24 research outputs found

    Emozioak erregulatzea

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    The emotions sometimes help us to achieve the well-being and sometimes prevent us from achieving our goals; therefore, we constantly strive to regulate the emotions that bring us unhappiness. Several strategies to regulate emotions are used; some of these strategies are applied before the emotion appears, and others are applied after the emotion has arisen; some of these strategies are more effective than others, but there is no strategy that is effective in all situations. Some strategies are more appropriate in certain situations and other strategies are more appropriate in other situations; therefore, we have to choose flexibly strategies to regulate emotions. In this article we will analyze the following aspects of emotional regulation: men and women have different abilities to regulate emotions;children learn throughout their evolutionary development to regulate emotions in an increasingly autonomous manner; this development is linked to the security of attachment and characteristics of personality; affect regulation is related to the functioning of the brain (cortex and amygdale); inability to regulate emotions is related to psychopathology; the level of awareness and reflective capacity are related to resilience; people can regulate emotions consciously or automatically; ideals and obligations of persons play an important role in regulating emotions properly; sharing emotions with others is good to regulate them properly; emotions are not regulated in the same way in different cultures

    Asociación entre el bullying, la ansiedad y la depresión en la infancia y la adolescencia: el efecto mediador de la autoestima

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    [EN] Bullying is a serious psychosocial problem that impacts negatively on victims, and it is one of the main risk factors for the development of psychological problems and psychopathological symptoms in childhood, adolescence, and adulthood. This study analyzes the mediating effect of self-esteem on the relationship between bullying victimization and the development of anxiety and depressive symptoms. The sample comprised 550 children and adolescents (56.5% women) aged between 10 and 17 years (M = 12.20, SD = 1.75) from the Basque Country, each of whom completed a battery of instruments consisting of a sociodemographic variables data sheet, a questionnaire for evaluating peer victimization, the Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale, and the Educational-Clinical Questionnaire: Anxiety and Depression. Results from structural equation modeling indicated that bullying victimization is a risk factor for developing anxiety and depression in childhood and adolescence, and also that the relationship between bullying victimization and these two emotional problems is mediated by self-esteem. This mediating effect of self-esteem is especially important in the case of depression, insofar as the effect of bullying victimization on depression is greater when mediated by self-esteem. The implications of the results are discussed, both for the field of educational psychology and in relation to the psychological wellbeing of children and adolescents.[ES] El bullying constituye un problema psicosocial muy grave que conlleva consecuencias negativas, siendo uno de los principales factores de riesgo para el desarrollo de problemas psicológicos y sintomatología psicopatológica tanto en la niñez y la adolescencia como en la edad adulta. En el presente estudio se pretende analizar el efecto mediador de la autoestima en la relación entre padecer acoso y desarrollar síntomas ansiosos y depresivos. Han participado 550 niños y niñas y adolescentes (56.5% mujeres) de entre 10 y 17 años (M = 12.20, DT = 1.75) de la Comunidad Autónoma del País Vasco, que han cumplimentado una batería de instrumentos compuesta por un cuestionario de variables sociodemográficas, un cuestionario para la evaluación de la victimización escolar, la escala para la medición de la autoestima de Rosenberg y el cuestionario Educativo-Clínico: Ansiedad y Depresión. Los resultados de los modelos de ecuaciones estructurales reflejan, por un lado, que sufrir bullying es un factor de riesgo para desarrollar ansiedad y depresión en la niñez y en la adolescencia. Por otro lado, confirman que la autoestima es una variable que media la relación entre el bullying y ambos problemas emocionales. Esta acción mediadora de la autoestima resulta de gran relevancia en el caso de la depresión, dado que el efecto que tiene el bullying sobre la depresión aumenta cuando está mediatizado por la autoestima. Se discuten las implicaciones de los resultados, tanto en el ámbito de la psicología educativa, como en el ámbito del bienestar psicológico de niños y niñas y adolescentes

    Adorea, Filosofiatik Psikologiara

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    The philosophical representations of courage and its components have varied throughout history, depending on the authors, the historical epoch and the cultural context. In this article, we will first make a historical tour through different representations of courage from Greek Antiquity to the Contemporary Age. We will point out the features of courage according to representative authors of the different periods: the exposure to the public of the Homeric hero; the intellectualization of the Socratic and Platonic courage; the return to the military vision of courage by Aristotle; the work and humility ethics of the first Christians; the courage in the solitary confrontation to death in the Middle Ages; the disappearance of the construct of courage and the predominance of the combination of mercantile interests in the Modern Age; the rejection of the theory of the middle term by Machiavelli; the vitalist conception of the courage in Spinoza; the courage for the free use of intelligence in Kant; the courage to overcome mediocrity in Nietzsche; the courage to overcome anxiety in the face of non-being and change in Tillich; the courage to act freely and overcome the excessive attachment to life in Arendt; and the courage to speak the truth despite the opposition of influential people in Foucault. Next, we will carry out a brief review of some psychological definitions of courage and establish its fundamental components. Finally, based on the revision of the philosophical theories, we will suggest the incorporation of new components to the psychological definition of courage.; Adorearen eta haren osagaien errepresentazioek aldaketak izan dituzte historian zehar, egileen, aro historikoaren eta kultur testuinguruaren arabera. Artikulu honetan, lehenik, adorearen errepresentazioen ibilbide historikoa egingo dugu, Greziako Antzinatetik hasi eta Aro Garaikidera arte. Garai ezberdinetako pentsalariek adoreaz emandako deskribapenak agertuko ditugu: heroia jendaurrean bere adorea erakusten, Homeroren arabera; adorearen intelektualizazioa, Sokrates eta Platonen arabera; eremu militarrerako itzulera, Aristotelesen arabera; lanaren eta apaltasunaren etika lehenengo kristauengan; heriotzari bakardadean aurre egiten dion Erdi Aroko adorea; adorearen konstruktuaren desagerpena eta merkataritza-interesen konbinazioaren nagusitasuna, Aro Modernoan; Aristotelesen erdibidearen teoriaren baztertzea, Makiavelorengan; adorearen ikuspegi bitalista, Spinozarengan; adimena askeki erabiltzeko adorea, Kantengan; kaskarkeria gainditzeko adorea, Nietzscherengan; ez-izatearen eta aldaketaren aurrean sortzen den barne-herstura gainditzeko adorea, Tillichengan; modu askean jokatzeko eta bizitzarekiko atxikimendu handiegia gainditzeko adorea, Arendtengan; eta ezberdin pentsatzen duten pertsona boteretsuen aurrean egia esateko adorea, Foucaultengan. Ondoren, adorearen definizio psikologiko batzuk berrikusiko ditugu eta haien osagai nagusiak zein diren ikusiko dugu. Azkenik, teoria filosofikoetan oinarrituta, adorearen definizio psikologikoan beste osagai batzuk sartzea iradokiko dugu

    Adolf Hitlerren bereizgarri psikopatologikoak, Bigarren Mundu Gerra eta Holokaustoa

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    The character and personality of Adolf Hitler creates a great fascination among his adepts, among his enemies, and among people in general. Although there are a series of socio-historical factors that contribute to the emergence and flourishing of fascist or anti-Semitic feelings and attitudes, the influence the personality of leading figures like Hitler has on the organization and evolution of the National Socialism and the Second World War cannot be denied. In this article we place the figure of Adolf Hitler in the context of the events that occurred in Germany in the first half of the twentieth century. We analyze the crucial contributions made by Hitler to the development of World War II, anti-Semitism and the Final Solution. Hitler's psychopathological traits (paranoia, narcissism, somatization, hysteria, masochism, sadism, procrastination) had a significant influence on the development of his leadership, in the conquest of power by the Nazis, in the instigation of anti-Semitism and in the development of the Second World War. We can say that without Hitler the Holocaust would not have been what it was

    Nortasumaren nahaste saiheskaria eta Arthur Schopenhauer

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the avoidant personality disorder and to analyse the avoidant profile of Arthur Schopenhauer. We begin the paper with the description of the behavior, relationships, cognitive style, affectivity and self-concept of people suffering from avoidant personality disorder. Such pattem is characterized by hypersensitivity to be rejected by others, resulting in avoidance of social situations in which he/she may feel rejected. He/she maintains the desire of clase relationships but avoids relationships with people who do not show unconditional acceptance in order to avoid negative emotions. He/she isn't isolated for being affectively cold, but because he/s he is anxious. After describing the pattem that characterizes avoidant personality disorder, we analyze the possible causes of and the factors influencing the development of the disorder. We show the criteria used for the diagnosis as well as the aims that are set and the therapies that are implemented for its treatment. Finally, we analyse the personality of such a relevant philosopher as Schopenhauer, who might have suffered from this disorder. We provide data of his biography and philosophy and we end the paper describing his psychological profile

    Nortasumaren nahaste saiheskaria eta Arthur Schopenhauer

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the avoidant personality disorder and to analyse the avoidant profile of Arthur Schopenhauer. We begin the paper with the description of the behavior, relationships, cognitive style, affectivity and self-concept of people suffering from avoidant personality disorder. Such pattem is characterized by hypersensitivity to be rejected by others, resulting in avoidance of social situations in which he/she may feel rejected. He/she maintains the desire of clase relationships but avoids relationships with people who do not show unconditional acceptance in order to avoid negative emotions. He/she isn't isolated for being affectively cold, but because he/s he is anxious. After describing the pattem that characterizes avoidant personality disorder, we analyze the possible causes of and the factors influencing the development of the disorder. We show the criteria used for the diagnosis as well as the aims that are set and the therapies that are implemented for its treatment. Finally, we analyse the personality of such a relevant philosopher as Schopenhauer, who might have suffered from this disorder. We provide data of his biography and philosophy and we end the paper describing his psychological profile

    Short version of CaMir questionnaire (CaMir-R) to assess attachment

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    The CaMir is a questionnaire aimed at measuring attachment cognitions. It is based on subjects' evaluations of past and present attachment experiences and family functioning. It is a widely used tool both in research and in clinical settings. The aim of this study was to develop a short version of CaMir in Spanish (CaMir-R) and to obtain evidence about its validity and reliability in a sample of 676 adolescents (364 female and 312 male) belonging to different groups (clinical, maltreated, and community samples) with an age range between 13 and 19 years (M = 15.62, SD = 1.49). We examined its internal structure, convergent, and decision validity, the relationship between its dimensions and psychopathological symptoms, as well as its internal consistency and temporal stability. The CaMir-R included 7 factors whose internal consistency indexes ranged between 0.60 and 0.85. With the exception of the «Parental Permissiveness» dimension, which did not show good reliability, the results suggest that the CaMir-R provides a valid and reliable assessment of attachment representations and of the conception of family functioning. El CaMir es un cuestionario que mide las representaciones de apego. Se fundamenta en las evaluaciones que realiza el sujeto sobre las experiencias de apego pasadas y presentes y sobre el funcionamiento familiar. Es un instrumento ampliamente utilizado tanto en el ámbito de la investigación como en el ámbito clínico. El objetivo del presente estudio consistió en desarrollar una versión reducida del CaMir en lengua castellana (CaMir-R) y en obtener evidencias acerca de su validez y de su fiabilidad en una muestra de 676 adolescentes (364 mujeres y 312 varones) pertenecientes a distintos colectivos (muestra clínica, muestra de maltratados y muestra comunitaria) con un rango de edad que oscilaba entre 13 y 19 años (M= 15,62; SD= 1,49). Se examinó su estructura interna, su validez convergente y de decisión, la relación entre sus dimensiones y los síntomas psicopatológicos, así como su consistencia interna y su estabilidad temporal. Se obtuvieron 7 dimensiones, cuyos índices de consistencia interna oscilaron entre 0,60 y 0,85. Exceptuando la dimensión de «Permisividad parental», que no mostró una buena fiabilidad, los resultados sugieren que el CaMir-R permite evaluar las representaciones de apego y la concepción acerca del funcionamiento familiar de forma válida y fiable.La presente investigación ha recibido fi nanciación del Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (PSI2009-07280), de la Excma. Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa y la Unión Europea (fondos FEDER) en el marco del Programa «Red Guipuzcoana de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación » (OF94/2008) y del Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la UPV/EHU (Subvenciones a Grupos de Investigación, GIU08/09)

    Nortasun nartzisistaren nahastea eta Salvador Dalí

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    The aim of this paper is to describe the narcissistic disorder of personality and to anaLyze the psychoLogicaL profiLe of SaLvador DaLí. At the beginning of the articLe we have described the traits of peopLe who have a narcissistic disorder. They have grandiose fantasies of fame and use strategies to distort and deny the information that goes against their image of perfection. Narcissists believe they are admired and accepted by their skiLLs and speciaL quaLities, and wiLL be rejected ifthey exhibit normaL traits. Their concem is to achieve success in the professionaL and emotionaL fieLd. They think they are speciaL and unique, they are not like others and they deserve a speciaL treatment. They think the ruLes are made for normaL peopLe and they are an exception. They manipuLate others to achieve their goaLs. From the emotionaL point of view, they show no empathy. After anaLyzing the profiLe of narcissistic disorder, we have studied the causes and factors of its deveLopment and we have exposed the criteria for the differentiaL diagnosis of narcissistic disorder. FinaL/y, we have anaLyzed the personaLity of SaLvador DaLi, reLevant surreaList artist, who might have suffered from this disorder. We have provided information to know the biography ofthe painter and we have finished with the description of his psychoLogicaL profiLe

    Fobia soziala

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    The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of social phobia. We describe the main characteristics of people with social phobia, explain the types of social phobia and show the frequency of this psychological disorder in the population. Furthermore, we show the differences between social phobia and some disorders that have similarities with it, we mention the causes that may lead to social phobia and analyze both the development and treatment of this disorder. Finally, we analyze the possible role of teachers, both for early detection of social phobia and for treatment, and give some recommendations for intervention with children and youthEl objetivo de este artículo es proporcionar información general sobre la fobia social. A lo largo del trabajo se describen las características principales de las personas que padecen fobia social, se diferencian los tipos de fobia social y se muestra la frecuencia de ese trastorno psicológico en la población. Además, se diferencian la fobia social y algunos trastornos que tienen similitudes con ella, se mencionan las causas que pueden provocar la fobia social y se analizan tanto el desarrollo como el tratamiento de este trastorno. Finalmente, se analiza la posible actuación de los profesores, tanto para la detección precoz de la fobia social como para su tratamiento, y se dan algunas recomendaciones para la intervención con niños y jóvenes. 

    Fobia soziala

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