17 research outputs found


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    中学校の「総合的な学習」のカリキュラム開発を行う上での視点と考慮すべき課題を明確にしながら実践的な研究をおこなった。総合的な学習は単に「知識の獲得」を求めるのではなく, 体験的な学習, 問題解決的な学習を積極的に取り入れることで, 教科等で身に付けられた知識や技能などが相互に関連付けられ, 「生きる力」を育むことができる

    Extensive Area of Topographic Anaglyphs Covering Inland and Seafloor Derived Using a Detailed Digital Elevation Model for Tectonic Geomorphology Research : A Case Study in and around the South of the Kanto Plain and the Middle of the Nansei Islands

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    Topographic anaglyph images were viewed with red–cyan glasses, making it possible to recognize topographic relief features easily. Anaglyphs produced from digital elevation model (DEM) data are a very effective way of identifying tectonic geomorphology. This paper aims to re-examine tectonic geomorphology and to present new tectonic maps for the late Quaternary in and around the Kanto Plain and Nansei Islands. This is achieved by interpretation of an extensive area of topographic anaglyph images produced from 5-m- and 10-m-mesh inland DEMs of Japan provided by the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan, and 2-s- and 14-s-mesh DEMs of the seafloor. The 2-s-mesh DEM of the seafloor is processed from cloud point data of multi-beam echo-sounding devices provided by the Japan Agency for Marine-Earth Science and Technology and re-processed from digital bathymetric charts, with 1- to 2-m-interval counters of the Japan Hydrographic Association. The extensive area of topographic anaglyphs produced from combined detailed DEM are shown to be useful for identifying tectonic geomorphology in plain areas, as well as of the seafloor, when the “naked” topography is exaggerated vertically. We identified for the first time an active anticlinal broad deformation of the Yamanote tableland surfaces where the capital of Japan is located, as well as fault geomorphology associated with the left lateral strike–slip fault along the Ayasegawa fault in the Kanto Plain, which was believed to be a reverse fault. We also found that the marine terraces are tilted to the south at Okinoerabujima Island and eastward at Tokunoshima Island, in the middle of the Nansei Islands. These tilts are related to the reverse faults along the steep slopes of the islands’ shelves that are divided into the Okinawa trough to the west. These reverse faults, which were believed to be a normal fault from the geological research, are newly identified on the basis of the interpretation of the tectonic geomorphology on anaglyph images produced from detailed DEM of the seafloor.本研究は2013~2015年度研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(課題番号25350428,研究代表者:後藤秀昭),2006~2008年度研究費補助金若手研究(B)課題番号18700681,研究代表者:後藤秀昭),2005~2007年度研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(課題番号17200053,研究代表者:中田高),2011~2014年度研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(課題番号23240121,研究代表者:中田高)の一部を使用した

    Detailed Topographic Anaglyph Images in and around Japan Island Produced from Digital Elevation Model

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    Anaglyph images with red-cyan glasses enable to recognize topographic relief easily not for public but also scientific research. Goto (2012) introduced topographic anaglyph images for inland produced by the use of the 10-m-mesh digital elevation model (DEM) of the Geospatial Information Authority of Japan (GSI) covering all the territory of Japan. Goto (2013) also exhibited the topographic anaglyph images for seafloor around Japan Islands produced by using the 1-second-mesh (approximately 30 m) DEM provided by the Japan Coast Guard. Interpretation of these images is significantly useful for active fault research. For instance, Goto and Sugito (2012) reported discovery of several unknown active faults on land, and Izumi et al. (2013) showed the distribution of submarine active faults along the eastern margin of the Japan Sea.   The aim of this paper is to show detailed topographic anaglyph images produced from the 5-m-mesh and 10-m-mesh inland DEM of GSI as well as the 1-second-mesh DEM on the shallow seafloor. These datasets are currently the most detailed DEM open to public. The published area for 5-m-mesh DEM of GSI, according to the Basic Act on Promotion of Utilization of Geographical Information started in 2007 is still about 45 percent of the territory of Japan as of 2013. So the 5-m and 10-m resolution meshes are combined for inland. The 1-second-mesh DEM on seafloor is re-processed from digital bathymetric charts, with 1 to 2 meter interval counters of the Japan Hydrographic Association because the insufficient preparation of detailed DEM from direct data acquisition such as acoustic prospecting/seismic profiling.本研究は2013-2014年度研究費補助金基盤研究(C)(課題番号25350428,研究代表者:後藤秀昭)および,2011-2014年度研究費補助金基盤研究(A)(課題番号23240121,研究代表者:中田高)の一部を使用した。本編pdf: HiroshimaUniv-BungakuKenkyukaRonshu-Tokushugo_74_Goto.pdf別冊pdf: HiroshimaUniv-BungakuKenkyukaRonshu-Tokushugo_74_Goto_Separated Volume.pd

    Development of Submarine Geomorphology Based on Analysis of Submarine Terraces around the Kandamisaki-oki Fault off the Coast of San-in Region

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    This study aims to describe the submarine geomorphology near the Kandamisaki-oki fault off the coast of the Sanin region and examine its development. The NW-SE trending Kandamisaki-oki fault is a series of fault scarps on the seafloor and is a northwestern extension of the onshore Kikukawa fault, an active sinistral strike-slip fault. Although the distribution and activity of the Kandamisaki-oki fault have been studied, the submarine geomorphology near the fault has been ignored. This study produced a topographical anaglyph image using a 0.3-s-mesh digital elevation model that used point-cloud data obtained through a multi-beam acoustic survey by the Japan Coast Guard. The image was exaggerated vertically and overlapped with a relief map and an isobath. When viewed with red-cyan glasses, it enables easy identification of topographical features, such as submarine terraces and small fault scarps. By interpreting the anaglyph, the submarine terraces were divided into six surfaces, named the S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, and S6 surfaces, in descending order. The angles indicating the paleo-shoreline behind the flat surface of each submarine terrace were at a depth of approximately 30m for S1, approximately 50m for S2, approximately 80m for S3, approximately 110m for S4, approximately 120m for S5, and approximately 130m for S6. In the study area, these depths were similar and correlated to the terrace surfaces around the Tsushima Strait and the Nanseishoto islands. Therefore, the submarine terraces in the study area developed in association with the global sea-level changes resulting from the changes in the volume of the glaciers since the last glacial period.科学研究費補助金(課題番号:19H01374)の一部を使用した

    Surface rupture associated with June 22, 2002, Changureh-Avaj earthquake, in Iran

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    An intense earthquake occurred in western Iran, about 225 km west of Tehran at 7:28 local time, June 22, 2002. Though the moderate moment magnitude of 6.4(ERI, University of Tokyo) - 6.5 (USGS) calculated for this earthquake was not surprisingly large as contrasted with those historical major earthquakes in this country, 261 people were reportedly killed and 1,300 injured. We investigated the activated fault trace and observed the outcrop of suface rupture near the epicenter area of main shock from 27 July to 30. We recognized surface rupture associated with this earthquake extended for about 700m east of Abdarreh village. Amount of displacement upthrown to the south is less than 10cm. It's expected that faulting occurred several times along the same bedding fault related to the flexural-slip by the growth of fold

    平成30年7月豪雨による広島県の斜面崩壊の詳細分布図 <土石流・斜面災害班>

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