2 research outputs found

    Emergency and critical care professionals' opinion on escape room as a health sciences evaluation game: A cross-sectional descriptive study

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    New teaching and evaluation methods are growing in health sciences. The escape room is a game that is showing benefits for assessing knowledge and important competencies in healthcare professionals. The aim of this study is to analyse the opinion of emergency and critical care professionals on the use of escape rooms as an evaluation game.A quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted using an ad-hoc questionnaire with a Likert-type scale. The study included emergency and critical care professionals who participated in the escape room "The Frustrated Emergency and Critical Care Professional," that took place during an emergency and critical care national congress. Data collection was carried out in June 2019.The sample was composed of n = 50 emergency and critical care professionals, 52% of whom were physicians and 48% were nurses. Professionals believe that this is a good teaching game for evaluation and useful for strengthen knowledge (4.7 points), as well as to improve teamwork and the ability to work under pressure (4.9).The escape room is a useful evaluation game in the context of emergency and critical care units that also allows training the teamwork and working under pressure competencies.The authors want to thank SEMES for the opportunity of developing and executing the escape room during their congress

    Los hangouts y v铆deos cortos como recurso e-learning para el aprendizaje informal en una sociedad cient铆fica

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    Proyecto de innovaci贸n formativa en el seno de una sociedad cient铆fica multidisciplinar relacionada con las urgencias y emergencias mediante el dise帽o, implementaci贸n y evaluaci贸n de materiales did谩cticos en formato audiovisual que permitan el aprendizaje sincr贸nico y asincr贸nico a trav茅s del uso de las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC). Los resultados demuestran que el proyecto puede tener un gran impacto en el futuro siempre y cuando se realice una mayor inversi贸n en recursos materiales y humanos.Projecte d'innovaci贸 formativa en el si d'una societat cient铆fica multidisciplinar relacionada amb les urg猫ncies i emerg猫ncies mitjan莽ant el disseny, implementaci贸 i avaluaci贸 de materials did脿ctics en format audiovisual que permetin l'aprenentatge sincr貌nic i asincr貌nic a trav茅s de l'煤s de les tecnologies de la informaci贸 i la comunicaci贸 (TIC). Els resultats demostren que el projecte pot tenir un gran impacte en el futur sempre que es realitzi una major inversi贸 en recursos materials i humans.Master thesis for the Education and ICT (e-learning) program