3,350 research outputs found

    Security of quantum key distribution protocols using two-way classical communication or weak coherent pulses

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    We apply the techniques introduced in [Kraus et. al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 080501, 2005] to prove security of quantum key distribution (QKD) schemes using two-way classical post-processing as well as QKD schemes based on weak coherent pulses instead of single-photon pulses. As a result, we obtain improved bounds on the secret-key rate of these schemes

    Unconditionally secure key distillation from multi-photons

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    In this paper, we prove that the unconditionally secure key can be surprisingly extracted from {\it multi}-photon emission part in the photon polarization-based QKD. One example is shown by explicitly proving that one can indeed generate an unconditionally secure key from Alice's two-photon emission part in ``Quantum cryptography protocols robust against photon number splitting attacks for weak laser pulses implementations'' proposed by V. Scarani {\it et al.,} in Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 92}, 057901 (2004), which is called SARG04. This protocol uses the same four states as in BB84 and differs only in the classical post-processing protocol. It is, thus, interesting to see how the classical post-processing of quantum key distribution might qualitatively change its security. We also show that one can generate an unconditionally secure key from the single to the four-photon part in a generalized SARG04 that uses six states. Finally, we also compare the bit error rate threshold of these protocols with the one in BB84 and the original six-state protocol assuming a depolarizing channel.Comment: The title has changed again. We considerably improved our presentation, and furthermore we proposed & analyzed a security of a modified SARG04 protocol, which uses six state

    A simple proof of the unconditional security of quantum key distribution

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    Quantum key distribution is the most well-known application of quantum cryptography. Previous proposed proofs of security of quantum key distribution contain various technical subtleties. Here, a conceptually simpler proof of security of quantum key distribution is presented. The new insight is the invariance of the error rate of a teleportation channel: We show that the error rate of a teleportation channel is independent of the signals being transmitted. This is because the non-trivial error patterns are permuted under teleportation. This new insight is combined with the recently proposed quantum to classical reduction theorem. Our result shows that assuming that Alice and Bob have fault-tolerant quantum computers, quantum key distribution can be made unconditionally secure over arbitrarily long distances even against the most general type of eavesdropping attacks and in the presence of all types of noises.Comment: 13 pages, extended abstract. Comments will be appreciate

    Beating the PNS attack in practical quantum cryptography

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    In practical quantum key distribution, weak coherent state is often used and the channel transmittance can be very small therefore the protocol could be totally insecure under the photon-number-splitting attack. We propose an efficient method to verify the upper bound of the fraction of counts caused by multi-photon pluses transmitted from Alice to Bob, given whatever type of Eve's action. The protocol simply uses two coherent states for the signal pulses and vacuum for decoy pulse. Our verified upper bound is sufficiently tight for QKD with very lossy channel, in both asymptotic case and non-asymptotic case. The coherent states with mean photon number from 0.2 to 0.5 can be used in practical quantum cryptography. We show that so far our protocol is the onlyonly decoy-state protocol that really works for currently existing set-ups.Comment: So far this is the unique decoy-state protocol which really works efficiently in practice. Prior art results are commented in both main context and the Appendi

    A decoy-state protocol for quantum cryptography with 4 intensities of coherent states

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    In order to beat any type of photon-number-splitting attack, we propose a protocol for quantum key distributoin (QKD) using 4 different intensities of pulses. They are vacuum and coherent states with mean photon number μ,μ\mu,\mu' and μs\mu_s. μs\mu_s is around 0.55 and this class of pulses are used as the main signal states. The other two classes of coherent states (μ,μ\mu,\mu') are also used signal states but their counting rates should be studied jointly with the vacuum. We have shown that, given the typical set-up in practice, the key rate from the main signal pulses is quite close to the theoretically allowed maximal rate in the case given the small overall transmittance of 10410^{-4}

    Secure and efficient decoy-state quantum key distribution with inexact pulse intensities

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    We present a general theorem for the efficient verification of the lower bound of single-photon transmittance. We show how to do decoy-state quantum key distribution efficiently with large random errors in the intensity control. In our protocol, the linear terms of fluctuation disappear and only the quadratic terms take effect. We then show the unconditional security of decoy-state method with whatever error pattern in intensities of decoy pulses and signal pulses provided that the intensity of each decoy pulse is less than μ\mu and the intensity of each signal pulse is larger than μ\mu'

    The extent of NGC 6822 revealed by its C stars population

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    Using the CFH12K camera, we apply the four band photometric technique to identify 904 carbon stars in an area 28' x 42' centered on NGC 6822. A few C stars, outside of this area were also discovered with the Las Campanas Swope Telescope. The NGC 6822 C star population has an average I of 19.26 mag leading to an average absolute I magnitude of -4.70 mag, a value essentially identical to the mean magnitude obtained for the C stars in IC 1613. Contrary to stars highlighting the optical image of NGC 6822, C stars are seen at large radial distances and trace a huge slightly elliptical halo which do not coincide with the huge HI cloud surrounding NGC6822. The previously unknown stellar component of NGC 6822 has a exponential scale length of 3.0' +/- 0.1' and can be traced to five scale lengths. The C/M ratio of NGC 6822 is evaluated to br 1.0 +/- 0.2.Comment: accepted, to be published in A

    On the performance of two protocols: SARG04 and BB84

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    We compare the performance of BB84 and SARG04, the later of which was proposed by V. Scarani et al., in Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 057901 (2004). Specifically, in this paper, we investigate SARG04 with two-way classical communications and SARG04 with decoy states. In the first part of the paper, we show that SARG04 with two-way communications can tolerate a higher bit error rate (19.4% for a one-photon source and 6.56% for a two-photon source) than SARG04 with one-way communications (10.95% for a one-photon source and 2.71% for a two-photon source). Also, the upper bounds on the bit error rate for SARG04 with two-way communications are computed in a closed form by considering an individual attack based on a general measurement. In the second part of the paper, we propose employing the idea of decoy states in SARG04 to obtain unconditional security even when realistic devices are used. We compare the performance of SARG04 with decoy states and BB84 with decoy states. We find that the optimal mean-photon number for SARG04 is higher than that of BB84 when the bit error rate is small. Also, we observe that SARG04 does not achieve a longer secure distance and a higher key generation rate than BB84, assuming a typical experimental parameter set.Comment: 48 pages, 10 figures, 1 column, changed Figs. 7 and

    Quantum Communication and Computing With Atomic Ensembles Using Light-Shift Imbalance Induced Blockade

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    Recently, we have shown that for conditions under which the so-called light-shift imbalance induced blockade (LSIIB) occurs, the collective excitation of an ensemble of a multi-level atom can be treated as a closed two level system. In this paper, we describe how such a system can be used as a quantum bit (qubit) for quantum communication and quantum computing. Specifically, we show how to realize a C-NOT gate using the collective qubit and an easily accessible ring cavity, via an extension of the so-called Pellizzari scheme. We also describe how multiple, small-scale quantum computers realized using these qubits can be linked effectively for implementing a quantum internet. We describe the details of the energy levels and transitions in 87Rb atom that could be used for implementing these schemes.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures. Accepted in Phys. Rev.

    Multi-qubit compensation sequences

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    The Hamiltonian control of n qubits requires precision control of both the strength and timing of interactions. Compensation pulses relax the precision requirements by reducing unknown but systematic errors. Using composite pulse techniques designed for single qubits, we show that systematic errors for n qubit systems can be corrected to arbitrary accuracy given either two non-commuting control Hamiltonians with identical systematic errors or one error-free control Hamiltonian. We also examine composite pulses in the context of quantum computers controlled by two-qubit interactions. For quantum computers based on the XY interaction, single-qubit composite pulse sequences naturally correct systematic errors. For quantum computers based on the Heisenberg or exchange interaction, the composite pulse sequences reduce the logical single-qubit gate errors but increase the errors for logical two-qubit gates.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures; corrected reference formattin