-704's spin.Comment: 13 pages, 10 figures, submitted to MNRA

    The spin measurement of the black hole in 4U 1543-47 constrained with the X-ray reflected emission

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    4U 1543-47 is a low-mass X-ray binary that harbours a stellar-mass black hole located in our Milky Way galaxy. In this paper, we revisit seven data sets that were in the Steep Power Law state of the 2002 outburst. The spectra were observed by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. We have carefully modelled the X-ray reflection spectra and made a joint-fit to these spectra with relxill for the reflected emission. We found a moderate black hole spin, which is 0.67^(+0.15)_(−0.08) at 90 per cent statistical confidence. Negative and low spins (<0.5) at more than 99 per cent statistical confidence are ruled out. In addition, our results indicate that the model requires a supersolar iron abundance: 5.05^(+1.21)_(−0.26), and the inclination angle of the inner disc is 36.3^(+5.3)_(−3.4) deg. This inclination angle is appreciably larger than the binary orbital inclination angle (∼21 deg); this difference is possibly a systematic artefact of the artificially low density employed in the reflection model for this X-ray binary system

    Radiative efficiency and thermal spectrum of accretion onto Schwarzschild black holes

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    Recent general relativistic magneto-hydrodynamic (MHD) simulations of accretion onto black holes have shown that, contrary to the basic assumptions of the Novikov-Thorne model, there can be substantial magnetic stress throughout the plunging region. Additional dissipation and radiation can therefore be expected. We use data from a particularly well-resolved simulation of accretion onto a non-spinning black hole to compute both the radiative efficiency of such a flow and its spectrum if all emitted light is radiated with a thermal spectrum whose temperature matches the local effective temperature. This disk is geometrically thin enough (H/r ~= 0.06) that little heat is retained in the flow. In terms of light reaching infinity (i.e., after allowance for all relativistic effects and for photon capture by the black hole), we find that the radiative efficiency is at least ~=6-10% greater than predicted by the Novikov-Thorne model (complete radiation of all heat might yield another ~6%). We also find that the spectrum more closely resembles the Novikov-Thorne prediction for a/M ~= 0.2--0.3 than for the correct value, a/M=0. As a result, if the spin of a non-spinning black hole is inferred by model-fitting to a Novikov-Thorne model with known black hole mass, distance, and inclination, the inferred a/M is too large by ~= 0.2--0.3.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 26 pages, 12 figures (some in color), AASTE
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