709 research outputs found

    Photoperiodism in Hamsters: Abrupt Versus Gradual Changes in Day Length Differentially Entrain Morning and Evening Circadian Oscillators

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    In studies of photoperiodism, animals typically are transferred abruptly from a long (e.g., 16 h light per day [16L]) to a short (8L) photoperiod, and circadian oscillators that regulate pineal melatonin secretion are presumed to reentrain rapidly to the new photocycle. Among rats and Siberian hamsters, however, reentrainment rates vary depending on whether additional darkness is added to morning or evening, and a subset of hamsters (nonresponders) fails ever to reentrain normally to short photoperiods. The authors assessed whether several short-day responses occurred at different rates when darkness was extended into morning versus evening hours and the effectiveness of abrupt versus gradual shortening in day lengths (DLs). Entrainment patterns of photoresponsive hamsters also were compared to those of photononresponsive hamsters. Responsive hamsters transferred on a single day from 16L to 8L underwent more rapid gonadal regression, weight loss, decreases in follicle-stimulating hormone titers, and expansion of nocturnal locomotor activity when darkness was added to morning versus evening. When the dark phase was extended gradually by 8 h over 16 weeks, short-day responses occurred at the same rate whether darkness was appended to morning or evening or was added symmetrically. Darkness added to evening promoted more rapid short-day responses when it was added gradually rather than abruptly, despite the fact that average DLs were significantly shorter for the latter group. Among nonresponders, morning extensions of darkness transiently increased activity duration, whereas evening extensions did not. Gradual and abrupt decreases in DL differentially affect entrainment of evening and morning circadian oscillators. The authors argue for the incorporation of simulated natural photoperiods in studies of photoperiodism.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/66702/2/10.1177_074873049701200204.pd

    Enhancement of L-Dopa Incorporation into Melanoma by Dopa Decarboxylase Inhibition

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    Melanoma cells possess a special biochemical pathway for the conversion of L-dopa to melanin. Selective incorporation of exogenous L-dopa into melanoma cells in vivo has been limited by extensive decarboxylation to dopamine. Pretreatment of animals bearing the S-91 Cloudman or ACI melanomas with Ro4-4602, a potent dopa decarboxylase inhibitor limited incorporation of label into adrenal tissue and enhanced entry of label into tumor. Six hours following pretreatment, the ratio of tumor to adrenal specific activities was altered from 0.25 to 1.5 for the S-91 melanoma and 0.68 to 1.99 for the ACI melanoma indicating diversion of metabolism away from catecholamine formation. The possibility of a selective diagnostic and/or therapeutic approach is proposed

    Melatonin Chimeras Alter Reproductive Development and Photorefractoriness in Siberian Hamsters

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    Nightly melatonin (MEL) durations > 8 h provoke gonadal regression and decreases in body mass, whereas signals < 7 h stimulate gonadal and somatic growth in male Siberian hamsters. The authors sought to determine the minimum frequency of short MEL signals sufficient to induce the long-day phenotype in several photoperiodic traits. D,L-propranolol (hereafter propranolol) injections shortened MEL signals on the night of treatment without altering MEL on the subsequent night; this permitted interpolation of short MEL signals at variable frequencies against a background of long MEL signals (chimeras). Hamsters kept in short days (10 h light/day, 10L) were injected with propranolol 6 h after dark onset for 28 consecutive weeks beginning at 30 days of age (Week 0) either every other day or once every 3, 6, or 9 days. Control animals were injected with saline or with propranolol during the light phase or were transferred to long days (16L) at Week 0. Hamsters in 16L underwent rapid gonadal development and increases in body mass and displayed summer pelage color, as did hamsters treated with propranolol every other day. Animals treated with propranolol less frequently than every other day uniformly maintained undeveloped gonads and winter-like body weights, but pelage color becameproportionately darker with increased frequency of propranolol treatments. The onset of spontaneous testicular development in 10L was unaffected by propranolol injections. After termination of injections at Week 28, testicular regression was not observed in most 10L animals that previously had undergone spontaneous testicular development; however, 40% of hamsters that had been injected with propranolol every 3rd night did manifest the winter phenotype after Week 28. In an alternating sequence, short MEL signals completely override long signals and induce the summer phenotype. Threshold frequencies differ for MEL stimulation of long-day pelage and gonadal phenotypes. The timing and development of refractoriness to MEL does not depend in any simple manner on the number of long MEL signals or on the accumulation of a reaction product produced by long, and depleted by short, MEL signals.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/67291/2/10.1177_074873098129000345.pd

    Fluorescence spectroscopy and imaging of myocardial apoptosis

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    Fluorometry is used to detect intrinsic flavoprotein (FP) and nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide NADH signals in an open-chest rabbit model of myocardial ischemia-reperfusion injury. Myocyte apoptosis has been shown clinically to contribute to infarct size following reperfusion of ischemic myocardium. A noninvasive means of assessing apoptosis in this setting would aid in the treatment of subsequent ventricular remodeling. We show that in vivo fluorometry can be useful in apoptosis detection in open-chest surgeries. Specific changes in myocardial redox states have been shown to indicate the presence of apoptosis. Two main mitochondrial intrinsic fluorophores, NADH and FP signals, were measured during normoxia, ischemia, and reperfusion experimental protocol. Ischemia was induced by occlusion of the largest branch of the circumflex coronary artery and fluorescence signals are collected by applying two different fluorescence techniques: in vivo fluorometry and postmortem cryoimaging. The first technique was employed to detect FP and NADH signals in vivo and the latter technique uses freeze trapping and lowtemperature fluorescence imaging. The heart is snap frozen while still in the chest cavity to make a snapshot of the metabolic state of the tissue. After freezing, the ischemic area and its surrounding border zone were excised and the sample was embedded in a frozen buffer for cryoscanning. These two data sets, in vivo fluorometry and low temperature redox scanning, show consistent extreme oxidation of the mitochondrial redox states (higher redox ratio) suggesting the initiation of apoptosis following reperfusion. This represents the first attempt to assess myocyte apoptosis in the beating heart

    Influence of photoperiod and running wheel access on the entrainment of split circadian rhythms in hamsters

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    BACKGROUND: In the laboratory, behavioral and physiological states of nocturnal rodents alternate, with a period near 24 h, between those appropriate for the night (e.g., elevated wheel-running activity and high melatonin secretion) and for the day (e.g., rest and low melatonin secretion). Under appropriate 24 h light:dark:light:dark conditions, however, rodents may be readily induced to express bimodal rest/activity cycles that reflect a global temporal reorganization of the central neural pacemaker in the hypothalamus. We examine here how the relative length of the light and dark phases of the environmental cycle influences this rhythm splitting and the necessity of a running wheel for expression of this entrainment condition. RESULTS: Rhythm splitting was observed in wheel-running and general locomotion of Siberian and Syrian hamsters. The latter also manifest split rhythms in body temperature. Access to a running wheel was necessary neither for the induction nor maintenance of this entrainment pattern. While rhythms were only transiently split in many animals with two 5 h nights, the incidence of splitting was greater with twice daily nights of shorter duration. Removal of running wheels altered the body temperature rhythm but did not eliminate its clear bimodality. CONCLUSION: The expression of entrained, split circadian rhythms exhibits no strict dependence on access to a running wheel, but can be facilitated by manipulation of ambient lighting conditions. These circadian entrainment patterns may be of therapeutic value to human shift-workers and others facing chronobiological challenges

    In-vivo heterogeneous functional and residual strains in human aortic valve leaflets

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    Residual and physiological functional strains in soft tissues are known to play an important role in modulating organ stress distributions. Yet, no known comprehensive information on residual strains exist, or non-invasive techniques to quantify in-vivo deformations for the aortic valve (AV) leaflets. Herein we present a completely non-invasive approach for determining heterogeneous strains – both functional and residual – in semilunar valves and apply it to normal human AV leaflets. Transesophageal 3D echocardiographic (3DE) images of the AV were acquired from open-heart transplant patients, with each AV leaflet excised after heart explant and then imaged in a flattened configuration ex-vivo. Using an established spline parameterization of both 3DE segmentations and digitized ex-vivo images (Aggarwal et al., 2014), surface strains were calculated for deformation between the ex-vivo and three in-vivo configurations: fully open, just-coapted, and fully-loaded. Results indicated that leaflet area increased by an average of 20% from the ex-vivo to in-vivo open states, with a highly heterogeneous strain field. The increase in area from open to just-coapted state was the highest at an average of 25%, while that from just-coapted to fully-loaded remained almost unaltered. Going from the ex-vivo to in-vivo mid-systole configurations, the leaflet area near the basal attachment shrank slightly, whereas the free edge expanded by ~10%. This was accompanied by a 10° −20° shear along the circumferential-radial direction. Moreover, the principal stretches aligned approximately with the circumferential and radial directions for all cases, with the highest stretch being along the radial direction. Collectively, these results indicated that even though the AV did not support any measurable pressure gradient in the just-coapted state, the leaflets were significantly pre-strained with respect to the excised state. Furthermore, the collagen fibers of the leaflet were almost fully recruited in the just-coapted state, making the leaflet very stiff with marginal deformation under full pressure. Lastly, the deformation was always higher in the radial direction and lower along the circumferential one, the latter direction made stiffer by the preferential alignment of collagen fibers. These results provide significant insight into the distribution of residual strains and the in-vivo strains encountered during valve opening and closing in AV leaflets, and will form an important component of the tool that can evaluate valve׳s functional properties in a non-invasive manner

    Efficacy of a T Cell-Biased Adenovirus Vector as a Zika Virus Vaccine

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    Zika virus (ZIKV) is a major public health concern due to the risk of congenital Zika syndrome in developing fetuses and Guillain-Barre syndrome in adults. Currently, there are no approved vaccines available to protect against infection. Adenoviruses are safe and highly immunogenic vaccine vectors capable of inducing lasting humoral and cellular immune responses. Here, we developed two Adenovirus (Ad) vectored Zika virus vaccines by inserting a ZIKV prM-E gene expression cassette into human Ad types 4 (Ad4-prM-E) and 5 (Ad5-prM-E). Immune correlates indicate that Ad5-prM-E vaccination induces both an anti-ZIKV antibody and T-cell responses whereas Ad4-prM-E vaccination only induces a T-cell response. In a highly lethal challenge in an interferon α/β receptor knockout mice, 80% of Ad5 vaccinated animals and 33% of Ad4 vaccinated animals survived a lethal ZIKV challenge, whereas no animals in the sham vaccinated group survived. In an infection model utilizing immunocompetent C57BL/6 mice that were immunized and then treated with a blocking anti-IFNAR-1 antibody immediately before ZIKV challenge, 100% of Ad4-prM-E and Ad5-prM-E vaccinated mice survived. This indicates that Ad4-prM-E vaccination is protective without the development of detectable anti-ZIKV antibodies. The protection seen in these highly lethal mouse models demonstrate the efficacy of Ad vectored vaccines for use against ZIKV

    Intra-Arterial Combination Therapy for Experimental Acute Ischemic Stroke

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    Acute ischemic stroke continues to devastate millions of individuals worldwide. Current treatments work to restore blood flow but not rescue affected tissue. Our goal was to develop a combination of neuroprotective agents administered intra-arterially following recanalization to target ischemic tissue. Using C57Bl/6J male mice, we performed tandem transient ipsilateral middle cerebral/common carotid artery occlusion, followed by immediate intra-arterial pharmacotherapy administration through a standardized protocol. Two pharmacotherapy agents, verapamil and lubeluzole, were selected based on their potential to modulate different aspects of the ischemic cascade; verapamil, a calcium channel blocker, works in an acute fashion blocking L-type calcium channels, whereas lubeluzole, an N-methyl-D-aspartate modulator, works in a delayed fashion blocking intracellular glutamate trafficking. We hypothesized that combination therapy would provide complimentary and potentially synergistic benefit treating brain tissue undergoing various stages of injury. Physiological measurements for heart rate and pulse distention (blood pressure) demonstrated no detrimental effects between groups, suggesting that the combination drug administration is safe. Tissue analysis demonstrated a significant difference between combination and control (saline) groups in infarct volume, neuronal health, and astrogliosis. Although a significant difference in functional outcome was not observed, we did note that the combination treatment group had a greater percent change from baseline in forced motor movement as compared with controls. This study demonstrates the safety and feasibility of intra-arterial combination therapy following successful recanalization and warrants further study

    Ultrathin Stable Ohmic Contacts for High-Temperature Operation of β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3 Devices

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    Beta gallium oxide (β\beta-Ga2_2O3_3) shows significant promise in the high-temperature, high-power, and sensing electronics applications. However, long-term stable metallization layers for Ohmic contacts at high temperature present unique thermodynamic challenges. The current most common Ohmic contact design based on 20 nm of Ti has been repeatedly demonstrated to fail at even moderately elevated temperatures (300-400∘^{\circ}C) due to a combination of non-stoichiometric Ti/Ga2_2O3_3 interfacial reactions and kinetically favored Ti diffusion processes. Here we demonstrate stable Ohmic contacts for Ga2_2O3_3 devices operating up to 500-600∘^{\circ}C using ultrathin Ti layers with a self-limiting interfacial reaction. The ultrathin Ti layer in the 5nm Ti / 100nm Au contact stack is designed to fully oxidize while forming an Ohmic contact, thereby limiting both thermodynamic and kinetic instability. This novel contact design strategy results in an epitaxial conductive anatase titanium oxide interface layer that enables low-resistance Ohmic contacts that are stable both under long-term continuous operation (>500 hours) at 600∘^{\circ}C in vacuum (≤\leq 10−4^{-4} Torr), as well as after repeated thermal cycling (15 times) between room temperature and 550∘^{\circ}C in flowing N2_2. This stable Ohmic contact design will accelerate the development of high-temperature devices by enabling research focus to shift towards rectifying contacts and other interfacial layers.Comment: 25 Pages, 7 Figure

    Convective Fingering of an Autocatalytic Reaction Front

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    We report experimental observations of the convection-driven fingering instability of an iodate-arsenous acid chemical reaction front. The front propagated upward in a vertical slab; the thickness of the slab was varied to control the degree of instability. We observed the onset and subsequent nonlinear evolution of the fingers, which were made visible by a {\it p}H indicator. We measured the spacing of the fingers during their initial stages and compared this to the wavelength of the fastest growing linear mode predicted by the stability analysis of Huang {\it et. al.} [{\it Phys. Rev. E}, {\bf 48}, 4378 (1993), and unpublished]. We find agreement with the thickness dependence predicted by the theory.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex with 3 eps figures. To be published in Phys Rev E, [email protected], [email protected], [email protected]
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