8 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Detergency Using Artificially Soiled Multifiber Fabrics

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    BMP4 and FGF strongly induce differentiation of mouse ES cells into oral ectoderm

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    During embryonic development, oral ectoderm differentiates into the adenohypophysis, dental epithelia, salivary glands, and nasal pit. Few reports exist concerning the induction of oral ectoderm from embryonic stem (ES) cells. Generally, any lot differences in fetal bovine serum (FBS) and serum replacer may affect the induction of ES cell-differentiation. Using a previously established culture strategy for differentiation, the proportion of cell aggregates containing Pitx1+ oral ectoderm varied widely between 9–36% when several different lots of FBS or serum replacer were used. We therefore tried to enhance the differentiation method. We found that bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) 4 and fibroblast growth factor (FGF) treatments improved oral ectoderm induction. Such treatment also improved the differentiation of oral ectoderm into the adenohypophysis. Furthermore, increased BMP4 treatment induced dental epithelium and mesenchyme. Such differentiation suggests that the Pitx1+ layer displays similar properties to oral ectoderm, as found in vivo. Differentiation of ES cells into oral ectoderm using different lots of FBS and serum replacer increased 78–90% after treatment with BMP4 and FGF. In summary, we have established a robust strategy for the induction of oral ectoderm differentiation from mouse ES cells

    Expression of Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptor gamma2(PPAR_γ2) mRNA in Muscle Tissues of Japanese Black Cattle

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    peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma2(PPAR_γ2)は,核内レセプターの一種で,脂肪細胞分化の中 心的な役割を担っている.本研究では,育成期の飼養条件の違いが,黒毛和牛骨格筋におけるPPAR_γ2 mRNAの発現に及ぼす影響について検討した.牛群を濃厚飼料区(C区)と乾草区(R区)に分けて飼養した.C区では,分娩後3日目に母子分離後,人工哺乳を2ヵ月間行った後,濃厚飼料を中心とした飼養形態とした.R区では,分娩後3ヵ月齢まで草地内で親子放牧し,離乳後牛舎内で乾草のみで飼養した.骨格筋サンプルは,胸最長筋(LT)および大腿二頭筋(BF)よりニードルバイオプシーを用いて,5ヵ月齢および7ヵ月齢時に摘出された.摘出した骨格筋サンプルは,すみやかに液体窒素中で凍結後,total RNAの抽出を行った.得られたtotal RNAを用いて,RT-PCR反応を行い,PPAR_γ2 mRNAの発現を見た.5ヵ月齢時においては,C区においてLTおよびBFともにPPAR_γ2 mRNAの発現が認められたが,R区においてはその発現は認められないか低かった.7ヵ月齢時では,両処理区でPPAR_γ2 mRNA発現が認められたが,R区よりもC区の方で発現は高かった.以上の結果より,育成期の飼養形態の違いが,黒毛和種骨格筋におけるPPAR_γ2 mRNAの発現に影響を及ぼすことが示唆された.Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma2 (PPAR_γ2) is one of the nuclear receptors and is known as a main regulator of adipogenesis. In this study, we investigated the influence of the feeding system on the expression of PPAR_γ2 mRNA in muscle tissue of young Japanese Black cattle. Four animals were divided into two groups: one group was separated from the mother cows at 3 days and was raised by artificial nursing until 2 months of age. After that they were fed with high concentrate (group C). Another was raised and grazed with their mother cows until 3 months. After weaning, they were fed only with roughage (group R). Muscle tissues were taken from M. longissimus thoracis (LT) and M. biceps femoris (BF) by needle biopsy at 5 and 7 months of age. Total RNA was isolated with ISOGEN from these tissues. Using the total RNA, we carried out RT-PCR to measure the expression of PPAR_γ2 mRNA. At 5 months, high expressions of PPAR_γ2 mRNA were observed in LT and BF of group C. On the other hand, in group R, there were no or low expressions of PPAR_γ2 mRNA. At 7 months, in both groups, the expressions were observed and the expressions in group C were higher than those in group R. From these results, it was suggested that feeding system during calf might influence the expression of PPAR_γ2 mRNA in muscle tissue of Japanese Black cattle and be related to intramuscular adipogenesis

    Study of Availability of Seabuckthorn Strained Lees as Cattle Feed

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    グミ科, ヒッポファエ属の沙棘 (サジー, 学名:Hippophae rhamnoides L., 英語名:Seabuckthorn) は, 生理活性物質を豊富に含む植物である. ニーヴァンス (株) はサジーを用いて滋養強壮剤を開発中であるが, その搾り粕も栄養を豊富に含むため有効な活用法を模索している. 本研究では, 離乳直後の黒毛和牛15頭 (雄 9 頭, 雌 6 頭) を用いて, 配合飼料へのサジー搾り粕添加給与による離乳ストレスならびに成長に関する影響を血中成分により調査した. 対照区 ( 5 頭, 体重:81.1±4.6kg), サジー搾り粕 5 %添加区 ( 5 頭, 85.4±9.3kg) および同10%添加区 ( 5 頭, 80.2±6.4kg) を設定し, 離乳時から 6 カ月間の体重と血液性状の変化を調べた. 頚静脈から採血後, 血清中総蛋白質 (Biuret 法), アルブミン (BCG 法), 中性脂肪 (酵素法), γ-GTP (JSCC 準拠法), 免疫に関わる IgA, IgG および IgM (ネフェロメトリー法) 含量を測定した. 離乳時体重を基準とした場合のその後の成長に伴う体重比は, 対照区に比べて, 5 %と10%添加区で有意 (P <0.05) に低かった. 総蛋白質, アルブミンおよび中性脂肪含量は, 実験期間を通して変動したが一定の傾向はなかった. γ-GTP 含量は対照区と10%添加区に比べて, 5 %添加区では離乳時から 1 カ月目まで高値を示した (P <0.05). IgA, IgG および IgM 含量に一定の傾向はなかった. 以上より, 配合飼料へのサジー搾り粕添加 (10%以内) は, 牛の健康及び成長に害を及ぼすことはなかったが, 牛の血液性状ならびに体重増加にも特別の効果は及ぼさなかった. しかし, 育成期において増体の低下に影響することが示唆され, 配合飼料としての利用は直接添加することを避け, 加工や栄養素の抽出操作などを行う必要があるものと考えられた.Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is the plant which contained many nutrients, for vitamin. In this study, the effect of seabuckthorn lees (SL) which added in concentrate feed on the growth and blood parameter, in particular factors in relation to stress in the weaning period was investigated using Japanese black cattle (n=15). Control group (n=5, body weight: 81.1±4.6kg) , 5% SL group (n=5, 85.4±9.3kg) and 10 % SL group (n=5, 80.2±6.4kg) were set up. The changes of body weight and blood parameter from wean to six months cattle were investigated. Body weight in 5 % and 10 % SL group were lower (P<0.05) than that of control group. There were differences of serum total protein, albumen and triglyceride among group. Contents of γ-GTP in 5% group was higher (P<0.05) those of control and 10 % group from weaning to one month. The contents of IgA, IgG and IgM were not changed. Therefore growth and blood parameter in cattle were not affected by the addition to SL (within 10 %). However, body weight in cattle decreased for SL addition. For use of SL, future study needs to investigate the processing and extracting of SL

    Interrelationship between myofiber type composition and intramuscular-fat content in muscles of Japanese Black cattle

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    黒毛和牛骨格筋における筋線維型構成と骨格筋内脂肪含量の関係について検討した.26-29カ月齢まで肥育された黒毛和牛より屠殺後,食肉生産上,重要な骨格筋である胸最長筋,大腿二頭筋,半膜様筋,半腱様筋,外側広筋,胸腹鋸筋および大腿直筋を摘出した.酵素組織化学的方法により筋線維をI型,IIA型およびIIB型筋線維に分類し(Brooke and Kaiser, 1970),筋線維型構成の算出を行った.またソックスレイ法によりそれぞれの骨格筋内の脂肪含量割合を測定した.黒毛和牛骨格筋の筋線維型構成に関して,骨格筋の種類により割合が異なった.すなわちI型筋線維を多く持つ胸腹鋸筋(61.7%),胸最長筋(45.8%),大腿二頭筋上部(52%),中程度持つ外側広筋(30.0%),大腿二頭筋下部(32.6%),およびI型筋線維がさらに少ない半腱様筋(24.6%),半膜様筋(26.4%),大腿直筋(23.3%)に分類された.一方,II型筋線維はI型筋線維と逆の傾向を示しその傾向はIIA型筋線維の変化というよりはIB型筋線維の変化として現れた.各骨格筋内の脂肪含量割合も骨格筋間で著しい差異が認められた.胸腹鋸筋は57.4%と最も大きく,以下胸最長筋27.9%,大腿二頭筋上部22.8%,大腿直筋15.7%,大腿二頭筋下部13.5%,外側広筋12.2%,半膜様筋10.6%,および半腱様筋10.4%の順で減少した.筋線維型構成割合と骨格筋内脂肪含量割合の相関関係を見ると,I型筋線維の割合とは正の,逆にIIA型およびIIB型筋線維の割合とは負の有意な相関関係が認められた.本研究より黒毛和牛去勢肥育牛において,骨格筋の種類により骨格筋内に蓄積される脂肪含量割合は著しく異なり,それは筋線維型構成と密接に関係していることが明らかになった.The interrelationship between myofiber type composition and intramuscular-fat content was investigated in muscles of Japanese Black cattle. The cattle were mainly fed with concentrate and slaughtered at 26-29 mo of age. After slaughter, M.longissimus thracis, M.biceps femoris, M.semimembranosus, M.semitendinosus, M. vastus lateralis, M.serratus ventralis and M.rectus femoris were removed from each carcass. Myofibers were enzyme-histochemically classified into type I, IIA and IIB myofibers according to the nomenclature of Brooke and Kaiser(1970). The percentage of intramuscular-fat content in each muscle was measured with Soxhlet method. In these muscles, the percentage of each type myofiber was related significantly to the percentage of intramuscular-fat content of each muscle at 26-29 mo of age. Correlation coefficient between the percentage of Type I myofiber and intramuscular-fat content was positive significant (p<0.005). Conversely, correlation coefficient between the percentages of type IIA, IIB myofiber and intramuscular-fat content was negative significant (p<0.05). These results indicated that the percentage of Type I myofiber was significantly related to the accumulation of intramuscular-fat in the muscles of Japanese Black cattle

    牛用配合飼料としての沙棘 (サジー) 絞り粕の可能性に関する研究

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    グミ科, ヒッポファエ属の沙棘 (サジー, 学名:Hippophae rhamnoides L., 英語名:Seabuckthorn) は, 生理活性物質を豊富に含む植物である. ニーヴァンス (株) はサジーを用いて滋養強壮剤を開発中であるが, その搾り粕も栄養を豊富に含むため有効な活用法を模索している. 本研究では, 離乳直後の黒毛和牛15頭 (雄 9 頭, 雌 6 頭) を用いて, 配合飼料へのサジー搾り粕添加給与による離乳ストレスならびに成長に関する影響を血中成分により調査した. 対照区 ( 5 頭, 体重:81.1±4.6kg), サジー搾り粕 5 %添加区 ( 5 頭, 85.4±9.3kg) および同10%添加区 ( 5 頭, 80.2±6.4kg) を設定し, 離乳時から 6 カ月間の体重と血液性状の変化を調べた. 頚静脈から採血後, 血清中総蛋白質 (Biuret 法), アルブミン (BCG 法), 中性脂肪 (酵素法), γ-GTP (JSCC 準拠法), 免疫に関わる IgA, IgG および IgM (ネフェロメトリー法) 含量を測定した. 離乳時体重を基準とした場合のその後の成長に伴う体重比は, 対照区に比べて, 5 %と10%添加区で有意 (P <0.05) に低かった. 総蛋白質, アルブミンおよび中性脂肪含量は, 実験期間を通して変動したが一定の傾向はなかった. γ-GTP 含量は対照区と10%添加区に比べて, 5 %添加区では離乳時から 1 カ月目まで高値を示した (P <0.05). IgA, IgG および IgM 含量に一定の傾向はなかった. 以上より, 配合飼料へのサジー搾り粕添加 (10%以内) は, 牛の健康及び成長に害を及ぼすことはなかったが, 牛の血液性状ならびに体重増加にも特別の効果は及ぼさなかった. しかし, 育成期において増体の低下に影響することが示唆され, 配合飼料としての利用は直接添加することを避け, 加工や栄養素の抽出操作などを行う必要があるものと考えられた.Seabuckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) is the plant which contained many nutrients, for vitamin. In this study, the effect of seabuckthorn lees (SL) which added in concentrate feed on the growth and blood parameter, in particular factors in relation to stress in the weaning period was investigated using Japanese black cattle (n=15). Control group (n=5, body weight: 81.1±4.6kg) , 5% SL group (n=5, 85.4±9.3kg) and 10 % SL group (n=5, 80.2±6.4kg) were set up. The changes of body weight and blood parameter from wean to six months cattle were investigated. Body weight in 5 % and 10 % SL group were lower (P<0.05) than that of control group. There were differences of serum total protein, albumen and triglyceride among group. Contents of γ-GTP in 5% group was higher (P<0.05) those of control and 10 % group from weaning to one month. The contents of IgA, IgG and IgM were not changed. Therefore growth and blood parameter in cattle were not affected by the addition to SL (within 10 %). However, body weight in cattle decreased for SL addition. For use of SL, future study needs to investigate the processing and extracting of SL