5,806 research outputs found

    Challenges posed by non-standard neutrino interactions in the determination of ÎŽCP\delta_{CP} at DUNE

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    One of the primary objectives of Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) is to discover the leptonic CP violation and to identify it's source. In this context, we study the impact of non-standard neutrino interactions (NSIs) on observing the CP violation signal at DUNE. We explore the impact of various parameter degeneracies introduced by non-zero NSI and identify which of these can influence the CP violation sensitivity and CP precision of DUNE, by considering NSI both in data and in theory. In particular, we study how the CP sensitivity of DUNE is affected because of the intrinsic hierarchy degeneracy which occurs when the diagonal NSI parameter Ï”ee=−1\epsilon_{ee}=-1 and ÎŽCP=±90∘\delta_{CP}= \pm 90^{\circ}

    Ge growth on ion-irradiated Si self-affine fractal surfaces

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    We have carried out scanning tunneling microscopy experiments under ultrahigh vacuum condition to study the morphology of ultrathin Ge films eposited on pristine Si(100) and ion-irradiated Si(100) self-affine fractal surfaces. The pristine and the ion-irradiated Si(100) surface have roughness exponents of alpha=0.19+/-0.05 and alpha=0.82+/-0.04 respectively. These measurements were carried out on two halves of the same sample where only one half was ion-irradiated. Following deposition of a thin film of Ge (~6 A) the roughness exponents change to 0.11+/-0.04 and 0.99+/-0.06, respectively. Upon Ge deposition, while the roughness increases by more than an order of magnitude on the pristine surface, a smoothing is observed for the ion-irradiated surface. For the ion-irradiated surface the correlation length xi increases from 32 nm to 137 nm upon Ge deposition. Ge grows on Si surfaces in the Stranski-Krastanov or layer-plus-island mode where islands grow on a wetting layer of about three atomic layers. On the pristine surface the islands are predominantly of square or rectangular shape, while on the ion-irradiated surface the islands are nearly diamond shaped. Changes of adsorption behaviour of deposited atoms depending on the roughness exponent (or the fractal dimension) of the substrate surface are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures and 1 tabl

    Europe and Its Refugees Paralyzed by the Emotion of Fear

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    In an essay titled “The Clash of Emotions” (Foreign Affairs, January/ February 2007), nine years ago, Dominique Mossi argued that there existed an emotional clash of views across the globe. For instance, Europe and the U.S. were afflicted by an ‘emotion of fear\u27, propelled by fears of the ‘other\u27 and anxieties about loss of identity. Europeans, Mossi argued, were fearful that radical Islamists would take over their lands, and use them for terror basing and targeting purposes. The Madrid bombings of 2004, the London bombings of 2005, the terror attacks in Paris that targeted the Charlie Hebdo office in January 2015 and multiple terror attacks across Paris in November 2015, the Brussels bombings in March 2016, and the Nice terror attack in July 2016, have further intensified such European fears. On one side, Europeans are afraid of a loss of control over their land, their identity and in this process, their everyday security by the growing presence of Muslims in their midst. On the other, Europe is not perceived as a stellar example of successful integration with the newly arrived immigrants or refugees; thereby principally, it can be viewed as flawed in multicultural existence. Into such a context is injected the current steady and massive inflow of refugees from conflict affected areas (predominantly Muslim) in Afghanistan, Iraq, Pakistan and Syria. The resulting explosive crisis was hence imminent and to be expected. DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.337213

    Marketing : Business Promotion - Some Thoughts and a Few Case Studies

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    The business is increasingly likely to be a network of strategic partnerships among designers, technology providers, manufacturers, distributors and information specialists. The business will be defined by its customers, not by its products or factories or offices. Further, Marketing can no longer be the sole responsibilities of a few specialists. Rather, everyone in the organisation may be charged with responsibility for understanding customers and contributing to developing and deliver value for them. The organisations that are unable to achieve this focus on customer will either disappear or become highly specialised players, taking strategic direction from the customers. At the corporate and business unit levels, marketing may merge with strategic R & D planning or, more generally, the strategy development function, with shared responsibility for information management, environmental scanning and co-ordination of the network activities. In the present paper, some of the above thoughts have been examined and evaluated considering the existing form of promotional practices exhibited by a few selected R & D laboratories

    The challenge of weather prediction: What makes it difficult? 3. Old and new ways of weather prediction

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    The challenge of weather prediction 1. The basic driving

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