25 research outputs found

    Mortalidad en el servicio de medicina interna. Año 2001. Mortality rate in the service of Internal Medicine. 2001

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    Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo descriptivo de 89 pacientes fallecidos durante el año 2001 en el servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital Universitario "Abel Santamaría" de Pinar del Río. La mayoría de los fallecidos eran personas mayores de 70 años (65,16 %) y del sexo masculino (60,67 %). Las causas de muerte más reportadas fueron la bronconeumonía, la cardiopatía isquémica y los tumores malignos (48, 12 y 9 casos respectivamente). El promedio de estadía hospitalaria previo fue de 6 días, se encontró relación entre los antecedentes patológicos personales de enfermedades crónicas no transmisibles y las principales causas del deceso. En 14 pacientes no existió correlación clínica-patológica. DeCS: BRONCONEUMONIA, CORONARIOPATIA/ epidemiología/ mortalidad, NEOPLASIAS, ANCIANO.ABSTRACTA retrospective descriptive study was carried out in 89 dead patients who died at Internal Medical Department belonging to "Abel Santamaría General Hospital" of Pinar del Río in 2001, being most of them male (60,67 %) over 70 years (65,16 %). The most reported death causes were bronchopneumonia, ischemic heart disease and malignant tumors (48,12 and 9 cases respectively). The previous hospital stay mean lasted 6 days, finding a relationship between the personal pathological antecedents of chronic non - contagious diseases and the principal causes of death. Clinical pathological correlationship was not observed in 14 patients. DeCS: BRONCHONEUMONIA, CORONARY DISEASES/epidemiology, mortality, NEOPLASM, AGED

    Practical considerations for post-silicon debug using backspace

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    With the ever-increasing complexity of integrated circuits, the elimination of all design errors before fabrication is becoming more difficult. This increases the need to find design errors in chips after fabrication. This task, termed post-silicon debug, can be made easier if it is possible to obtain a trace of states that leads to a known state. BackSpace, a proposal for a new debug infrastructure which provides such a trace has been recently presented. BackSpace combines formal analysis with on-chip instrumentation. In this thesis, we show that BackSpace can be made practical by modifying the architecture and debug flow to address the area overhead, and also by addressing on-chip realities such as non-determinism and signal propagation delay. Additionally, this thesis describes a proof-of-concept implementation of a complex processor instrumented with the debug architecture and shows that BackSpace can produce traces hundreds of cycles long. Our results indicate that the area overhead of the breakpoint circuit, a main component of the debug architecture, can be reduced to 5% for our prototype, while still allowing the debug flow to create state-accurate traces.Applied Science, Faculty ofElectrical and Computer Engineering, Department ofGraduat

    Fast CAD for FPGAs

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    As field-programmable gate array (FPGA) capacities continue to increase in lockstep with semiconductor process shrinking, they are being used for increasingly complex applications. However, because FPGAs are bit-level programmable, the task of generating an FPGA implementation from a user's application description is quite complicated. The CAD tools responsible for this are long-running, taking up to a day to generate an FPGA implementation for the largest applications. This thesis presents several approaches to speed-up FPGA CAD tools.The first proposed approach is to parallelize routing, one of the longest running FPGA CAD steps. The second approach is to modify the FPGA architecture such that a coarsened graph representation can be used during the routing stage, which reduces run-time. This approach involves both architectural and algorithmic changes.Next, a fast analytical technique is proposed for the placement stage, another of the longest-running CAD phases. Following that, this thesis proposes that a library of pre-compiled solutions to commonly occurring application fragments be maintained and re-used when possible. Re-using these application fragments leads to a reduction in CAD run-time, since the entire FPGA implementation need not be generated from scratch. Lastly, this thesis presents an approach that can be used to reduce bitwidths, leading to smaller circuits, which reduces CAD complexity and run-time.Ph.D.2016-06-17 00:00:0

    Deterministic multi-core parallel routing for FPGAs

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    Abstract—We consider coarse and fine-grained techniques for parallel FPGA routing on modern multi-core processors. In the coarse-grained approach, sets of design signals are assigned to different processor cores and routed concurrently. Communica-tion between cores is through the MPI (message passing interface) communications protocol. In the fine-grained approach, the task of routing an individual load pin on a signal is parallelized using threads. Specifically, as FPGA routing resources are traversed during maze expansion, delay calculation, costing and priority queue insertion for these resources execute concurrently. The proposed techniques provide deterministic/repeatable results. Moreover, the coarse and fine-grained approaches are not mutu-ally exclusive and can be used in tandem. Results show that on a 4-core processor, the techniques improve router run-time by ∼2.1×, on average, with no significant impact on circuit speed performance or interconnect resource usage. I

    O2 permeability of additively manufactured silicone membranes

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    Silicone is already widely used in biomedical applications thanks to its outstanding properties. Now additive manufacturing (AM) of silicone can achieve submillimeter details and is offered by SpectroPlast AG as a service. AM of silicone is particularly interesting for designs with complex internal structures such as bioreactors or oxygenators where oxygen permeability is important. Therefore, the oxygen permeability of additively manufactured silicone membranes made from TrueSil (SpectroPlast AG) is studied. Measurements are performed with two membrane thicknesses (0.5 and 0.8 mm) and four different Shore hardnesses (20A, 35A, 50A, and 60A) at 15, 20, and 25°C. The oxygen increase due to diffusion through the membrane is recorded In a cup sealed by the membrane. The oxygen permeability decreases with increasing Shore hardness. TrueSil 20A is comparable to ELASTOSIL® Film (Wacker Chemie AG) in terms of oxygen permeability. However, there is a percentage difference of approximately 27% between the measured permeability of ELASTOSIL® and the data from the supplier. Membrane thickness does not affect permeability, but the Shore hardness affects the thickness. Membranes with Shore hardness 20A or 35A are manufactured over 0.1 mm thicker than designed, while for Shore hardness 50A and 60A the deviation from the design is less than 0.04 mm.ISSN:1097-4628ISSN:0021-899

    Effects of dietary protein and carbohydrate on life-history traits and body protein and fat contents of the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens

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    We investigate how the black soldier fly Hermetia illucens L. (Diptera: Stratiomyidae) responds to dietary protein (P) and carbohydrate (C) contents and the P:C ratio in terms of both immature and adult life-history traits, as well as effects on larval body composition. Nine chicken-feed based diets varying in their P:C ratio are formulated. We test three protein concentrations (10%, 17% and 24%) and three carbohydrate concentrations (35%, 45% and 55%) and their combinations. All nine diets support the complete development and reproduction of this species. Survival is high on all diets. Development time, larval yield, larval crude fat and egg yield are more influenced by P and C contents than by the P:C ratio. Low contents result in a shorter development time. Larval yield is higher on diets with higher C-contents. Pupal development is faster on a low dietary P-content for all three C-contents. Egg yield only increases when P-content increases, although it also varies with the P:C ratio. Larval crude protein content is similar on all nine diets but increases when C-content is low (10%) in P10 and P17. Larval crude fat content is high at P24-diets irrespective of C-content. We conclude that a high macronutrient content combined with a low P:C ratio positively affects H. illucens performance. The diet P17:C55 supports the highest larval and adult performance and results in a high larval body protein content and an intermediate crude fat content.</p

    Comportamiento de la fiebre prolongada. Análisis de la decada 1992 - 2001. Behavior of prolonged fever. Analysis of a decade 1992-2001

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo - retrospectivo de 1463 pacientes ingresados con fiebre prolongada en el servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Universitario «Abel Santamaría» de Pinar del Río, en la década transcurrida desde enero de 1992 hasta diciembre del 2001. Se precisaron aspectos epidemiológicos, etiológicos, de diagnóstico y terapéuticos. Encontramos una tasa de incidencia de 18.9 por 100000 habitantes, con predominio del sexo masculino y procedencia rural (904 y 973 pacientes respectivamente). La etiología mas reportada fue la infecciosa (72.53 %), seguida por la fiebre de origen desconocido (15.65 %). Se confirmó el valor de la clínica para el diagnóstico y el uso inadecuado que en ocasiones se hace de los antimicrobianos. DeCS: FIEBRE, FIEBRE DE ORIGEN DESCONOCIDO.ABSTRACT A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out in 1463 patients admitted at Internal Medicine Service of Abel Santamaría General Hospital suffering from prolonged fever from January 1992 - December 2001. The following aspects were specified: epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic ones. An incidence rate of 18.9 by 100000 inhabitants was found, predominating male and rural area (904 and 973 respectively). The most reported etiology was the infectious one (72.53 %) followed by fever of unknown cause (15.65 %). The clinical value for diagnosing was confirmed and the improper use of antibiotics that occasionally are used. DeCS: FEVER, FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGI

    Comportamiento de la fiebre prolongada. Análisis de la decada 1992 - 2001. Behavior of prolonged fever. Analysis of a decade 1992-2001

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    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo - retrospectivo de 1463 pacientes ingresados con fiebre prolongada en el servicio de Medicina Interna del Hospital General Universitario «Abel Santamaría» de Pinar del Río, en la década transcurrida desde enero de 1992 hasta diciembre del 2001. Se precisaron aspectos epidemiológicos, etiológicos, de diagnóstico y terapéuticos. Encontramos una tasa de incidencia de 18.9 por 100000 habitantes, con predominio del sexo masculino y procedencia rural (904 y 973 pacientes respectivamente). La etiología mas reportada fue la infecciosa (72.53 %), seguida por la fiebre de origen desconocido (15.65 %). Se confirmó el valor de la clínica para el diagnóstico y el uso inadecuado que en ocasiones se hace de los antimicrobianos. DeCS: FIEBRE, FIEBRE DE ORIGEN DESCONOCIDO.ABSTRACT A descriptive and retrospective study was carried out in 1463 patients admitted at Internal Medicine Service of Abel Santamaría General Hospital suffering from prolonged fever from January 1992 - December 2001. The following aspects were specified: epidemiological, diagnostic and therapeutic ones. An incidence rate of 18.9 by 100000 inhabitants was found, predominating male and rural area (904 and 973 respectively). The most reported etiology was the infectious one (72.53 %) followed by fever of unknown cause (15.65 %). The clinical value for diagnosing was confirmed and the improper use of antibiotics that occasionally are used. DeCS: FEVER, FEVER OF UNKNOWN ORIGI